Chapter 2085 Jia Junwen's Hundred Soldiers Raid
Chapter 2083: Raid of Jia Junwen's hundreds of soldiers
Seeing that Jia Fu was not the kind of reckless man who couldn't communicate, Lu Polou was determined, thinking of trying to persuade him to surrender first, and if he failed, it would not be too late to kill him.

"General, it is impossible for you to break out now...

For Qin Jun, you are already abandoned, but as long as you put down your weapons and surrender to my Qing Dynasty, you are guaranteed to have endless glory and wealth..."

[Ding dong, Lu Polou's skill 'Slick Tongue' is activated;
Clever tongue: glib tongue, mostly possessed by people with outstanding eloquence, and different people have different effects.

Effect 1. After this plan is activated, it can reduce the opponent's intelligence by 1~3 points through verbal stimulation and according to the intelligence of the opponent.

Effect 2, if it hits the opponent's sore spot, it may also reduce the opponent's commander and force, and the range is between 1 and 2 points. 】

'Slick Tongue' is a common skill for eloquent people. Wang Mang can have it, and other people can also have it, and Lu Polou is one of them, but the effect of his 'Slick Tongue' is not worse than Wang Mang's. few.

[Ding dong, Lu Polou's skill 'Slick Tongue' is activated, the effect is 1 shot...]

Before Hadu from Lu Polou finished speaking, Jia Fu suddenly jumped up, picked up a broken gun, and threw it directly at Lu Polou without even aiming properly.

Lu Polou didn't expect Jia Fu to make a sudden attack, so he quickly reined in the reins and prepared to flee for his life, but Jia Fu's javelin shot was too fast, the horse just moved, and he didn't have time to run, the broken spear was close at hand, Lu Polou Even if you want to hide, you can't hide.

Seeing this scene, Lu Guang's eyes were tearing apart, and he shouted, "Father..."


The broken gun pierced directly through Lu Polou's chest, and then nailed it to the ground, stopping only a few inches away.

Looking at the big hole in his chest, Lu Polou's eyes were full of disbelief. He still had his ambitions unfulfilled, and he never expected to die here in this way.


Lu Polou tremblingly raised her hand and pointed at Jia Fu, but she fell off her horse and died without saying a word.

Lu Polou has the talent of Wang Zuo. As Fu Jian's mastermind, he is a top-notch counselor even in the world, but it is embarrassing that he died so aggrieved at the hands of Jia Fu.

Jia Fu didn't know that he had killed another important person, and he just regarded himself as an unknown person, so he said with disdain: "There is so much nonsense."

"I kill you."

Staring at his blood-red eyes, Lu Guang obviously lost his mind, and roared at Jia Fu like a wild animal. If it wasn't for Fu Pi who was pulling him by his side, he would have rushed straight up to fight Jia Fu.

When Lu Guang saw his father stepping forward to persuade him to surrender, he secretly thought that something was wrong. The Qin general in front of him was ruthless and decisive, and he was definitely not someone who could be persuaded by words.

Lu Guanggang wanted to stop him, but Jia Fu's attack was faster. In the end, he watched his father die at the hands of Jia Fu, which made him wish he could swallow Jia Fu alive.

Seeing that Lu Guang would not listen, Fu Pi feared that he would do something stupid in his grief and anger, so he slapped Lu Guang several times and shouted: "Calm down, calm down..."

Lu Guang was bewildered by the beating, but he also became sober. He stopped struggling, but stared at Jia Fu, and shouted: "General Qin, since you dare to kill my father, you dare to leave your name."

Jia Fu smiled disdainfully, and shouted loudly: "Tartar, listen carefully, this will be your grandfather Jia Fu."

"What? Jia Fu?"

"The name sounds familiar."

"Jia Fu Jia Junwen, he was the one who killed Emperor Yuan Tiemu, and the frontline generals who fought alone before couldn't hold their heads up."

"It turned out to be him."


