Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2098 Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao

Chapter 2098 Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao
Chapter 2096: Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao
"Five thousand vanguards, now only 400 are left, Tian Yu, Tian Yu, why didn't you die on the battlefield with Li Gan..."

In the camp, Hu Luguang grabbed Tian Yu by the collar and roared at him, he was really angry this time.

Among the troops under Wei Qing's command, only Li Gan's [-] vanguard army was equipped with the most sophisticated new equipment, and these equipments were all shamelessly begged by Hu Luguang. But he didn't expect to be beaten so quickly that almost the whole army was wiped out. Hu Luguang only felt that his painstaking efforts had fed the dogs.

Seeing that Tian Yu was strangled by Hu Luguang, Xue Dingshan and Li Ling hurried forward to intercede.

After listening to Xue Dingshan and Li Ling's explanation, Hu Luguang also knew that Tian Yu was not to blame for this defeat, but Li Gan was to blame for this defeat, so he took a breath and let go of Tian Yu.

"Hmph, this defeat is indeed Li Gan's responsibility, but Tian Yu, as the deputy vanguard, even if the big mistake was Li Gan's, he is also responsible for his ineffective supervision."

As he said that, Hu Luguang looked at Wei Qing, who was superior, and asked: "General, Tian Yu's supervision of Li Gan was unfavorable, causing the five thousand vanguard army to be wiped out. The last general thinks that he should be severely punished to serve as an example."

Hu Luguang and Tian Yu had no personal enmity, and the reason why he asked for heavy punishment was just to serve as a warning to others, without any other interests involved.

Wei Qing, who kept his eyes closed all the time, opened his eyes immediately after hearing Hu Luguang's words, but did not speak.

After being silent for a while, Wei Qing said: "The vanguard army was wiped out, the crime is not Tian Yu's, but this general's."

Hu Luguang's face suddenly changed, thinking that he was aggressive, forcing Wei Qing to take the initiative to take the blame for his subordinates, so he quickly said: "General, that's not what the last general meant."

For Wei Qing, Hu Luguang didn't have much contact with him, but he was deeply impressed by him through the communication during this period of time, and he didn't want to have any grudges with Wei Qing because of this.

After Tian Yu heard this, he knelt down and said decisively: "General, one person is responsible for everything. The defeat in this battle is the fault of the general. It has nothing to do with the general. The general is willing to accept any punishment."

Wei Qing said, "Okay, Tian Yu, the defeat in this battle has nothing to do with you. The general used the wrong person and overestimated Li Gan, which led to this defeat. Now Li Gan is dead. The general should bear the main responsibility."


"It's nothing but, no matter how bad I am, Wei Qing, I won't let my subordinates take the blame."

Speaking of this, Wei Qing gave Tian Yu a warning look, signaling him to shut up, and he continued: "I will take the initiative to write a letter to the lord, but before the lord's punishment, I will still be the lord. , no one can violate this general's order."

"It's natural."

Hu Luguang hurriedly said that his intention was actually good, but he didn't expect Wei Qing to react so violently under the protection of the calf.

By the way, what is the relationship between Tian Yu and Wei Qing?
Hu Luguang glanced at Tian Yu suspiciously. He had the impression that Tian Yu and Wei Qing had nothing to do with each other. Why would Wei Qing prefer to take the blame and protect him?

Hu Luguang actually thought too much. The reason why Wei Qing defended Tian Yu, apart from Tian Yu being a junior he admired, was mainly because he really believed that the responsibility for the defeat was that he used Li Gan wrongly, not Tian Yu didn't see that he supervised Li Gan well.

"General, what should we do next?" Li Ling asked.

Wei Qing glanced at Xue Dingshan, who was pale and in a state of embarrassment, and said after a little thought: "We have not only dispatched a Confucian general like Tuoba Tao who is both wise and brave, but also a fierce general like Adhesive who is an enemy of thousands of people, Tuoba Gui This is to use the second village to stop our army."

After finishing speaking, Wei Qing asked Xue Dingshan: "Xue Sima, is that sticky force that has never appeared in intelligence really as strong as you said?"

Xue Dingshan smiled wryly. He knew that Wei Qing was not the only one, but others also thought that he had exaggerated the strength of Nian Deli. After all, if Nian Deli was really that strong, how could it be possible for Xue Dingshan to take away his mount?
Xue Dingshan didn't know how to explain this, so he had to say truthfully: "General, my subordinates dare not lie, the strength of sticking is far superior to that of your subordinates, and your subordinates only lasted fifteen rounds with all their strength. It was pure luck that he survived."

Seeing Xue Dingshan's frustrated expression, Wei Qing knew that he was not lying, and at the same time secretly said something bad in his heart.

Xue Dingshan was among the generals, although he was young, he was the most powerful under Wei Qing's command. Even he couldn't stop him for fifteen rounds. I'm afraid that even if all the generals joined forces, they would still be no match.

"Even Sima Xue is not that sticky opponent. I'm afraid there is no one in our army who can stop him."

"This is not the worst news. The entire vanguard army was annihilated, and the morale of the Qing army soared. If the previous decline is reversed, our army's broken momentum may be difficult to maintain."


All the generals started talking, but most of their words were pessimistic, obviously affected by the defeat of the vanguard army.

"Enough, shut up."

Wei Qing said coldly, the generals didn't dare to say more immediately, but Wei Qing said: "A sticky one can't affect the overall situation. The general has already asked for support from the rear. When the time comes, someone will deal with him. The really difficult ones The opponent is actually Tuoba Tao, so I will personally command the army to attack the village."

Hearing this, Hu Luguang and other generals all showed joy, and they all said in unison: "The general will go out in person, and he will surely succeed."

Wei Qing's troops came all the way, but no camp under Wei Qing's personal command could last for more than three days. That's why Hu Luguang was convinced by Wei Qing, so everyone was full of confidence in Wei Qing.

After pacifying the retreating army, Wei Qing didn't stop and ordered the army to dispatch on the same day to continue to attack the second battalion, and arrived under the camp half a day later.

During the march of the Qin army, the Qing army neither ambushed nor attacked, nor set up traps to delay the marching speed of the Qin army. This made all the generals of the Qin army very puzzled, only Wei Qing looked solemn .

"This Tuoba Tao is really smart. He knows that the ambush he set up before was successful because Li Gan underestimated the enemy, but now that the general is personally leading the army here, if he dares to repeat the old trick, not only will he not be successful, but he will also be defeated." He was calculated by the general." Wei Qing explained.

"Then why didn't Tuoba Tao leave any traps?" Xue Dingshan asked puzzled.

"It's not that Tuoba Tao doesn't want to stay, but that he doesn't have enough time to set a trap."

Xue Dingshan was suddenly stunned. It would take at least half a day for the Qing army to set up a trap enough to delay the Qin army, but this time the Qin army came back too fast, and the Qing army probably only finished cleaning the battlefield. Soon, there was not enough time to set up traps, so they simply retreated to the camp to defend.

"General, do you want to attack the city immediately?" Li Ling asked.

Wei Qing looked up at the camp, shook his head and said, "Wait for the equipment in the rear, otherwise this battle will be difficult.

Although Tuoba Tao is not very old, it can be seen from this camp alone that his art of war has already entered the list of famous generals.

Without enough equipment, it is absolutely impossible to attack with only a passion. "

Li Ling nodded in agreement. He also saw the hidden secrets of this big camp, and then asked: "General, after the equipment arrives, what standard should our army attack the stronghold according to?"

After thinking for a while, Wei Qing replied, "Casualties are not counted."


(End of this chapter)

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