Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2070 Outsmart Lu Longsai

Chapter 2070 Outsmart Lu Longsai
Chapter 2068: Outsmarting Lulong Sai
Now is the time when the princes are fighting for hegemony. On the surface, the armies of various countries are fighting fiercely, but the secret spy war is also extremely exciting.

All countries have their own intelligence organizations, such as: Qin State Black Ice Platform, Tang State Bad People, Shu State University Who He, Wei State School Affairs Office, Song State Imperial City Division, Yuan State Xuanjing Division...etc.

The intelligence organization of the Qing Dynasty is the sticky place, and the leader is Nurhachi's daughter-in-law, Huang Taiji's wife, Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, and Dayuer.

The sticky stick is backed by the power of the Qing Dynasty, and Nurhachi is very willing to give it away. He lacks money to give money, and lacks people to give people. This makes the sticky stick develop extremely rapidly, and it is also among the best among spy organizations in various countries.

However, after the sticky stick extended its tentacles into the Central Plains, it was jointly attacked by Qin's black ice platform and spy organizations from various countries. With its strength greatly reduced, it could only temporarily flee back to Liaodong, and buy some sects and families. Get intelligence.

Although this method has been effective, it is obviously very limited, and it is impossible to obtain heavy-weight information, which suddenly makes the collection of sticky sticks' intelligence into an endless loop.

Seeing that the decisive battle with the Qin army was approaching, the infiltration of the sticky pole into all parts of the Central Plains and all aspects of intelligence work still did not make much progress, which made Nurhachi eager for quick success.

At the beginning of the establishment of the sticking place, in order to ensure the purity of the sticking place, Nurhachi required the recruits to be strictly inspected, but now he wants to personally break the rules set by himself.

Nurhachi gave Dayu'er an order that no matter whether they are of the highest rank or the best of the best, as long as they have the strength, ability, and willingness to serve the Qing Dynasty, they will be recruited at the sticky pole.

Naturally, Da Yuer was strongly opposed to this. She believed that although this move would greatly increase the strength of the stick in a short period of time, it would definitely allow enemy spies to enter the stick, and the intelligence organization is the most important of purity.

Nurhachi naturally knew about Da Yuer's concerns, but he thought that as long as he was careful, he would be able to clear the undercover inside the sticky pole, so he was still stubborn.

After persuading Da Yuer to no avail, he could only follow Nurhachi's order, lower the recruitment threshold at the sticky pole, and spend a lot of money to buy evil masters from the Central Plains.

Under various measures, the strength of the sticky stick has indeed improved, and the intelligence collection ability has risen by more than one level, but it is no longer the pure sticky stick in the past.

After Qin Hao and the princes of Hebei learned the news that the sticky pole had lowered the threshold and recruited people aggressively, it was naturally impossible to let go of this opportunity to send undercover agents to the sticky pole.

When a tenth of an intelligence organization has been infiltrated, the organization is basically dead.

And how ruthless are Qin Hao and the princes of Hebei's infiltration?Nearly one-third of the people at the sticky pole are their undercover agents, and the sticky pole has almost become the Liaodong branch of the major princes.

After that, although Nurhachi cleaned the sticking rod several times, he still failed to pull out all the undercover agents. Instead, he killed many of his own people by mistake, and made people panic inside the sticking rod, and there was a risk of falling apart at any time. I can only give up cleaning temporarily to appease people's hearts.

This is also the main reason why during the Qin-Qing war, the Black Ice Platform moved frequently, but there was no shadow on the sticky pole. After all, the interior is still unstable, so how can it come out to perform tasks?
Nurhachi thought he could play it well, but he obviously played it off this time. Without the sticky stick to provide information, the Qing army was passive everywhere on the Youbeiping battlefield, and had to switch from offense to defense as a last resort.

After giving the order to switch from offense to defense, Nurhachi also issued a strict order that the undercover inside the sticky pole must be removed as soon as possible so that the sticky pole can continue to operate.

In fact, Da Yuer had been secretly investigating for a long time, and soon after receiving the order, he began to execute it, and arrested a large number of undercover agents from Qin, Yan, Zhao, Han and Siguo.

In other words, the three kingdoms of Yan, Zhao, and Han have been wiped out by Qin, but there are still spies lurking inside the Qing Dynasty. Da Yuer really has nothing to say about this.

After clearing out these undercover agents, Da Yuer thought that the inside of the sticky pole was clean, but didn't want to, so he sent a team of spies to carry out the mission, and was intercepted and killed by the Black Ice Platform lurking in western Liaoning again.

Obviously, this is someone leaking inside, and it also shows that the stick is still not clean.

Dare to intercept and kill the people at the sticky pole's base camp, which shows the arrogance of the black ice platform, but Dayu'er has nothing to do about it.


Da Yuer let out a long sigh, and said with a tired face: "The comeback plan has been cancelled."

"But sister, His Majesty wants us to..."

Before Cixi could speak, Da Yuer interrupted: "If you come back before the interior is completely clean, is the information credible?"

"Eh..." Cixi was speechless for a moment.


On the other side, Gongsun Xuanyuan's troops went through another two days of hasty marching, and finally bypassed the two counties of Linyu and Feiru. Although they still did not reach Lulongsai, they arrived at the first destination, Jieshi Road.

"This is Jieshi Road?"

Zhang Han looked up at the terrain of Jieshi Road, and praised: "This place has high mountains, deep streams, steep cliffs, and abrupt peaks. It is really a rare place that is easy to defend.

If a majestic pass is built here, even if the enemy invades ten times more, it will be impossible for one man to guard the pass. "

"Although there is no condition to build a pass now, it is possible to build a stronghold. Although the defense is not as good as Xiongguan, it is more than enough to resist for a period of time."

As he said that, Gongsun Xuanyuan looked at Zhang Han and said with a smile: "Vice General Zhang, I will leave it to you to build a stronghold here to stop the enemy."

Zhang Han hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "I will definitely live up to the general's entrustment."

Gongsun Xuanyuan left behind [-] soldiers and horses, and also left Gongsun He to assist Zhang Han. Before leaving, he said: "If I go here, I can reach Lulongsai in half a day, and I will burn the Xinyue Tower overnight.

With the fire at Lulong, the Qing army in western Liaoning must have learned that although the Qing army is now in the central and eastern part of western Liaoning, at the speed of the Qing army's march, they will definitely be able to reach Jieshi Road within three days.

Therefore, Deputy General Zhang, within three days, you must build Dazhai and prepare for the battle. "

Building a stronghold is actually not difficult. Generally, a marching stronghold can be built in less than a day. The difficulty is to build a strong stronghold that is easy to defend, and it is obviously more difficult to build a strong stronghold in a dangerous place like Jieshi Road.

Zhang Han knew how difficult it was, but he still said confidently: "No!"

Seeing this, Gongsun Xuanyuan nodded in satisfaction, and then led the [-] troops to Lulong, and arrived at Guanxia half a day later.

 Zhou's guarantee yesterday
  To correct some mistakes and omissions in the previous article, change the army that landed in Liaodong from [-] to [-].

  The number of [-] troops is too large, and it is easy to be exposed, while [-] is relatively better.

(End of this chapter)

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