Chapter 2091 Duel Tuobagui

Chapter 2089: Confronting Tuobagui

The arrival of Oda Nobunaga, even if it was only for containment, instead of directly fighting the Qin army, had a great impact on the battle situation in Youzhou, and the most direct impact was that Zhou Yu's navy could no longer blockade the western Liaoning sea area.

Since the visit of the Japanese delegation to Han, the intelligence collection of Dongying has also become a part of the black ice platform's intelligence network.

Qin Hao sent spies to Dongying, and Oda Nobunaga's personal expedition did not hide it, so naturally he couldn't hide it from Qin Jun's spies.

Zhou Yu, who was still in the west of Liaoning, resolutely gave up all the results after receiving the warning from the Black Ice Terrace, and led the army to withdraw from the mainland of Liaoxi. After all, if he did not leave, once the way of retreat was blocked by the Japanese navy, it would be impossible to withdraw. So easy.

Zhou Yu's decisiveness exceeded Yinzhen's expectations. After all, Zhou Yu had already made great achievements in Western Liaoning. He still thought that if Zhou Yu hadn't left after Oda Nobunaga arrived in Western Liaoning, Oda Nobunaga would be under such an opportunity. Could he not resist the temptation and leave Zhou Yu and his navy in western Liaoning instead?But Zhou Yu walked so decisively, which also dispelled the last bit of expectation in Yinzhen's heart.

Not long after Zhou Yu withdrew from western Liaoning, Oda Nobunaga arrived in western Liaoning, but he did not show any intention of pursuing Zhou Yu, even if Zhou Yu deliberately showed weakness. blockade.

Zhou Yu was a little disappointed about this. He actually hoped that Oda Nobunaga would chase after him. Only in this way would he have the opportunity to find a chance to defeat the [-] Japanese navy army in one fell swoop.

Oda Nobunaga's degree of caution exceeded Zhou Yu's expectations, as if he never thought of winning the battle from the very beginning. Seeing his behavior like this, Zhou Yu, who was not sure of winning, dared not go to war easily.

The two sides confronted each other in the western Liaoning sea area, and kept testing, but there was no formal war.

Due to the containment of the Japanese navy, the Qin navy could not continue to blockade the western Liaoning waters, and Yinzhen took this opportunity to forcibly conscript all civilian and merchant ships, and then filled these ships with grain and shipped them to Youbeiping.

Zhou Yu did not deal with the Qing army's grain ship and allowed it to transport grain and grass to Youbeiping. There are three reasons:

One is that they don’t know the route of the Qing army’s grain ships;

The second is to focus on dealing with the Japanese navy;
The third is that it is not necessary. Even if this batch of grain and grass arrives in Youbeiping smoothly, alleviating the plight of the Qing army's shortage of grain and grass, it will not change the fate of the Qing army, because at this time the Qin army has already broken through the Yanshan defense line.

Nurhachi set up a total of 55 fortified strongholds on the Yanshan defense line. After 25 of them were breached under the fierce offensive of the Qin army, he voluntarily gave up [-] of them and concentrated on defending the last ten camps.

For the defense of the last ten camps, Nurhachi has spent a lot of thought. He wants people to give, food for food, and supplies for supplies. The only requirement is to keep the Qin army out of Yanshan.

As for the candidate for the general of the Yanshan defense line, after Nurhachi hesitated for a long time, he finally chose Xianbei to surrender, Tuobagui, the head of the Tuoba family. After all, apart from him, there was no one else who could replace A Guda.

After Xianbei was partitioned by Yuanmeng and Manchu, the once wealthy Murong family surrendered to Yuanmeng, while the Tuoba family surrendered to Manchu.

Different from the trembling of the Murong family after their fall to the Yuan Dynasty, the Tuoba family was accepted and reused by the Qing Dynasty.

In order to appease those Xianbei surrendered generals and the old people, Nurhachi even made Tuoba Gui the king of Wei, and this is one of the rare things Nurhachi has done that is more magnificent than Temuzhen.

As Prince Tuobagui, his status in the Qing Dynasty is naturally not low, and after Aguda left, he was also one of the few people who could replace Aguda.

Nurhachi still had great trust in Tuobagui's ability.

In the battle of annexing Xianbei, Tuobagui caused a lot of trouble for the Manchus, and Nurhachi also joined forces with Aguda to defeat him.

With such a famous general sitting on the Yanshan defense line, Nurhachi's heart can be at ease.

Tuobagui was the founding emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty. At the age of 15, he dared to take advantage of the chaos to restore the Daiguo, which was located in Niuchuan. Later, he was renamed the King of Wei. The Helan tribe, Tiefu, Gaoche, Rouran and other grassland tribes competed with Houyan and Houqin for hegemony in the Central Plains. They defeated Murongbao in the Battle of Canhepi and defeated Yao Xing in the Battle of Chaibi. He laid a solid foundation for the unification of the north, and he is one of the few wise kings who run the country on horseback and fight off horseback.

Tuobagui's commander attribute is the same as Zhang Han's 97. Zhang Han was able to build a stronghold in three days and defend Jieshi Road for half a month under Fu Jian's onslaught. It is not inferior to Zhang Han.

Facing the 32 Qin army from three directions, Tuobagui wisely chose the procrastination tactic to delay the Qin army's attack as much as possible.

Tuobagui set up a large number of traps during the advance of the Qin army, delaying the advance of the Qin army, and at the same time killing the vital forces of the Qin army.

But what Tuoba Gui didn't expect was that Qing Emperor Nurhachi was ruthless enough, and Qin King Qin Hao was not inferior to him.

Realizing that Tuobagui was trying to delay time, Qin Hao ordered the reorganized army to go ahead, and gave a clear marching task, which must reach the destination within the specified time.

In the end, although the Qin army arrived within the stipulated time, but because they were in a hurry to break through the traps on the way, nearly two thousand soldiers of the reorganized army died tragically on the way in various ways.

The Qin army marched with meat shields, which prevented Tuoba Gui from delaying too much time, but he wiped out more than two thousand Qin troops without giving up a single soldier, which is a record that Aguda has never been able to achieve.

The subsequent offensive and defensive battles were as fierce as ever.

The ten battalions of Yanshan were all based on dangerous camps. In addition to the narrow mountain roads, it was difficult for the Qin army to exert its superiority in strength. The difficulty of breaking through was no less than Fu Jian's breaking through Jieshi Road.

There is only one Jieshi camp in Zhanghan, but there are ten camps in Yanshan. If each one is attacked for half a month, even if the Qin army divides into three groups, after breaking through the defense line of Yanshan, Lulongsai must have fallen. So a strong attack is obviously not advisable.

In this regard, Qin Hao also made adjustments. Before, the three-way general attack aimed to eradicate all ten villages, but now it is only required to open up the road to the eastern plain of Youbeiping.

The Yanshan mountain road is winding and winding, and ten camps are located in it. If you want to open the road, no matter which way you go, you have to break through at least four camps.

Once the four battalions are broken and the road is opened, the Qin army can directly enter the plain, and the remaining six battalions can be left to fend for themselves.

The first battalion of the four battalions was led by Wei Qing's troops. It took five days of fierce attack to break through. The defender Tuoba Shi fought with Xue Dingshan for [-] rounds and was killed by Xue Dingshan.


(End of this chapter)

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