Chapter 2084 Jia Junwen's Hundred Soldiers Raid
Chapter 2082: Raid of Jia Junwen's hundreds of soldiers
Jia Fu originally thought that the life of dead men was too dangerous, and it would be good to recruit 100 people, but he didn't expect that more than 400 people would survive, but he didn't plan to lead more than 400 people to fight, but only selected the most Elite 100 people.

The reason why Jia Fu only brought 100 people was because this time it was not a decisive battle, but a surprise attack. More people are not necessarily better. There is not much difference between 400 people and 100 people. If you bring more people, it will increase casualties.

Every Qin soldier is precious now, and he will have to last for at least half a month. Jia Fu doesn't want his subordinates to pay large-scale casualties in advance.

After the selection of the hundred dead soldiers was completed, Jia Fu ordered them to be equipped with the best armor and the sharpest swords, but the only regret was that they had no horses.

After Jia Fu prepared everything, he decisively led a hundred people to fight out. As expected, the Qing army did not expect the Qin army to dare to go out to fight, so there was almost no preparation in terms of defense, so that Jia Fu broke in easily. Qing army camp.

"Kill it..."

"Stop them, stop them quickly... Poof..."

A lieutenant of the Qing army roared with all his strength, but before he finished shouting, a snow silver halberd smashed through the air, directly cut off the big knife in his hand, and smashed it heavily on his chest. The internal organs are all shattered, it can be said that the dead can't die anymore
After entering the Qing camp and killing more than ten people in a row, Jia Fu saw that a large number of Qing troops were encircling him, and immediately realized that he could not stay in one place, otherwise he would be trapped to death by the Qing army. Switch positions, so as to avoid being piled up by the Man Qing's tactics of employing a sea of ​​people.

Jia Fu raised his halberd and shouted: "Everyone move closer to the general, towards the Qing army's rear camp, set fire to it and charge at the same time, kill."


A hundred people roared in unison, the sound was loud and powerful, no less than an army of a thousand people.

In Fu Jian's 100-strong camp, [-] people from Jia Fu rushed into it, like a stone falling into a lake. Although it couldn't affect the lake, it could cause ripples in the calm lake.

Fu Jian was naturally very surprised when he heard that the general of the Qin army had come out. When Zhang Han was guarding the camp, he didn't make a single counterattack, but this Qin general immediately went to battle as soon as he arrived. His courage and vigor are really extraordinary. Fu Jian became curious about the identity of General Qin.

"Forget it, we'll soon find out who he is."

Fu Jian didn't care at all about the hundreds of soldiers who entered the camp, and gave orders with a calm face. In his opinion, General Qin's move was courageous, but it was an act of a mayfly shaking a tree and mantis' arms. It is not something that a hundred pawns can shake.

But immediately Fu Jian couldn't laugh anymore.

If the [-] Qing army is compared to a strong elephant, then Jia Fu and his hundreds of dead soldiers are nimble mice. Although they can't stop the elephant's foot, the clumsy elephant can't step on it anyway. Rats, and this is the current situation in the Qing camp.

The Qing army has an army of [-], but in its own camp, the superiority of troops cannot be used at all. If it overreacts, it will aggravate the chaos. In addition, the attack speed of the Qin army is too fast. The land has been changed.

After going back and forth like this, Fu Jian not only failed to crush the mouse in his eyes to death, but was even messed up by a mere hundred people from Jia Fu.

"General, it's not good. The Qin army has entered the rear camp and set fire along the way, burning a lot of supplies."

"Back camp?"

Fu Jian frowned, and suddenly realized: "So his goal is to save Zhang Han.

Where is Zhang Han now?Are you still in camp? "

"Zhang Han's injury is too serious, and the military doctors in the army are not sure to cure him. If he doesn't treat him in time, he may be seriously injured and die. Therefore, he has been transferred to Feiru for treatment." Lu Guang replied.

"It's a pity." Fu Jian said with regret.

Now that we know that the goal of the Qin army is to save Zhang Han, and if Zhang Han has not been transferred, Fu Jianjian will use Zhang Han as a bait to lure this Qin general to take the bait, but it is a pity that Zhang Han has already been transferred, so what can I say? It's too late.

"General, it's not good. The Heavy Shield Battalion failed to stop the Qin Army, but was easily bypassed by the Qin Army. Now the Qin Army is attacking the Chinese army's big tent."


Fu Jian's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "What a bunch of trash, thousands of troops can't stop a mere hundred infantry, what use are you for?"

"General, calm down."

The general didn't dare to refute, and immediately knelt down to plead guilty, but his face was extremely depressed.

This battle was too frustrating.

"Quick, quick, no matter what the cost, this Qin army must be encircled and wiped out." Fu Jian roared.

The generals under his command immediately led the army away, but the result...

"General, the Qin army is already approaching the camp of the Chinese army."


Fu Jian's eyes widened immediately, the veins on his forehead bulged, his hands clenched into fists, and his nails pierced deeply into the skin.

"General, the strength of this group of Qin troops is too strong. Although they are small in number, they are superior in agility and quickness, which prevents our army's superiority in strength from being brought into full play. Now the Qin army is about to kill us. Please, general, stay out of the way for now. .” Lu Polou said.

"No, if I was scared off by a hundred Qin soldiers, I will be ridiculed by the people of the world in the future."

Fu Jian resolutely refused, but Lu Polou persuaded: "General, is face or fate more important?
These one hundred Qin soldiers are dead soldiers and abandoned sons. Even if they are all dead, it will have no effect on the Qin army, but if you are injured, general, the morale of the whole army will also be affected. "

Hearing this, Fu Jian immediately hesitated, Lu Polou persuaded him a few more words, and finally persuaded Fu Jian.

Fu Jian, who was the speaker, withdrew temporarily, and Lu Polou took over the command and was responsible for continuing to strangle Jia Fu's troops. But what Fu Jian couldn't do, how could Lu Polou do it? Let Jia Fu enter the Chinese army.

Seeing that dozens of soldiers of the Qin Army under Jia Fu's leadership seemed to be in the desert of the Qing camp, Lu Polou couldn't help admiring: "He is really a strong general, but it is a pity that he is not owned by the Qing Dynasty. "

Lu Polou had already mobilized archers in advance to surround the camp of the Chinese army, but the archers were not yet in place. In order to ensure that the Qin army would not escape, they stood up to delay the surrender by persuading them to surrender. time.

"General, you are now surrounded by my [-] troops, and now thousands of archers are aiming at you. As long as you give an order, you will be killed by thousands of arrows immediately."

Seeing that Jia Fu did not continue to attack after listening to his words, Lu Polou felt a little certain in his heart.

As long as he can communicate, he is most afraid of encountering the kind of reckless people who don't even want to communicate.

 Make up for yesterday's guarantee
(End of this chapter)

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