Chapter 2100 Steamer Battle
Chapter 2098: Steamer Battle
Although the Qin army's kerosene bombs came fiercely, most of them were missed after all, and only one out of ten of them actually hit. Although they could pose a certain threat to the Qing army, it is absolutely impossible to break the camp based on this.

Under the command of Tuoba Tao, the soldiers of the Qing army carried sandbags one after another to extinguish the fire. However, due to the continuous offensive of the Qin army, the fire could not be completely extinguished, but it was controlled within a controllable range.

In less than half an hour, all three thousand kerosene bombs had been fired.

After half an hour of continuous burning, the Qing soldiers who were affected by the fire oil had retreated, while those who were not affected were sweating profusely, but this was still not enough to defeat the Qing army.

Seeing that the Qin army's catapults stopped firing kerosene bombs, all the soldiers of the Qing army cheered, thinking that they had resisted the fiercest offensive of the Qin army.

Tuoba Tao also heaved a sigh of relief, wiped off the Hanshui on his face, then shook off the sweat from his hands, and laughed loudly: "Wei Qing is nothing more than that."

The soldiers were also infected by Tuoba Tao's heroism, and they all shouted in unison: "Wei Qing is nothing more than that."

"Wei Qing is nothing more than that."


At the foot of the mountain, when Tian Yu heard the movement on the mountain, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he was about to curse back but was stopped by Wei Qing.

"Guo Rang, you don't have to use your tongue, the fun has just begun."

Wei Qing patted Tian Yu's shoulder and said with a light smile, "Let's see that we will not waste one soldier and one soldier to capture this stronghold."

[Ding Dong, Wei Qing's skill 'Golden Ge' has effect 3 activated. When facing a foreign race, when the opponent's commander is lower than yourself, it can reduce the opponent's intelligence by 1~3 points.

The current commander of Wei Qing is 103, and Tuoba Tao is 98. Wei Qing's commander is 5 points higher than Tuoba Tao, so Tuoba Tao's intelligence is reduced by 3 points. Currently, Tuoba Tao's intelligence has dropped to 87. 】

Although Tian Yu was a little confused, but based on his trust in Wei Qing, he retreated obediently and looked up at the 'flame mountain' in front of him.

Although Qin Jun's kerosene bombs have been exhausted, the rockets have not been fired, but they have almost shot.

Seeing that Qin Jun's rockets were about to run out, Tuoba Tao's confidence was even stronger. He didn't realize at all that he had already been demoted by Wei Qing, and it was too late when he found out that something was wrong.

Looking at the raging fire on the mountainside, Tuoba Tao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "Wei Qing wanted to set fire to us, but now this fire has become our protective umbrella. As long as this fire is not extinguished, the Qin army will not be able to attack , does this count as lifting a rock but hitting your own foot?"

Sticky was taken aback for a moment, he didn't think so deeply, but after thinking about it, he found that Tuoba Tao's words made sense.

Aren't they being protected by the fire on the mountainside now? The only fly in the ointment is that the protection circle is a little hot, like a steamer.

"What the major general said is true. Wei Qing really miscalculated this time. Not to mention wasting thousands of precious kerosene bombs, he also lost the opportunity." Nian Deli said.

"Most of the Qin army's kerosene bombs hit the mountainside. Judging from this posture, I am afraid it will burn for another hour or two. At least there is no need to worry about the Qin army's attack within this hour or two."

Tuoba Tao said confidently, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead, not realizing that the temperature in the camp was a little hotter than before the fire was extinguished.

After half an hour.

"General, it's so hot that many soldiers fainted from the heat."

After hearing the report, Tuoba Tao frowned tightly: "Persist a little longer, the fire will be extinguished in an hour, and the temperature will drop by itself. If the soldiers really can't stand it, they can first dip it in water." Wet clothing to cool down."

"This... chirp."

Another half hour passed.

Nian Deli rushed over and said anxiously: "Major General, something is wrong. Most of the rear battalion have suffered from heat stroke, and the rest of them are also dizzy from the heat and are almost unable to hold on."


Tuoba Tao's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Take me to have a look."

Under the guidance of Nian Deli, Tuoba Tao came to the back camp.

The reason why the Qing army was in the back camp was because the front camp was too hot and it was not a place for people to stay, and the back camp was far away from the fire zone, so the temperature was not so hot, so Tuoba Tao asked most of the soldiers to stay in the back camp. He went to the back camp to escape the summer heat, while he led a small number of elites to monitor the Qin army in the front camp.

After arriving at the back camp, Tuoba Tao immediately noticed that the surrounding temperature had dropped, but compared to the front camp, it still seemed to be in a furnace on the whole.

As a top-ranking military general, this temperature is just a little hot for Tuoba Tao, which is nothing at all, but it is difficult for ordinary soldiers.

"Why is it so hot here in Houying? It wasn't so hot before?"

Before Tuoba Tao had time to think about it, he saw that the soldiers were all blushing, their eyes were blurred, and they fanned each other in groups of two and two, but it didn't work, because the fan was hot air.

The clothes on the soldiers were basically soaked in sweat, and everyone looked exhausted from the heat.

"This, how could this be?"

Unbelievable and puzzled expressions appeared on Tuoba Tao's face.

The back camp is far away from the front camp. He has been here before, and it is not so hot. Why is it almost the same as the front camp now?

"Major General, what should we do now?"

Sticky asked anxiously.

After being silent for a long time, Tuoba Tao gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw."


Sticky's voice became louder, they were ordered to defend the second battalion, and now they retreated before even defending it for a day?How can I explain this time?

Tuoba Tao didn't explain, and said categorically: "I will pass on the order of my general to abandon the camp immediately, and the whole army will withdraw to the third camp."


Seeing the expression on Jian Deli's face when he left, Tuoba Tao knew that he didn't want to just leave, in fact, he didn't want to leave either, but he couldn't do without.

Now the soldiers are so hot that they are about to collapse. If they continue to stay forcibly, more people will only be fainted by the heat.

Once the fire is extinguished, the Qin army will definitely attack, but at this time, the Qing army, which is suffering from heatstroke, has less than [-]% to [-]% of its overall combat power. Using such an army to resist the Qin army is simply death, so Tuoba Tao really had to retreat. .

Tuoba Tao is also a person who can afford to let go, knowing that he can't do anything, he will naturally not force it, but the back camp, which is far away from the front camp, has also turned into a steamer, which really puzzles him.

After Tuoba Tao evacuated from the cottage, he looked back at the terrain on both sides, felt the warm wind blowing in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something.

"This terrain, this wind direction, could it be..."

Tuoba Tao opened his mouth wide, his face was covered with sweat, but it was not from heat, but from cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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