Chapter 2130 Eight Banners
Chapter 2128: Eight Banners
After burning the last eighteen ships, Nurhachi was still dissatisfied, and ordered: "Since you want to imitate the Overlord, you should imitate it thoroughly.

The people who came came burned all the food and grass, leaving only three days of dry food for the decisive battle with the Qin army. "

The faces of the generals changed again, but this time no one stood up to dissuade them, because Nurhachi was right.

The boat is broken, the boat is already broken, why keep the cauldron?It's better to burn all the fire, so as to inspire the soldiers' heart to fight to the death.

After a series of disastrous defeats, the Qing army had grown fearful of the Qin army, and naturally they would not dare to fight the Qin army if they could not fight.

But now that the warships have been burned, food and grass have also been burned, and there is no other way out except for a deadly battle. The soldiers are naturally extremely desperate about this.

At this time, Nurhachi gave a little guidance to let the soldiers know that he would also stay and fight to the death with the soldiers until the last moment, and this despair would turn into madness that is not afraid of death.

"Qin Hao, you forced me, you forced me."

Nurhachi originally thought about sending a group of high-level officials back to western Liaoning before the decisive battle. After all, low-level soldiers can be used as cannon fodder, but high-level elites cannot. If they lose too much, it will hurt the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

But Chen Baxian suddenly backstabbed and burned the boat, which completely exceeded Nurhachi's expectations.

However, now that the mistake has been made, Nurhachi simply resorted to tactics and burned the remaining warships and food and grass to arouse the hearts of the soldiers to fight to the death, and gave up all their troops to severely damage the main force of the Qin army.

Of course, Nurhachi naturally did not leave behind. Although he clearly burned the last eighteen small boats, he secretly ordered Yinzhen to collect the ferry boats.

Although 20 Qing troops were trapped in Youbeiping, it was impossible to trap Nurhachi. If he really wanted to leave, he could return to western Liaoning even if he didn't take a boat, escape into deep mountains and old forests and cross mountains and mountains.

The reason why Nurhachi didn't leave, but took the risk to stay, was just to maximize the use value of the 12 abandoned troops.

That's right, the 12 army is already an abandoned son in Nurhachi's heart, and its only role is to give the Qin army as many casualties as possible.

"The boat has been burned by that traitor Chen Baxian, and there is only three days left of food and grass, so..."

As he said that, Nurhachi drew out his sword and pointed at the sky, and shouted: "Within three days, the Qin army must be defeated, otherwise there will only be a dead end.

Soldiers, I am with you in this battle. If you win, I will share this great mountain and river with you. If you lose, I will die before you. "

[Ding dong, Nurhachi's skill 'Eight Banners' is activated...

Eight Banners: A unique skill of the Aixinjueluo family, which can only be awakened by the Aixinjueluo royal family. (Note: Different people have different effects.)
Effect 1. When commanding the Eight Banners Army, the commander +2, the force +4, and the morale of the whole army is greatly improved.

Effect 2, when commanding the Eight Banners Army of foreign races, the commander +1, the force +2, and the morale of the whole army is improved to a certain extent. (Note: When commanding the Manchu Eight Banners and the Alien Eight Banners at the same time, the number of people determines the dominant position.)
Effect 3, when in a desperate situation, the strength of the entire army will be +1, and the morale, combat power, and fighting spirit of the entire army will be greatly improved. 】

Like Guan Yu's 'Three Swords', 'Eight Banners' is also a skill inherited by the family, and only those from the Aixinjueluo family can awaken it.

However, compared to the 'Three Swords' which lack stamina, the 'Eight Banners' which can enhance the military power and the combat power of the entire army are much stronger.

As soon as Nurhachi said this, the entire Qing army was in an uproar.


No one expected that the Qing emperor was so determined and would make such a vicious oath, which made all the soldiers feel unbearable grief and indignation.

His Majesty the Emperor could obviously leave, but he was willing to stay and fight to the death with the soldiers.

Even the emperor was not afraid of death, he dared to fight to the death, how could ordinary soldiers be afraid of death?

"Since the Qin army won't give us a way to survive, then we will fight them, and at worst we will die."

"Yes, 18 years later, he will be a hero again."

"Fight, fight with Qin Jun."


[Ding dong, Nurhachi's skill 'Eight Banners' effects 1 and 3 are activated in succession, the commander +2, the force +4, the force of the whole army +1, and the morale of the whole army is greatly improved.


At present, the commander-in-chief of Nurhachi has risen to 103, and the force has risen to 110. The morale of the Qing army has greatly improved. 】

Under the double morale blessing of the "Eight Banners" and the bewitching of the master Nurhachi, the morale of the Qing army rose rapidly, and soon reached its peak, and its combat effectiveness has greatly exceeded its peak period.

This is the potential that can be unleashed when people are in desperate situations.

Looking at the excited army, the corners of Nurhachi's mouth rose slightly, and he sneered ferociously.

"Qin Hao, I have already prepared a feast for you, but I don't know if your teeth are hard enough."


"The sinner, Chen Baxian, pays homage to King Qin."

In the Qin army's camp, Chen Baxian led three rebel generals, and under the eyes of all the Qin generals who were either contemptuous or disdainful, he took the initiative to kneel down and salute Qin Hao who was on the main seat.

Chen Baxian was very clear about his own position. He knew that his crime of calling himself king without authorization was unforgivable, so he did not call himself a "king of crimes", but a "general of crimes".

Anyway, in the eyes of the outside world, he, King Chen, is a puppet of the Liao family. Why not take this opportunity to push all the crimes of being king on the Liaodong family, so as to wipe out all the blame for his own crimes, so as to save his life. life.

Seeing that Qin Hao didn't speak, Chen Ba first thought that Qin Hao was dissatisfied with him, so he lowered his head, and almost lay down on the ground, sadly saying: "The sin will come late, please forgive me, the king."

After seeing Chen Baxian's performance, Qin Hao secretly said in his heart: "They are all film kings", and then said calmly: "Chen Baxian, you are the king of Chen, and your status is equal to this king, so what crime can you have?"

Chen Baxian felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly argued: "Your Majesty, the matter of becoming king is definitely not the intention of the criminal general, and the criminal general was also forced."

"How can you become king? Is there someone forcing you to fail?"

"Reporting to the king, the guilty general was originally a subordinate of Wang Mang. After Wang Mang and Gongsun Shu launched a rebellion in the Liao Kingdom, they led the army south to Qingzhou, leaving the last general to guard the Liao Kingdom.

The Liao Kingdom is a country between the cracks. There are strong swallows in the west and violent Qing in the east. The late generals have just arrived and have no foundation. How can they defend the Liao Kingdom?
In desperation, he could only rely on the strength of the local aristocratic family, but he didn't want the Liao family to be bribed by the Qing Dynasty long ago, and the crime turned this plan into an act of luring wolves into the house and seeking skins from tigers. "

"and then?"

"Then the sinful general was emptied out and placed under house arrest. Afterwards, he was proclaimed king and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. It was all done by the Liao family. It has nothing to do with the sinful general."

(End of this chapter)

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