Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2086 Gongsun Xuanyuan VS Huang Taiji

Chapter 2086 Gongsun Xuanyuan VS Huang Taiji

Chapter 2084: Gongsun Xuanyuan VS Huang Taiji

"Report... General Qi, that General Qin was too fierce. Not only did he kill three people in and out of our camp, but he also killed, killed..."

Seeing that the messenger was hesitating and unable to utter a word for a long time, Fu Jian suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and said angrily, "Who did you kill? Tell me quickly."

The messenger was so frightened that he knelt down and said in panic, "Kill General Lu Polou."

Fu Jian's eyes widened immediately, his head went blank, and then he was dizzy, and one of them couldn't stand still, and almost fell over.

"Brother Lu is dead? It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible..."

Lu Polou was not only Fu Jian's mastermind, but also his good teacher and helpful friend. The relationship between the two was very deep, and it was difficult to accept the fact that Lu Polou was beheaded under the protection of Wanjun.

Fu Qiang endured his grief, with an expression of unwillingness to believe it, but when he learned that Lu Polou escaped protection and was finally killed by the enemy general, he couldn't even deceive himself and others.

"Brother Lu, you are confused."

Fu Jian covered his heart, and said sadly: "I lost brother Lu, it hurts me so much."

"General, according to the latest information, General Qin who broke out is the cousin of King Qin Hao, Jia Fu."


Everyone exclaimed, shocked by Jia Fu's reputation, only Fu Jian said with a grim expression: "So what about Jia Fu, if you dare to kill Brother Lu, Fu Jian will behead him to comfort Brother Lu's spirit in heaven."

After saying that, Fu Jian returned to the camp with all the guards. After being tormented by Jia Fu, the camp must be a mess now, and he needs to clean up the mess.

As Fu Jian expected, Daying was in a mess, but with Fu Jian's arrival, the generals had their backs and the situation stabilized quickly.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, in the battle just now, our army killed 330 soldiers, injured [-], burned [-] tents, and [-] stones of food and grass..."

After hearing Fu Pi's report, Fu Jian clenched his fists unconsciously.

Compared with the huge number of the Qing army, this casualty loss is naturally nothing, but you must know that the opponent only has 100 people.

Thinking of this moment, Fu Jian's face became a little ferocious, and he said coldly: "Jia Fu is worthy of being a famous general of the Qin army, he is really powerful, once he made a move, this general will be heartbroken.

This time, he suffered from insufficient information and underestimated Jia Fu, but he will not make the same mistake again.

It is said that Li Yuanba, who used to be the number one fierce general in the Central Plains, had the highest chance of beheading a thousand people in World War I. The general wanted to see how many people Jia Fu could kill. "

Fu Jian's eyes were full of coldness: "I will pass on the order, no matter what the cost, before dark, we must break through the Qin camp."


Originally, Fu Jian wanted to take a rest and break through the Qin camp with the best turnaround, but now for revenge, he didn't want to wait for a moment, and he didn't give Jia Fu any time to prepare.

The Qing army was dispatched very quickly, and the [-] siege team entered the Qin camp easily without encountering any obstacles, but found that what they captured was nothing but an empty camp.

"General, Jia Fu ran away with Qin Jun."

"Hehe, he was so decisive in giving up." Fu Jian sneered.

After half a month of battling fortifications, the camp Zhang Han set up was almost destroyed under the heavy blows of the Qing army. Such an abandoned camp could not be defended at all, so it was extremely correct for Jia Fu to retreat in time .

"Jia Fu's men are full of infantry, and they can't run far. He ordered the cavalry to come out..."

Before Fu Jian could finish his words, he saw that the Qin camp blocking the way suddenly burst into flames.

A large number of soldiers of the Qing army fled from the camp in a swarm, and the soldiers of the Qing army who were unable to escape screamed and died in the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing this scene, Fu Jian didn't know that he was put in another place, and he roared angrily, "Jia Fu, I will kill you."

Five miles away from Huoying, Jia Fu, who abandoned the camp and fled, turned his head to look at Huoying behind him, and couldn't help admiring: "Xuanyuan told me he was right, Fu Jian really entered the camp directly, and this trick of Huoying At least a thousand Qing soldiers can be burned to death."

