Chapter 2129
Chapter 2127: Breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat
Chen Baxian would rebel, which is both reasonable and unexpected.

The reason why Chen Baxian surrendered to the Manchu Qing Dynasty was because he was ostracized by the Liaodong family headed by Gao Qiu and Cai Jing, and he did it out of desperation, which was not his original intention at all.

What's more, after the surrender, the Liaodong family not only pushed all the infamy on Chen Baxian alone, let Chen Baxian notoriety, but also gave him no rights at all, and encouraged the Qing general to humiliate Chen Baxian repeatedly, trying to force Chen Baxian to He committed suicide forever.

Under such circumstances, even ordinary people may not be able to bear it, let alone a hero like Chen Baxian?

The reason why Chen Baxian's rebellion was unexpected is because Chen Baxian no longer has any rights, and the Liaodong family still guards him very strictly.

What everyone in the Manchu and Qing camp did not expect was that Chen Baxian not only rebelled, but also recruited a group of people, and even burned the precious ships and food of the Qing army.

Then there is another question, how did Chen Baxian achieve this step?The reason is simple, he has the Black Ice Platform behind him to support him.

Before the war between Qin and Qing, the two major espionage organizations, Black Ice Platform and Sticky Rod, had already used Youzhou as the battlefield to fight.

Whether it be assassination, instigating rebellion, or exploring secrets, in order to severely injure Fu Fang, the two major spy organizations have done everything they can, and Chen Baxian has naturally become one of the targets of the Black Ice Platform.

At this time, although Chen Baxian has no military power in his hands, he was once the king of Chen after all, and he still has some influence in the Chen Guojiang army, and he also hates the Manchu and Liaodong families very much. It can be said that as long as he wins over, he will surely succeed. .

Naturally, such a perfect chess piece, the Black Ice Table, would not let it go.

Black Ice Terrace sent Mo Ya, an agent, to contact Chen Baxian in secret, but what Mo Ya didn't expect was that he didn't even reveal his identity. Chen Baxian had already guessed his identity, and decisively chose to turn to Qin Guo without saying anything, and proposed A series of countermeasures.

The situation of Chen Guo’s descending army is indeed a bit special. At first, he was loyal to Gongsun Xuanyuan. After Gongsun Shu’s rebellion, he had to rebel. After that, Chen Baxian joined forces with the Liaodong family to launch a coup. Man Qing.

In just one year, Chen Jun changed hands four times. How much loyalty can such an army have?
If the Manchu Qing continued to prosper, Chen Jun naturally would not dare to make any changes, but if the Qing army was at a disadvantage, they would definitely not be buried with the Qing army.

In this regard, Chen Baxian is full of confidence.

As the situation in Youzhou became more and more critical, Manqing naturally couldn't care about Chen Baxian, and Chen Baxian took this opportunity to contact the old department.

Just when the Qin army gained a decisive advantage and the army crossed Yanshan Mountain in one fell swoop, Chen Ba first pulled three generals who had betrayed him, and a total of three battalions and three thousand soldiers turned against him together.

The reason why only three generals were recruited was because Chen Jun's combat power was poor and morale was also low. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it would be death for such an army to go to the front line to fight against the tiger wolf Qin army armed to the teeth.

Nurhachi didn't care about Chen Jun's life and death, but he couldn't let Chen Jun affect the morale of the Qing army, so he ordered the surrendered army to guard Liaoxi and Liaodong, and only transferred the elite Chen Jun from the third battalion, who were relatively capable of fighting. To instigate.

After successfully instigating the rebellion, Chen Baxian, taking advantage of the fact that the Qing army was unprepared against him, attacked decisively at the right time, and burned down the Qing army's newly built port, as well as grain, grass, and ships in one fell swoop.

In Nurhachi's eyes, Chen Baxian was just a loser, and he was kind enough to spare his life for a while, so it's fine for him to be ungrateful, but he dared to turn against him at such a critical moment?And it worked.

Regarding this, Nurhachi was naturally extremely angry, and in a panic, he vomited blood and passed out. It was a day after he woke up, and the fire at the port had been extinguished.

"Your Majesty, there are only [-] shi left in the [-] shi food and grass. As for the ships..."

Seeing that Yan Honglie was hesitant, Nurhachi sighed softly and said, "Just tell me, how many ships are left?"

"Eighteen boats."

"What?" All the generals exclaimed.

It doesn't matter if the food and grass are burned, after all, the decisive battle will start soon, and the food and grass will be useless, but the boat can't be burned.

These ships can transport food, and naturally they can also bring people back, but the Qing army is now trapped in Youbeiping, unable to advance or retreat, and the Qin army is also difficult to defeat, so they are counting on these ships to escape.

Now that the boats were burnt by Chen Baxian, there are only eighteen boats left, and their hopes are shattered. After all, how many people can the eighteen boats send away?

If you want to leave, you have to go at the top level, no matter how hard it is, it will never be their turn.

Thinking of this, the middle-level generals cursed angrily, wishing they could swallow Chen Baxian alive.

"Damn Chen Baxian, he should have been killed in the first place."

"If you kill Chen Baxian, you must kill Chen Baxian, and let him know the consequences of betraying the Qing Dynasty."


After venting, everyone's eyes were on Nurhachi again.

There were only [-] ships left, and Nurhachi had the final say on who could leave and who would stay.

Nurhachi understood what the generals meant, raised his head after being silent for a while, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes, and said indifferently: "Come here, burn the remaining [-] ships and all the food and grass."

"What? No, absolutely no."

Chu Ying was shocked when he heard the words, and was the first to jump out to stop him. After all, as the prince, he must be able to board the boat and escape back to the west of Liaoning.

All the generals were also stunned by Nurhachi's decision, and after reacting, they quickly followed Chu Ying to object.

"Your Majesty, don't burn it."

"Yes, Your Majesty, if the ship is burned, how should Your Majesty and brothers go back?"

"Your Majesty's golden body must not be left in danger."


Nurhachi ignored everyone's dissuasion. After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "If you defeat the Qin army, you will naturally be able to go back."


Chu Ying was in a hurry and was about to persuade him again, but Nurhachi didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Enough is enough, I have given up my will. This time I want to follow the example of the overlord, cut off hope, and break the boat. Only in this way can I defeat the Qin army."

Nurhachi's eyes were full of determination, and he shouted, "Burn."


The eighteen ships that survived were burned by Nurhachi instead.

Mountain lion camels, Yang Dayan, Jin Wushu and other high-ranking officers in the army watched the boat turn into ashes, their eyes full of complex expressions.

Even if there were only [-] ships left, they, high-level officials, would definitely be able to evacuate by boat, but no one thought that Nurhachi would have the courage to sink the boat.

Even Nurhachi is not leaving now. If they don't want to die, they will naturally stay and fight hard.

(End of this chapter)

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