Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2144 Dragon and Battle of Jin Wushu

Chapter 2144 Dragon and Battle of Jin Wushu
Chapter 2141: Dragon and Golden Wushu
"This guy Liao Hua actually has the skill 'Fortune General'?"

After receiving the system prompt, Qin Hao couldn't help showing surprise.

'Fortune General' is an extremely rare skill. It can not only bring good luck to oneself on the battlefield, but also protect colleagues around you. It can be called a magic skill on the battlefield.

Before Liao Hua, there was only one person in the Qin army, and that was Cheng Yaojin, and he was also a mascot in the Qin army. Even if the army in charge of him was in danger, it could save the day.

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Yaojin is also the most frequently mobilized general in the army, who makes him the only owner of a "blessed general".

But how could Liao Hua possess such a rare skill?He doesn't have much luck, does he?
Qin Hao was also extremely puzzled by this, but after recalling Liao Hua's deeds, he felt that it was completely reasonable.

Liao Hua's date of birth is unknown, but he died after the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty. He almost witnessed the entire Three Kingdoms era with his own eyes. He can be said to be one of the longest-lived generals in the Three Kingdoms period.

If it’s just longevity, there are still many long-lived people in the Three Kingdoms period. For example, Zhong Yao lived to be 80 years old, Zhang Zhao was 81 years old, Shi Xie and Gao Rou were both 90 years old, and Wu Guolu Dai lived to 96 years old.

These people all have a common characteristic, that is, outstanding talent and ability, so they can live for so long in the chaotic Three Kingdoms period.

Liao Hua is different from these people. His ability is not outstanding, but he has been active in the most dangerous front line. If he is not lucky enough, it is impossible to live to the end of his life.

From this point of view, it is reasonable for Liao Hua to have a 'Fortune General'.

"Before, there was only Cheng Yaojin as a 'Fu Jiang', but now he is fine, and there is another Liao Hua. From now on, the burden on Cheng Yaojin's shoulders will be much lighter." Qin Hao laughed and said to himself.

At this moment, a soldier came to report suddenly.

"My lord, the Huangtaiji army suddenly appeared and was about to raid our army's flanks. I'm afraid they wanted to rescue the Jin Wushu Department trapped in the formation."

"Has Huang Taiji really lost his patience? How many troops does he have?"

Qin Hao asked indifferently, as if he was not surprised at all.

"Fifteen thousand."

"Qihu, now all the troops of the Qing Dynasty are here."

After saying that, Qin Hao stepped down from the high platform and gave orders as he walked: "The seven thousand elite cavalry left behind are ordered to attack. This time, this king will capture Huang Taiji alive."


Facing the [-] Banners iron cavalry, Qin Hao left behind [-] fine cavalry, not only defending against the Golden Wushu, but also the hidden Huang Taiji. Now that Huang Taiji jumped out on his own initiative, it was naturally in line with Qin Hao's intention.

To deal with Jin Wushu, Qin Hao dispatched Long Qi and the Three Thousand Tenglong Battalion.

But to deal with Huang Taiji, Qin Hao was going to go out in person, which was more embarrassing than his father Nurhachi. After all, Qin Hao didn't even go out to deal with Nurhachi himself, but sent Huo Qubing and Wei Qing.

The reason why Qin Hao gave Huang Taiji so much face was mainly because if he didn't move out, he would really have no sense of participation in this battle.

On the battlefield, with Liao Hua's participation in the battle, the pressure on Ji Bu and Guan Hai dropped sharply, and the three of them teamed up to fight Jin Wushu evenly.

Among the three generals, Ji Bu's base force is 98 (+1), Liao Hua's is 93, and Guan Hai's is 96.

All Saint Emperor +2, all Tenglong +1.

In other words, the three generals have all received a 3-point force increase on the original basis, and the attributes of the three have also been raised to: 101, 96, and 99 respectively.

Of course, the Golden Wushu of Jiwu 102 (+2) also has a 2-point increase from 'Zhenqing' and 'Eight Banners', and with the addition of weapons and mounts, the normal force value of Jinwushu is as high as 106.

Liao Hua's three generals are all naked, and their skill enhancement is not as strong as Jinwushu. Even if it is three-on-one, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Jinwushu. Being undefeated is already very rare.

The three generals fought Jin Wushu with all their strength for ten rounds in a row. Seeing that their side was not completely at a disadvantage, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Jin Wushu's performance at the beginning was indeed too fierce.

Jin Wushu's target at the beginning was actually Long Qi. He didn't expect to be dragged down by three unknown people. Seeing that the heavy armored infantry was completely crushed by Qin Qi, the rest of the phalanx was also strangled by the Qin army. Half of the casualties , the situation became more and more unfavorable to his own side, so he was naturally extremely anxious, and his style of play became more and more crazy.

[Ding dong, effect 1 of the Golden Wushu skill 'Drinking' is activated, force +2, and the current force rises to 116. 】

Jin Wushu's crazy style of play made Ji Bu and the other three generals overjoyed. In their view, Jin Wushu was in a hurry. As long as they continue to delay, when Jin Wushu is exhausted, it will be easy to take him down .

Facing the madly attacking Jin Wushu, the veteran Liao Huasan all tacitly switched from defense to offense, trying to consume the power of Jin Wushu with this tactic, but they still underestimated the strength of Jin Wushu after all.

In the beginning, the three generals could barely defend, but what they didn't expect was that the opposing Jin Wushu became stronger and stronger. After only five rounds, they completely moved back to the 2 situation, and they only had the power to parry. .

Round No. 16, under the full force of Jin Wushu, the steel spear in Ji Bu's hand broke apart.

If Liao Hua and Guan Hai hadn't rescued him in time, Ji Bu would have been decapitated by this axe, but Jin Wushu had another trick. Under two consecutive heavy blows, Liao Hua and Guan Hai were blown off their horses one after another. Then he rode his horse and caught up with the unarmed Ji Bu.


Seeing the big ax coming towards him, Ji Bu closed his eyes in despair.

[Ding Dong, Liao Hua's skill 'Fortune General' effect 2 is activated. After meeting the master of Ming Dynasty, he will bring good luck to his lord and colleagues around him. When the lord and his colleagues are in danger, there will be great Live them through the crisis. 】

At this moment, I saw a man wearing silver armor, holding a purple halberd, and riding a snow-white war horse. The resolute and handsome general approached Jin Wushu like a hurricane. In the blink of an eye, there was only more than ten meters between the two sides. distance, and he is Long Qi.

"Wanyan Zongbi, the dragon is here."

After Long Qi shouted, holding the halberd in his hand, he danced wildly in the air, and danced faster and faster, and dozens of halberd shadows took shape in an instant.

[Ding dong, the dragon and the skill 'Halberd God' are activated, force +4, and the current force has risen to 119. 】

Seeing that it was Longqie who came, Jin Wushu was overjoyed, resolutely abandoned Ji Bu, and went to fight against Longqie.

Long Qi's halberd technique was dexterous, and Jin Wushu's ax technique was domineering. The two fought back and forth with their axes and halberds.

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought for ten rounds, and at this moment, Yu Ziqi and Zhong Lixuan rushed over to Wanyan Honglie who had fainted.

Not long ago, they rushed into the central army of the Qing army together with Long Qie, captured Wanyan Honglie alive after a fight, and Long Qie returned to support them one step ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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