Chapter 2083 Jia Junwen's Hundred Soldiers Raid
Chapter 2081: Raid of Jia Junwen's hundreds of soldiers
"The last general is incompetent. Although Zhang Han was captured, he was driven down by the reinforcements from the Qin army."

Lu Guang knelt in front of Fu Jian on one knee, pleading guilty with shame on his face.

As for Jia Fulin's escape from the battle, Lu Guang naturally didn't say anything. After all, he was also a shameless person, and if this matter was said in public, he might not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

Fu Jian did not punish Lu Guang. After all, he had witnessed the strength of the Qin army's reinforcements. Not to mention Lu Guang, even if he led the army himself, the situation would not be much better than that of Lu Guang.

"Get up, this defeat is not your fault."

After Fu Jian helped Lu Guang up, he turned his head to look at Zhang Han, who was lying on a stretcher and was still in a coma, and asked with a sneer, "Is this the general that stopped my army for half a month?"

"That's right, his name is Zhang Han. He was appointed by Qin Hao as Gongsun Xuanyuan's deputy general. He is one of the newcomers among the generals of the Qin army."

For Zhang Han, Fu Jian could not wait to swallow him alive. He had no personal enmity with Zhang Han, but Zhang Han angered him in this battle.

Zhang Han used [-] soldiers to block his [-] army for half a month on Jieshi Road. If word of this spread, the world would definitely think that he is an incompetent.

In addition, the situation of the Qing army in Youbeiping was already extremely critical, and he, Fu Jian, was dragged here for half a month. God knows what would happen to Youbeiping?

Thinking of this moment, Fu Jian suddenly shuddered, and the murderous intent towards Zhang Han became stronger in his heart.

Fu Jian naturally wanted to kill Zhang Han, but when he thought that his second elder brother Dai Shan was still in the hands of Gongsun Xuanyuan, he could only suppress the killing intent in his heart.

Fu Jian spat thick phlegm in Zhang Han's face viciously to vent his anger, and then said coldly: "Zhang Han, this time he's being taken advantage of.

Take him down for treatment, but don't let him die, and point to using him to exchange prisoners of war with Qin Jun. "

After the soldiers took Zhang Han away, Fu Jian looked up at the camp of the Qin army, thinking about how to capture the camp again with the least cost.

There were as many as [-] Qin troops who came to aid Qin, and there was also a general who was much stronger than Zhang Han. Fortunately, under his offensive regardless of casualties, the Jieshi camp had been beaten to half, and its defense power was greatly reduced. It would be really fatal if it dragged on for half a month.

On the other side, after listening to the stories of the people around him, Jia Fu learned that Zhang Han was captured in a vigorous battle, and that Gongsun He died in exhausted battle.

For this, Jia Fu was both angry and regretful. If he had arrived earlier, he might have been able to save Gongsun He and Zhang Han.

"How many people are left in the camp now?"

"General Qi, there are [-] soldiers in the Jieshi Camp, and now there are [-] left."

Of the original [-] defenders, now there are only [-] left, and more than two-thirds of the soldiers died in battle, which shows how tragic this battle was.

After Jia Fu heard the words, he was silent for a while, and then he said, "The [-] soldiers of the Jieshi Battalion will retreat immediately and return to Lulongsai to stand by, there must be no mistakes."


The remaining [-] soldiers were not only extremely exhausted, but almost all of them were wounded, and had already lost their ability to fight. It was just a burden to stay, so Jia Fu asked them to retreat to Lulong to rest.

Although Lu Long was also facing Huang Taiji's [-] army, but Gongsun Xuanyuan had Lu Longsai in his hands, relying on the natural dangers of the fortress, the situation was naturally much better than that of Jieshi Road.

After the [-] remnants withdrew from the Jieshi camp, Jia Fu observed the situation of the Jieshi camp, and found that the damage to the camp was too serious, and it would be easier to rebuild it than repair it.

"This big camp can no longer be guarded. Send an order and prepare to retreat to the second big camp." Jia Fu ordered.


During Zhang Han's tenacious defense of the Jieshi camp for half a month, Gongsun Xuanyuan was not completely unprepared.

When he learned of Fu Jian's fierce attack regardless of casualties, Xuanyuan knew that the Jieshi camp could not hold for a month, and even if he came in person, the situation would not be better than that of Zhang Han.

Realizing this, Xuanyuan immediately ordered Jia Fu to lead an army of [-] soldiers, and built another stronghold at the exit of Jieshi Road.

The total length of Jieshi Road is nearly twenty miles, so naturally not only Zhanghan can build a stronghold, although the terrain at the exit is not as dangerous as Zhanghan, but if a stronghold can be built, it can also be used to delay the Qing army. Raiders speed.

It took Jia Fu a full ten days to build the second camp, and then he used local materials to collect defensive materials.

It took Jia Fu half a month to set up camp and build a village with the same [-] soldiers, but Zhang Han only took three days.

High judgment.

Jia Fu waited and waited until Zhang Han asked for help, and immediately realized that something might have happened to him, so he quickly gathered [-] soldiers to come to rescue Zhang Han and Gongsun He.

Jia Fu had ordered to march at the fastest speed, but in the end he was a step too late. When he arrived, Gongsun He had died in battle, and Zhang Han had also been captured alive.

Seeing that the Qing army did not continue to attack, but chose a truce, Jia Fu's heart moved.

The general of the Qing army certainly did not expect that the Qin army would dare to take the initiative to fight, and if he launched a surprise attack at this time, he would definitely be able to catch the Qing army by surprise, and maybe even rescue the captured Zhang Han.

Thinking of this moment, Jia Fu's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said hastily: "Quickly pick a hundred dead soldiers from the army, and I will fight against the Tartars."


The captain immediately asked with a question mark on his face, "But general, didn't you just say you were going to retreat?"

"A retreat is a retreat, and a fight is a fight. There is no contradiction between the two."


The captain was full of question marks again.

Isn't this contradictory?

How can you fight even if you retreat?

Isn't this a contradiction.

Jia Fu didn't have the habit of explaining to his subordinates, so he said directly, "Let's do it quickly."


The selection of one hundred dead soldiers was completed very quickly. After all, this is a battle with General Jia Fu. The number of places is limited, and the opportunity is rare. As long as you come back alive, you will be promoted to one level, which is the minimum reward.

Although the risk of fighting with General Jia Fu is great, the benefits are also great. Besides, there is no risk in war.

The risk of setting fire to the Crescent Building was not great before, but General Xuanyuan only needs experienced crossbowmen, and there is no possibility of them being selected as soldiers. Now that the opportunity arises again, they cannot miss it again.

The enthusiasm of the soldiers to sign up for the war was extremely high. Jia Fu only needed 460 dead soldiers, but in the end there were [-] five people who signed up, which really shocked Jia Fu.

Are these soldiers out of their minds?Why do you still fight for such a threatening job as a dead soldier?

Soon Jia Fu understood what the soldiers were thinking, and this made him smile even more wryly, but he didn't say much, after all, being a soldier in troubled times is not only to eat military rations and pay, but also to make a fortune. .


(End of this chapter)

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