Fu Jian thought that Jia Fuyong was the timekeeper of Huoying, but it was not, and it was Gongsun Xuanyuan who actually conspired.

The reason why Fu Jian got the trick was because as early as the tenth day Zhang Han was guarding the camp, the kerosene in the Qin camp had already been used up. Without kerosene, it would be impossible to set fire to the camp, so he dared to let the soldiers enter directly. camp.

When Jia Fu came to support him, he received a letter from Xuanyuan. In the letter, Xuanyuan reminded him that it was easy to rescue Zhang Han, but it was difficult to get rid of the pursuit of the Qing army.

The only way to rescue Zhang Han and escape back is to set fire to the camp and use the camp to block the way.

However, after Zhang Han defended himself for so long, the fire oil in the army might have been exhausted. Without fire oil and fire starters, naturally he couldn't launch a fire attack strategy.

Therefore, after Xuanyuan's reminder, Jia Fu specially brought kerosene on this trip. Although it was not much, it was more than enough to ignite a large camp.

The fire ignited, and the fire camp blocked the way. It would not go out for two or three hours, and this time was enough for Jia Fu to withdraw his troops without being caught up.

"Quick, retreat to the camp."

Jia Fu ordered with a serious face, he knew that the most difficult moment would be next.

At any cost, regardless of the casualties, Fu Jian finally broke through the Jieshi camp. If he found out that there was another camp behind him, he would definitely go crazy, and Jia Fulai had to bear the heavy pressure.

Looking in the direction of Huoying, Jia Fu said to himself with a cold face: "Fu Jian, with Jia Fu here, you don't want to hit Lu Longsai."

At the same time as Jia Fu withdrew his troops, Huang Taiji launched another fierce attack on the frontier of Lulong, but was repulsed by Xuanyuan again without exception.

Without Zhang Han and Jia Fu, there were only [-] defenders left in Lulongsai. Relatively speaking, the troops were not sufficient, but they still blocked Huang Taiji's [-] troops without any advance. Attributed to Xuanyuan's city guard command.

Huang Taiji inherited his father's talent in military art, and after being tempered by the three Korean campaigns, the basic commander alone is 98 points tall, which shows that he is also a genius commander.

After Huang Taiji's skill was activated, the commander deliberately broke through [-] steadily, and the strength of his troops was nearly eight times that of Xuanyuan. Logically speaking, it would definitely not be so bad.

However, Xuanyuan had already seized the opportunity and made changes to Lu Long's defense in advance. In addition, Xuanyuan's command was seamless, without any redundancy or flaws, so even if Huang Taiji wanted to push hard because of human life at any cost, Still unable to break through Lu Longsai guarded by Xuanyuan.

Seeing the soldiers rushing forward to die, but still unable to shake Lu Long, Huang Taiji clenched his fists unconsciously, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, it really can't work, Xuanyuan's defense is too tight, and this king can't find it at all." any flaws.

Where is Fu Jian now? It's been half a month, and he hasn't arrived in Lulongsai yet?If there is any mistake in the frontline army, he Fu Jian is my sinner in Qing Dynasty. "

"His Royal Highness, Fu Jian has broken through Zhang Han's camp and captured Qin General Zhang Han alive. I don't want the Qin Army to take advantage of General Fu Jian's attack on the camp and set up another camp at the exit of Jieshi Road to block the road. The guard is a famous general. Jia Fu, now General Fu Jian is trying to break the camp."

Hearing this, Huang Taiji's forehead burst into blue veins, and he said angrily, "It must be Gongsun Xuanyuan, the thieves, Zhang Han is held back by Fu Jian, and he is unable to divide the troops at all, only Gongsun Xuanyuan can divide the troops at this time.

Unexpectedly, the former bereaved dog has now become a major problem for my Qing Dynasty. If I had known this before, this king would never leave this threat in the present. "

 Saturday's Guarantee
  Calvin is dead, and the state is not very good. This chapter has been written intermittently for a long time.

  There is no update on Thursday and Friday, and I owe two chapters to guarantee the bottom line. I will make it up tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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