Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2090 Qingying Alliance

Chapter 2090 Qingying Alliance
Chapter 2088: Qing Ying Alliance
Now Wang Mang didn't dare to offend Qin Hao easily. He concluded that if he dared to send a navy this time, with Qin Hao's temperament, he would definitely send a navy to Sanhan as soon as he recovered.

Although Wang Mang has been trying his best to expand the navy since he came to Sanhan, and the size of the navy is several times stronger than when he came, but it is obviously not enough compared to the Qin army's navy.

What's more, he can expand the navy, and Qin Hao can also expand the navy. The navy that he built by selling pots and pieces of iron, Qin Hao will have it with his fingers.

Unknowingly, the two sides were no longer at the same level, so Wang Mang decided that it would be better not to provoke Qin Hao easily before unifying the three Koreas.

Wang Mang didn't save Man Qing. Apart from not daring to offend Qin Hao, another reason was that he believed that the trapped Qing army was completely hopeless.

Instead of wasting time and energy, taking the risk of bringing in your own navy to rescue the irrelevant Qing army, it is better to continue to attack the Sanhan Peninsula.

Of course, the main reason is that Wang Mang feels that the Manchus are too powerful, and the current Manchus are too inflated, and they are simply supercilious.

Watching Qin Jun press Manqing on the ground and beat him violently may not be a good thing. It just wakes up the arrogant Manqing high-level officials and lets them know how much they have, so that it will be convenient for him to unify the three Koreas and Manchu in the future. Qing teamed up.

Wang Mang refused very resolutely, leaving no chance for Yinhu to say anything later. His mission failed just like that, but Yinzhen's mission to Dongying succeeded.

Oda Nobunaga and Qin have no grievances, and even sent a mission to carry out some "friendly" exchanges, but a few months ago, the entire offshore area of ​​the Han Dynasty was invaded by Japanese pirates, and tens of thousands of people died tragically. Let the Han people's disgust towards Japan reach its peak.

Although the actions of the Japanese pirates were all done by the forces against Oda Nobunaga and had nothing to do with Oda Nobunaga, the courtiers of the Han Dynasty didn't care so much, as long as they knew they were Japanese.

Officials from the three kingdoms of Qin, Ming, and Wu wrote letters requesting the monarchs to send troops to subjugate the Wa kingdom in order to wash away their shame.

In this regard, Ming Wang Zhu Di and Wu Gong Sun Jian have intentions but are powerless, while Qin Wang Qin Hao has said in public more than once that sooner or later the Japanese pirates will pay the price for their actions.

It can be seen that if the king of Qin takes the lead, it is not difficult to form a coalition against Dongying. At least Qin and Wu will definitely send troops.

After realizing this, Nobunaga Oda quickly sent envoys to Luoyang to explain the truth to the court, and cleared the responsibility, but the court asked him to hand over the culprit who was detained by the Japanese pirates.

Of course, Oda Nobunaga also wanted to hand over these people. After all, Japan would be unified without them, but those forces who sent Japanese pirates looted a lot of money and food from the big man. The wounds of the previous war recovered faster than him. Oda Nobunaga may not be the opponent of the opposing alliance.

In order not to offend the Qin State, the Dongying envoy had no choice but to verbally promise the Han court that the Japanese pirate leader would be handed over, but no specific date was set.

Oda Nobunaga intends to take one step at a time. Anyway, the Dongying Empire is isolated overseas. Before the reunification of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, it is unlikely that Qin will cross the sea to conquer Dongying. He still has time to develop his national strength and accumulate strength.

Regardless of whether Yinzhen is a time traveler, it is said that Oda Nobunaga was from the Ming Dynasty, and Yinzhen was from the Qing Dynasty. Naturally, Yinzhen has a certain understanding of Oda Nobunaga, a Japanese hero.

Yinzhen knew that Oda Nobunaga, like the Qing Dynasty, was full of covetousness for the land of China, but the power of the Central Plains princes was too strong, so before Dongpu grew stronger, he could only suppress his ambitions, concentrate on development, and save money. strength.

Originally, the two families had nothing to do with each other, but now Youbeiping's 20 Qing army is at stake, and Dongying happens to have a navy that can save the Qing army from the sea of ​​fire, so don't blame Yinzhen for plotting against Dongying.

Yinzhen knew the difficulty of this task, and using conventional rhetoric, no matter whether it was lure or coercion, the possibility of persuading Oda Nobunaga to send troops was very slim, and the only possibility of success was to arouse Nobunaga's ambition.

Only let Oda Nobunaga understand the strength of the Qin army. Once the 20 Qing army is wiped out, without the restraint of the Manchu Qing, if Qin completely unifies the north, the gap between the two countries will become wider and wider. Without the possibility of marching into the Central Plains, it is possible to persuade Oda Nobunaga to send troops.

It has to be said that Yinzhen is worthy of being a generation of Mingjun, Emperor Yongzheng, his thinking is very correct, arousing Oda Nobunaga's ambition is indeed the only one that can make him send troops.

After a whole day of lobbying, Yinzhen tried his best to talk and rack his brains, and said everything that should be said, but still failed to completely convince him, but Oda Nobunaga's attitude towards sending troops was also different from his previous ones. I never thought that agreeing to send troops has turned into weighing the pros and cons of sending troops.

After realizing this, Yinzhen began to strike while the iron was hot. Not only did he lobby Nobunaga himself, but he also spent a lot of money to buy officials from the Dongying Empire to help him lobby, clarify his interests, and seek an alliance between the two countries to fight against the tyrant Qin.

Two days later, Oda Nobunaga held an imperial meeting, announced in public that he agreed to the navy's expedition, and decided to personally lead the navy to contain the Qin navy.

The main reason why Oda Nobunaga was able to personally conquer was that he could not trust the generals under his command. After all, Dongying's warships were inferior to Qin's, and there were not many naval generals who could take action.

As for the state of Qin, just from Yinzhen's description, Oda Nobunaga knew that Zhou Yu, the commander of the Qin army's navy, was not easy. He was afraid that his navy generals would not obey orders and go to war directly with the Qin army's navy. In the end, the Dongying navy was buried in the west of Liaoning, so it's better to conquer it by yourself.

Yinzhen didn't expect that Oda Nobunaga would go on a personal expedition, and at the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart.

If other Japanese generals lead the army, it is natural that he will believe what the Japanese say, and it is not impossible to provoke the Qin and Japanese naval forces to fight.

But if Oda Nobunaga went out in person, if Yinzhen dared to make such small moves, he would really be playing for his own death.

Under Yinzhen's lobbying, Oda Nobunaga agreed to the Manchu Qing's request for an alliance. Dongying and the Manchu Qing submitted their credentials to form an alliance, and agreed that if one party was invaded, the other would provide military support.

Afterwards, Emperor Oda Nobunaga of Dongying personally led an army of [-] sailors to march across the sea to the west of Liaoning. However, he did not start a war with the Qin army, but helped the Qing army to contain Qin's Qingzhou navy.

The situation in Youzhou, which was already stable, has become more complicated due to the intervention of new forces.

 Make up for last Friday's guarantee
(End of this chapter)

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