Chapter 2131 Where is Zaan?

Chapter 2129 : Where is Zaan?

What is the highest level of lying?That is to say, even he believed it, and Chen Baxian is in such a state now, that is called a sincere, gnashing of teeth.

If you don't know the inside story, I'm afraid you will be deceived by Chen Baxian's appearance, thinking that he is a poor man who is loyal but is used because of carelessness.

Of course, Chen Baxian wasn't all lying.

To talk about treason and surrender to the enemy as a traitor, Chen Baxian never thought about it from the beginning to the end. This was indeed forced by the Liao family.

But to say that it was not the original intention to claim the king by separatism, was this also forced by the Liao family?This is a bit ridiculous.

Generally speaking, seven points of Chen Baxian's words are true and three points are false. Perhaps it is precisely because the truth accounts for the majority that he can 'act' with such sincerity and gnash his teeth.

Qin Hao quietly watched Chen Baxian's performance, and when he saw that some of his subordinates were really moved by his nonsense and showed pity for him, he secretly said "true movie king" in his heart.

"In this way, all this is done by the family. Not only are you not guilty, but you are also a victim?" Qin Hao said with a playful face.

Chen Baxian's heart tightened. This question is not easy to answer. After thinking about it quickly, he replied:
"The sinful general once helped the evildoers, was bewitched by the traitor Wang Mang, and fought against the king of the Great Qin Dynasty. It is an unforgivable crime, but now he has realized his mistake, and I beg the king to give the sinful general a chance to correct his evil ways."

It has to be said that Chen Baxian's answer was so ingenious that Qin Hao couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

Chen Ba first said so, denying his crimes in Liao, but admitting the crime of confronting the Qin army before, but then pushing the fault to Wang Mang.

The subtext is that the big mistake is someone else's. I, Chen Baxian, am just an accomplice. I made a small mistake. Your Majesty, you don't have such a little guts, do you?
Looking at Chen Baxian who already knew he was wrong, but put on a posture of waiting to be killed, Qin Hao suddenly missed the sand curtain in the prison, and it is better to communicate with this kind of rough.

Qin Hao didn't answer Chen Baxian immediately, but looked at Ye Qingmei who was on the side, and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, is what Chen Baxian said true? Is the Liao family really so miserable?"

As a woman, Ye Qingmei was originally not qualified to appear here, but Qin Hao gave her the qualification to participate in the military and political meeting on the grounds that she was a representative of the Liao army and an ally.

Regarding Qin Hao's behavior of carrying private goods, Zhuge Liang and other civil and military officials originally wanted to persuade them, but seeing that the marriage between Qin Gongsun and his family is imminent, and Ye Qingmei will definitely become a princess in the future, they didn't say anything more .

The term "long hair but short knowledge" is obviously inappropriate to apply to Ye Qingmei. She not only has black and beautiful hair, but also has an IQ that 90.00% of the world's [-]% of people can't match.

After hearing Qin Hao's words, Ye Qingmei immediately figured out Qin Hao's thoughts.

Did Qin Hao not believe Chen Baxian and was confirming the truth of what he said?

of course not.

If Qin Hao wanted to kill Chen Baxian, he would not have appeared here at all, and he would have been secretly dealt with on the way here.

The reason why she asked her this in public was just to use Chen Baxian to punish the crimes committed by the Liao family, so that they could clean up these families in a legitimate way in the future.

Qin Hao's real target is those traitor families!

"Your Majesty, what Chen Baxian said is true, the family of the Liao Kingdom is indeed miserable and has no loyalty at all.

When my righteous brother was in charge of the military affairs of Liaodong and Liaoxi, he was very kind to the aristocratic family, but when there was a little conflict of interest, they supported Gongsun Shu and Wang Mang to rebel.

The death of General Gongsun Zan is not unrelated to the local aristocratic family, Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Geng Jingzhong are all from the aristocratic family..."

Ye Qingmei didn't have a good opinion of the family of the Liao Kingdom. Gongsun Xuanyuan was tortured by these people. Now that he finally had the opportunity to take revenge, he had revenge for revenge and revenge for injustice. He said nothing without reservation Happy.

Of course, Ye Qingmei didn't lie, what she said was the truth.

The more Ye Qingmei talked, the more excited she became, and the more she spoke, the more vigorous she became. She kept talking non-stop, spitting out lotus flowers and fragrance at the same time, but she didn't swear at others, confident, flamboyant, elegant, and domineering. What they saw made all the generals present dumbfounded.

This is too strong, if this eloquence is used to scold and fight, you can't scold the opponent to death.

Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen and other civil servants looked at each other, a little worried about whether it was correct to marry the Gongsun family, after all, this Ye Qingmei was obviously not a vegetarian.

Is there really someone in the lord's harem who can shock her?Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen thought to himself.

Ye Qingmei also noticed the strange eyes of everyone, and thinking about what she said before, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she immediately shut up and stopped talking.

Qin Hao laughed and joked, "Ms. Ye is not from Zaan, is she?"

Ye Qingmei was ashamed and angry, only thinking about revenge, but she did not expect to reveal her truest side, and the elegant and gentle persona that had been maintained in front of Qin Hao also collapsed.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingmei almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and ran away covering her face in shame and indignation.

Looking at Ye Qingmei who trotted out, all the civil and military ministers looked at each other, but there was a question in their hearts, that is, where is Zu'an?
Is there a county called 'Zu'an' in the thirteen states?
"Ha ha……"

Seeing Ye Qingmei's embarrassment, Qin Hao not only did not say anything to comfort him, but laughed out loud, and at the same time secretly said in his heart: "I, Qin Hao, will decide on this woman."

Apart from Ren Hongchang, there was no other woman who made Qin Hao's heart flutter like this.

Even if he is as beautiful as Liu Mu, Qin Hao does not fall in love at first sight, but falls in love with each other after a long time. The same goes for other women such as Cai Yan, Xiaolongnv, Mu Guiying, Yang Yuhuan and so on.

But on Ye Qingmei's body, Qin Hao's heart was rarely moved.

Qin Hao has never been the kind of person who wants to possess a beautiful woman, otherwise, how could he not eat Shi Yiguang and Wang Zhaojun?But Ye Qingmei, who is not as charming as the second daughter, is moved.

This is enough to show that Qin Hao was not attracted to Ye Qingmei's body, but Ye Qingmei attracted him.

Ye Qingmei is a time traveler, she is one of the rare "kinds" who can listen to Qin Hao's confidantes, coupled with her cheerful and kind personality, she can subtly affect the mood of the people around her.

When he was with her, Qin Hao didn't know why, but somehow felt happy and relaxed.

"Should I take care of this girl first? Anyway, she is also my fiancée."

At this thought, Ye Qingmei's smiling face appeared in Qin Hao's mind, and then he shook his head to dispel the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Let's forget it, don't rush at this moment, as the master, you should lead by example, and the decisive battle is coming, how can there be love between children and daughters."

(End of this chapter)

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