Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2097 Double luck blessing

Chapter 2097 Double luck blessing
Chapter 2095: Double Luck Blessing
As the son of Xue Rengui, Xue Dingshan has seen many top figures, his vision is naturally extremely high, and his own aptitude is also rare in the world, so he naturally felt a little arrogant in his heart back then.

Xue Dingshan believed that Qin had already included most of the masters in the world. Except for the Qin army, there were not many masters in other forces.

Xue Dingshan must be right, his strength is indeed not weak, but his luck is not very good, he just joined the army and met a stronger stick than him.

Before the fight, Xue Dingshan thought that he could at least win [-]/[-] against Nian Deli, but he never expected that he would lose after only [-] rounds after exhausting all his hole cards. case.

You must know that Sticky used two-handed hammers, but with only one-handed hammer, he defeated himself in only fifteen rounds. If he had two hammers in his hand, how could he survive?
As soon as he thought of this, Xue Dingshan couldn't help feeling frustrated, and at the same time thought to himself: Unlucky, why did he bump into such an expert?

The battle with Nian Deli was a big blow to Xue Dingshan, but he would not think that it was because he was too weak. Even Lu Bu praised his halberd technique as being the best in the world, so it could only be that Nian Deli was too strong.

But for such a strong man, there is no news about him at all?

I still underestimate the heroes of the world too much, I need to know that there are people outside the mountains and there are people outside the mountains.Xue Dingshan secretly reflected in his heart.

Xue Dingshan, who debuted not long ago, was sadly beaten by Nian Deli, but the beating was not bad for him, at least it got rid of his arrogance and made him dare not underestimate the heroes of the world.


The golden-eyed black dragon horse let out a long hiss, which also awakened Xue Dingshan from his introspection.

Only then did Xue Dingshan realize that what he was riding away was not an ordinary horse, but the king of horses under Niedeli's crotch, the golden-eyed black dragon colt.

You must know that the Bailin horse that his father Xue Rengui rides is only a BMW of the famous horse level, and there is a big gap compared with the king of horses.

And he, Xue Dingshan, had just joined the army in the second battle. Although he was almost beaten to death by Cian Deli, he was lucky not only to survive, but also to snatch a horse king. This is no one's luck.

Xue Dingshan, who escaped from death, suddenly fell into ecstasy, and after a second thought, he understood the real reason for his smooth escape.

Nian Deli couldn't bear to hurt his beloved horse, so he restrained himself and let himself escape.

"Ma'er, Ma'er, thanks to you, Xue Dingshan was lucky enough to survive this time. From now on, we will be life and death brothers."

While stroking the horse's neck, Xue Dingshan talked to himself emotionally, but he didn't expect the golden-eyed black dragon horse to neigh beyond him, as if responding to Xue Dingshan's words, which also made Xue Dingshan realize that the golden-eyed black dragon horse was still a psychic horse.

"No, doesn't Ma Wang only recognize one master?"

Xue Dingshan suddenly realized that most of the famous horses are psychic, and the horse king only recognizes one master in his life. Once he recognizes the master, he will not betray the master. How could he let himself ride this golden-eyed black dragon horse? ?
After Xue Dingshan cried to death to no avail, he didn't think any more, he continued to stroke the horse's neck, and said with a smile: "It seems that the rough man sticky is not good to you, don't worry, I, Xue Dingshan, will definitely treat you well." Yours, let's eat delicious food and drink spicy food together, and share wealth."


The golden-eyed black dragon horse neighed again, making Xue Dingshan burst into laughter.

What Xue Dingshan doesn't know is that Nian Deli is better for the golden-eyed black dragon horse. After all, a war horse is the second life of a general. If Nian Deli is lucky enough to get a horse king, there is no reason not to cherish it.

The real reason why the golden-eyed black dragon let Xue Dingshan ride it, and even Xue Dingshan was able to escape smoothly, should be attributed to Qin Hao and Xuanyuan.

Although the luck blessing effects of 'Holy Emperor' and 'Holy King' have always been passively activated, and the range is not large, they still exist, and the superposition of the double effects is very impressive.

If it weren't for the double blessings of Qin Hao's "Holy Emperor" and Xuanyuan's "Holy King", Xue Dingshan would never have ridden a horse king so easily.

It is also because of the blessing of double luck that Zhang Han was able to save his life in the event of death.

As for Li Gan, why did the other generals die in battle?It can only be said that their lives are not hard enough, so even with the blessing of double luck, they still cannot escape death when they deserve to die.

Xue Dingshan fled all the way on the golden-eyed black dragon horse, and soon joined Li Ling who came to support him. He was still worried about Tian Yu's whereabouts, but who would have thought that Tian Yu had joined Li Ling before him.

"Brother Tian, ​​your speed is really fast. I can't ride a horse as fast as you, little brother." Xue Dingshan mocked with a cold face.

In order to save Tian Yu, he was almost beaten to death by Nian Deli, but when Tian Yu fled for his life, he was unambiguous and threw him down decisively. Naturally, Xue Dingshan could not have no resentment in his heart.

Tian Yu opened his mouth with a wry smile, but he didn't know how to explain it. Instead, Li Ling defended him and said, "General Xue, don't worry, Tian Yu will go before you, because he is afraid that you will be hindered. He tried his best." Those who escaped came back to bring rescue soldiers for you."

Hearing this, Xue Dingshan's complexion improved a lot. He knew that Tian Yu was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, and he probably didn't want to be held back by him before he went to rescue the soldiers, so he let go of his prejudice against Tian Yu in his heart.

Seeing that Xue Dingshan did not misunderstand him, Tian Yu was also relieved, and immediately expressed his gratitude to Xue Dingshan.

Seeing that the knot between the two was opened, Li Ling immediately proposed to fight the Qing army again, thinking that Li Gan would take revenge, but Xue Dingshan and Tian Yu collectively opposed it.

Li Ling didn't understand why both of them objected. In his opinion, although the reinforcements were only [-], their strength was intact, and the Qing army was not much larger than them. In addition, the Qing army had just defeated the vanguard army. It has been exhausted, and it is estimated that it is exhausted. This is a great time to defeat the Qing army in one fell swoop.

After hearing what Li Ling said, Tian Yu quickly explained to him with a wry smile how the Qing army ambushed them easily, and how easily defeated the vanguard completely. Xue Dingshan also told Li Ling about how he and Nian Deli World War I.

After hearing what Tian Yu and Xue Dingshan had said, Li Ling immediately dismissed the idea of ​​fighting the Qing army. After all, the Qing army did not suffer a lot of losses, and it was not exhausted. With his [-] troops, he could not win at all. What's more, the Qing army still has a strong general who is stronger than Xue Dingshan.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses.

After weighing the pros and cons, Li Ling decisively chose to withdraw his troops. Before withdrawing, he gathered [-] defeated troops.

Of the [-] vanguard troops, only [-] returned alive. This is definitely the worst battle for Qin since the beginning of the war.

(End of this chapter)

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