Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2069 Outsmart Lu Longsai

Chapter 2069 Outsmart Lu Longsai
Chapter 2067: Outsmarting Lulong Sai
Under Zhang Yi's quick wit, he dealt with this crisis of trust.

Seeing that Aguda didn't doubt him, Zhang Yi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly warned himself that no matter what he said in the future, he must think about it, and he must not be so careless like this time.

On the other hand, Gongsun Xuanyuan, who held the distribution map of the Qing army in Liaodong, chose to walk along the road where there was no Qing army stationed. In addition, A Guda deliberately covered him. Naturally, there is no risk of exposure in Liaodong.

After three days of rapid march, Xuanyuan's [-] troops fled into Montenegro without any risk, temporarily getting rid of the risk of exposure, and this also made Aguda heave a sigh of relief.

After entering Montenegro, there are mountains to cover them. The Qin army does not need to be as cautious as before, but the road is several times more difficult than before. In addition, there is still fog and miasma in the forest, which also greatly increases the risk of the army getting lost. Increase.

If it weren't for Gongsun Xuanyuan, the Qin army might not be able to reach Lulongsai even after walking for a month. Under the leadership of Gongsun Xuanyuan, the Qin army only took ten days to cross half of Liaoxi County and arrive at Lin Yu County.

"It's finally out of the mountain. This battle is really hard work."

Jia Fu complained with an anxious look on his face: "Since I joined the army, I have experienced hundreds of battles, big and small. I have never been like this time. I went to sea by boat and went deep into the wilderness and old forest."

"Is this unbearable? In the Battle of Hetao, the two generals Huo Long led a lone army deep into the grassland. They were chased and killed by the people of Yuan and Meng, but they fought thousands of miles away and returned victorious.

Although the situation we are facing now is bad, it is completely insignificant compared with them. At least there is no Qing army chasing us. "Sun Lingming said.

At that time, Canming had not yet been incorporated into the Qin army, but because Sun Lingming's immediate superior, Si Longqi, was among the participants, he was particularly impressed by this matter. Every time he mentioned it, he couldn't help feeling excited, and regretted that he should have gone with him. .

Jia Fu and Sun Lingming often quarreled, and basically Jia Fu had the upper hand, but this time Jia Fu rarely refuted, because Sun Lingming was right, compared with Huo Qubing and Long Qie's Feng Lang Juxu , their hard work is really nothing.

Linyu County is next to Feiru County, which is the closest county to Lulongsai besides Feiru in western Liaoning. However, Gongsun Xuanyuan did not choose to leave the mountain at the border of Lulong, but Linyu, the reason is only because of the Qin army's attack. Food and grass are running out.

The Qin army who landed had a full [-] troops. Although they carried a large amount of food and grass after disembarking, ordnance was also a must-have, and it accounted for a large proportion.

Now the Qin army only has two days of rations left. If there is no food and grass supply within two days, the Qin army will fall into a situation of food shortage, and it will collapse on its own without the Qing army coming over.

But if they attack Linyu to obtain military rations, the Qin army will also be exposed to the Qing army, and the previous concealment will lose its meaning.

What Qin Jun is facing now seems to be an unsolvable dead end, no matter which one he chooses, it is not pleasing, but this is obviously not the case.

After Gongsun Xuanyuan led the army out of Black Mountain and entered the boundary of Linyu County, he did not directly send troops to attack the empty Linyu County. Instead, he led three thousand soldiers and horses, took all the carriages, and came to a place dozens of miles outside the county. The abandoned manor, and here is the military ration Qin Hao prepared for him in advance.

"General, I found it."

Zhang Han ran over excitedly, and reported: "The village is full of food and grass, roughly estimated to be enough for our army for a month."

"Okay, that's great."

Xuanyuan suddenly showed ecstasy. Before seeing this batch of military rations, he couldn't sleep all night, because he was afraid that the rations would not be found when he arrived in Linyu, and eventually the army would collapse on its own due to lack of rations.

Now with this batch of emergency food, the landing army will no longer be in danger of running out of food, and Gongsun Xuanyuan will no longer have any worries.

After a short period of joy, Xuanyuan thought of another important question, that is, how did Qin Hao hide such a large batch of grain and grass in Linyu County, Western Liaoning under Manqing's nose?This is too incredible.

"Could it be that as early as the Liao Kingdom period, Qin Hao was already planning Youzhou and making arrangements for future wars?"

After this idea appeared in Xuanyuan's mind, while he was horrified, he also felt even more in awe of Qin Hao. If this was the case, it would be too terrifying.

Thinking of this moment, Gongsun Xuanyuan suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked Zhang Han calmly, "General Zhang, is the grain and grass here old rice?"

"No, it's all new rice." Zhang Han replied truthfully.


Gongsun Xuanyuan suddenly exclaimed, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he hurriedly stepped forward to randomly check a few bags, and it was indeed new rice as Zhang Han said, and this completely broke his previous speculation.

If it is old rice that has been hoarded for a long time, it proves that Qin Hao has made arrangements in advance and hoarded a large amount of grain and grass in western Liaoning early.

If not, it proves that this is not Qin Hao's plan, but where did the food come from?
Is Qin Jun's undercover agent?But even if you become a high-ranking Manchu Qing, you will definitely not be able to do this.

So the question is, who can have such a great ability to hide so much food and grass in Linyu under the eyes of Manqing?

Why did he help Qin Jun?Why did Qin Hao trust him so much?
Is it...

Thinking of this moment, Gongsun Xuanyuan's scalp became numb and he didn't dare to continue thinking deeply.

It's frightening to think about it carefully, Qin Jun's water is too deep.

"General? General?"

After hearing Zhang Han's shout, Xuanyuan suddenly woke up, absent-mindedly said: "It's okay, it's okay.

Hurry up, carry all the food and grass into the car, move quickly, don't waste time here. "


Three thousand soldiers quickly carried the grain and grass in the manor into the carts, and then headed to Montenegro again under the leadership of Xuanyuan.

It is impossible for Xuanyuan to lead an army of [-] to cross Linyu Feiru two counties in a straight line, that would be tantamount to telling the Qing army that he is coming.

Therefore, if you want to avoid the eyeliner of the Qing army, you still have to go to Montenegro.

What Gongsun Xuanyuan didn't know was that as soon as he left, two men in black came out from the shadows. It was obvious that Xuanyuan's actions were seen by them, and the two were led by Da Yu'er. Spy at the sticky stick.

"Quickly report to the commander that someone in our army colluded with the Qin army, not only leading the Qin army into the west of Liaoxi, but also sending the Qin army food and grass..."

Before the words were finished, someone stabbed the collar of the secret probe from behind, the long knife pierced through the chest, and the person who made the knife was actually another person on the stick.

The leader's eyes were full of disbelief, and he gritted his teeth with difficulty and said, "Third brother, you, you, for, for..."

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm from the Black Ice Terrace."

The man in black said indifferently, then drew his knife decisively, and then stabbed him a few more times.

 One update... Make up for yesterday's guarantee

  Recently, the author is very busy. I don’t even have a weekend break. It’s hard to take care of my work and code words. It’s inevitable that there will be fewer updates. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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