After realizing that Jia Fu was facing him, all the generals gasped. They never expected that Jia Fu would appear here.

It stands to reason that the decisive battle has already begun. Jia Fu, a top-ranked general in the Qin army, must be charging at the front line. How could he come to Lu Longgan to sneak and raid?

However, a hundred soldiers attacking thousands of troops is obviously Jia Fu's style, and his courage is astonishing.

Jia Fu had a great reputation in the Qing Dynasty, greater than all the generals of the Qin Army. This was not only because of his personal bravery and beheading Temujin, but now he was beating up the high-level Qing army.

Therefore, everyone from generals to soldiers were extremely afraid of Jia Fu, and being overwhelmed by his reputation, they dared not come forward for a while.

Lu Guang was not intimidated by Jia Fu's prestige, he gritted his teeth with hatred in his eyes and said, "Jia Fu, I, Lu Guang, will definitely kill you to avenge my father."

[Ding dong, Jia Fuzhu killed Lu Polou, and formed a mission of 'Immortal and Endless' with Lu Guang. As long as either party can kill the other party, the five-dimensional attribute will be rewarded with a permanent +1. 】

When Jia Fu heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and killing intent rose in his heart.

He attacked the Qing army's central army account, just to kill Fu Jian. After all, he failed to save Zhang Han during this trip, so he must bring some gains back. But now that Fu Jian has already run away ahead of schedule, his wishful thinking naturally It just fell through.

Now Jia Fu had to withdraw, but when he thought that the other general had revenge for killing his father, he didn't want to withdraw his troops anymore, but thought about getting rid of this threat first.

Seeing that the other party did not lose his mind and work hard because of his father's death, Jia Fu knew that this person was not simple, and he had to get out as soon as possible, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

But the other party is hidden in the army, surrounded by thousands of heavy armored guards, if he wants to kill the other party, I am afraid that he will have to use a lot of methods.

Looking around him again, only half of the hundred elite dead soldiers are left, and more than half of their physical strength has been consumed. If they stay any longer, the entire army may really be wiped out.

Thinking of this moment, Jia Fu's killing intent towards Lu Guang also faded, and he said coldly, "I will spare your life for now."

Jia Fu could sense that a large number of archers were gathering, and it would be troublesome if they didn't withdraw, so he decisively ordered: "Withdraw."

Taking advantage of the fact that the Qing army's arrow formation had not yet formed, Jia Fu took the remaining dead soldiers and decisively chose to break through.

The soldiers of the Qing army around hurriedly stopped him, but after resisting for a while, they found that they couldn't stop him at all, but anyone who got close to Jia Fu couldn't survive a move.

The soldiers of the Qing army were utterly terrified of being killed by Jia Fu, and they didn't dare to do more to stop them. No matter how Fu Pi shouted, it was useless, and Jia Fu easily killed them.

After Jia Fu fought out of the Qing camp, he found that only nine people were still following him. He couldn't help feeling a little sad, but at this moment, a dead soldier said: "General, brothers are left behind and surrounded by the Qing army."

Jia Fu's eyes were fixed, and he said in a deep voice: "You retreat first, I will go back and save people."


Seeing that Jia Fu broke through and left, the soldiers of the Qing army immediately breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that the evil star had finally left, but they were not happy in time, but they did not expect Jia Fu to turn back again.

How could these ordinary soldiers dare to face Jia Fu? Wherever Jia Fu's iron hooves went, there was no need to fight. The Qing army dispersed on their own, allowing Jia Fu to easily rush to the trapped soldiers.

Jia Fu counted the number of people, not too small, there were ten people left, escorted them out of the camp, turned back and entered the camp again, rescued six people and broke through again.

In the end, Jia Fu entered the Qing camp three times and exited the camp three times, as if he had entered a deserted land. A total of 27 people were rescued, and he left only after confirming that no one survived.

 Today's Guarantee
(End of this chapter)

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