Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2099 Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao

Chapter 2099 Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao
Chapter 2097: Wei Qing VS Tuoba Tao
The rear ordnance arrived soon, and Wei Qing also took advantage of this gap to select a new [-] siege team and arrange them in advance under the battalion.

The reason why only 5000 troops were allowed to attack was not because Wei Qing was reluctant to sacrifice, but because of the limitation of the terrain of this place, which could only accommodate [-] troops to attack at the same time, which was also the main reason why the Vanguard Army only had [-] people.

"General, the catapult and bed crossbow have all been placed in their proper positions as required," Xue Dingshan reported.

"it is good."

A cold light flashed in Wei Qing's eyes, and he ordered coldly: "Don't rush to attack, order the phalanx of throwing stones and the phalanx of crossbows to target the camp of the Qing army. Within half an hour, [-] kerosene bombs, Fifty thousand rockets will be thrown out by this general."

Xue Dingshan was stunned, and asked with a puzzled expression: "General, [-] kerosene bombs and [-] rockets are the entire kerosene and rocket reserves of our army. If they are all fired at once, what will be used for the subsequent attack?" ? Besides, at such a distance, I am afraid that most of them will be missed."

Wei Qing turned his head and looked at Xue Dingshan, but he didn't speak, but Xue Dingshan already understood what he meant, lowered his head and cupped his fists and said, "No."

Soon, Xue Dingshan returned and reported: "General Qi, all the kerosene bombs have been transported."

"Okay, the biography will be ordered to launch." Wei Qing shouted in a low voice.

[Ding Dong, Wei Qing's skill 'Golden Ge' is activated...

Golden Ge: This is Wei Qing's unique skill. When activated simultaneously with 'Iron Horse', it can activate the combined skill 'Golden Ge and Iron Horse'.

Effect 1, when serving as the main general, the commander +1;

Effect 2, when facing a foreign race, the commander +2, force +3, when facing the same race, the commander +1, force +2, and the morale, movement speed, and combat power of the troops are greatly increased...;
Effect 3, when facing a foreign race, when the opponent's commander is lower than your own, you can reduce the opponent's intelligence by 1~3 points.

When the effects of Wei Qing's skill 'Golden Ge' are activated at 1 and 2, Wei Qing is the main commander +1, against foreign commanders +2, the basic commander is 100, and the current commander rises to 103 points. 】

With the blessing of 'Golden Ge', Wei Qingbian's commander attribute suddenly soared to an astonishing 103. Such an amazing commander attribute, even in the Qin army, he is also a top commander.

Of course, this is Wei Qing's state against foreign races. If it's fighting in the same room, Wei Qing's commander-in-chief blessed by 'Golden Ge' will be 102.

Wei Qing, who was in command of 102, faced Bai Qi of 106. Although he fell into a disadvantage many times, he was not completely defeated after all.

But now Wei Qing, who is in command of 103, is facing Tuoba Tao, who is in command of 96, with a gap of 7 points in command, which is even greater than Bai Qi's advantage at the beginning.

If Tuoba Tao didn't have the commander skill to increase the commander, it would be absolutely impossible to block the attack under Wei Qing's personal command.

Tuoba Tao, who wiped out the vanguard of the Qin army in World War I, did not have any arrogance and underestimated the enemy. After learning that Wei Qing personally led the army, he became even more energetic and repeatedly checked the troops in the camp. Defensive deployment, for fear of revealing flaws and allowing Wei Qing to take advantage of the loopholes.

"Major General, you have checked it three times, you must be safe." Adhesively said.

"Be careful." Tuoba Tao said with a smile.

"General Qi, the Qin army's arrangement is a bit weird."

"Oh? What's so weird?"

"The Qin army is moving supplies to the front of the formation."

Tuoba Tao's eyes were fixed, and he hurriedly said: "Go, go and have a look."

After arriving at the gate of the camp, Tuoba Tao was condescending, and he saw the scene at the foot of the mountain all at once, and his expression changed drastically.

"not good."

Tuoba Tao screamed in surprise, and then shouted: "General Nian Deli, you quickly lead people to transport all the sandbags to the front camp."

Although Nian Deli was a little puzzled, he still took the order and left, while Tuoba Tao said to himself solemnly: "I hope there is still time."

Under the command of Nie Deli, the Qing army quickly moved hundreds of bags of sandbags prepared in advance, piled up everywhere in the front battalion, but Tuoba Tao still asked to continue to carry them.

Nian Deli was very puzzled by this, and asked, "Major General, what are we doing with so many sandbags in the front camp? What we need to defend the camp are also rocks and logs."

But Tuoba Tao pointed to the supply vehicle that was covered by black cloth down the mountain, and said, "Did you see that vehicle? It's full of kerosene."

Sticky Deli's expression changed immediately, and he didn't ask Tuoba Tao how he knew about it, he forced a smile and said, "It's impossible for Qin Jun's catapult to throw it at such a high distance."

"Although I deliberately built the camp outside the range of the Qin army's catapults, who knows if the Qin army has hidden catapults with a longer range?"

Tuoba Tao has heard that when the Qin army raided Lulongsai, they used a new type of crossbow with a longer range. Who knows if there is a hidden catapult with a longer range?

Tuoba Tao didn't dare to gamble, so it's better to prepare sand and soil in advance. In case Qin Jun's kerosene bombs are really projected, he can use sand to extinguish the fire in time.

Seeing that there was movement from the Qin army, Tuoba Tao quickly shouted and ordered: "The Qin army is about to attack, the whole army is on alert."

[Ding dong, Tuoba Tao's skill 'Yu Jun' is activated...

Royal Army: Strictly run the army, distinguish between public and private, and activate in times of crisis. Those who have this skill can improve the quality of soldiers when training soldiers.

Effect 1, during field battles and city defense battles, the commander +2, and the morale of the troops rises;
Effect 2, when fighting generals, strength +3;

The effect of Tuoba Tao's skill 'Yujun' is activated at 1, commander +2, and the current commander rises to 98. 】

'Yujun' is a skill only possessed by generals who are good at training the army. Xu Huang also has this skill, but the commander's increase is a bit stronger than Tuoba Tao.

Tuoba Tao's commander-in-chief rose to 2 after getting the 98-point commander of the "Yujun" increase. Compared with Wei Qing's 103 commander-in-chief, there is still a full 5-point commander-in-chief gap.


Following Wei Qing's order, Qin Jun's phalanx of catapults began to pour firepower at the Qing camp, and a large number of kerosene bombs were thrown at the Qing camp.

But it is a pity that the Qing army's camp was built too high, and most of the kerosene bombs could not be thrown. Only a few of them actually hit in a round of projection, but most of the rockets hit.

As soon as the kerosene bomb fell to the ground, the clay pot shattered and the kerosene burst out, and then a large area ignited a fire.

After being sprayed into the unlucky Qinghe, he screamed and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the flames on his body, but refined kerosene is not so easy to extinguish.

No matter how the soldier rolled, he still couldn't extinguish the fire, and was burned to the brink of death. It wasn't until two other soldiers poured a whole bag of sand on him that the flames were completely extinguished.

"Hurry up, put out the fire with sand, the Qin army's second attack is coming." Tuoba Tao shouted anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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