Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2145 Tiger Roaring Dragon Roar

Chapter 2145 Tiger Roaring Dragon Roar
Chapter 2142: Tiger Roaring Dragon Cry
After Jin Wushu handed over the command to Wanyan Honglie, he led the personal guard battalion to stop Longqi, but he went in the wrong direction, and instead of touching Longqi, he bumped into Liao Huajibu and Guan Hai.

Long Qi led a small group of cavalry straight into the Qing army's central army, and captured Wanyan Honglie alive without seeing Jin Wushu's face. He immediately realized that he might have missed it, so he hurried back to support, and only then did he save the three generals of Liao Hua.

Now that Wanyan Honglie was captured alive, Jin Wushu was trapped, the Qing army lost its command, its morale plummeted, and under internal and external blows, it collapsed directly.

But surrounded by the eight formations on all sides, the Qing army didn't run even if they wanted to, and the Qin army didn't have any intention of persuading them to surrender.

Facing the Qing soldiers who fled and knelt down and begged for mercy, the soldiers of the Qin Army looked at each other coldly with blank faces.

If there was no such thing as human flesh for food, Qin Bing might still have sympathy for other races, but it would be impossible after the cannibalism happened.

If you still sympathize with these alien race beasts at this time, who will sympathize with those compatriots who have been eaten by alien races?

All the Qin soldiers showed no mercy. Under Bai Qi's order, they resolutely aimed their crossbows at the Qing soldiers in front of them, and then pulled the trigger to shoot and kill all the Qing soldiers.

The massacre officially started, the Qing soldiers screamed one after another, corpses were everywhere, and the entire Jin Wushu Institute was wiped out overnight.

On the other side, seeing that Long Qi couldn't do anything with Jin Wushu in a short time, Zhong Lixuan and Yu Ziqi were ready to go to help the battle, but they were stopped by Long Qie.

"No one is allowed to make a move."

After saying that, I saw Long Qi holding the halberd pole tightly with both hands, all the strength of his body was concentrated under his hands, the veins all over his body were bulging, his skin was flushed, and steam was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Ding dong, the dragon and the skill 'Dragon Chant' activated...

Dragon chant: The dragon king lies down, the clouds and rain rest, the dragon king roars, and the world is shocked. , different people have different effects of this skill, and if it is present at the same time as 'Tiger Roar', it can form a combined skill 'Tiger Roar and Dragon Cry'.

Effect 1, force +3 after this skill is activated.

Effect 2, activated when fighting generals, reducing the strength of the enemy general by 1~6 points in a single fight, and reducing the strength of all opponents by 1~4 points in a group battle.

Effect 3, activated when the legion is in battle, the overall combat power of the enemy's entire army will be partially reduced. 】

Seeing this, Zhong Lixuan and Yu Ziqi glanced at each other, but they didn't continue to move forward. Long Qi had already gone all out, and it didn't matter if they made a move or not.

[Ding dong, the dragon and the skill 'Dragon Chant' effect 1 is activated, force +3, and the current force rises to 122;]


The dragon smashed down with a heavy halberd, and after the halberd and ax touched it, Jin Wushu's face suddenly changed, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood, his hands were even cracked, and he almost couldn't even hold the weapon. live.

"How is this possible? How can you be so strong?"

Jin Wushu looked at Long Qi incredulously, he couldn't believe that this yellow turban general had such strength, he almost lost his fighting power with one blow.


Long Qi snorted coldly, but didn't answer, the purple dragon halberd in his hand danced across the half of the sky, and swept towards Jin Wushu again from the opposite direction.

[Ding dong, the dragon and the skill 'Dragon Yin' effect 2 is activated, reducing the strength of Golden Wushu by 4 points, guarding the influence of Nurhachi's 'Zhenqing', the suppressing effect is halved, force -2, and the current force of Golden Wushu is reduced to 114;]

Seeing the halberd swept by Long Qie, Jin Wushu turned pale with fright, and hurriedly used his kung fu to suppress the injury. At the same time, he thought about whether he could avoid it, but found in despair that the Qi mechanism had been locked, and there was no way to avoid it. Can only be hardwired.

But with his strength, can he really handle it?

A flash of madness flashed in Jin Wushu's eyes, and he roared: "Long Qi, I will die with you."

Then Jin Wushu didn't dodge or dodge, he directly ignored Long Qi's killing halberd, instead he swung his big ax and slashed at Long Qi's neck, and the aura around him also broke through the limit.

[Ding dong, Golden Wushu breaks through itself, and the force is permanently +1. Currently, the basic force of Golden Wushu has risen to 103 (+3), and the force has risen to 115. 】

Seeing that his eyes were full of surprise, Long Qi didn't expect that Jin Wushu would make a breakthrough under his persecution, so he was naturally extremely upset.

"Hmph, even if you break through, your ending will be the same."

After a long howl, Long Qie's halberd suddenly changed, he raised it, and hit the ax of the big axe.

Jin Wushu hadn't had time to react, he just felt that with one bite of both hands, the magic weapon Chi-tailed Phoenix-headed Golden Sparrow Ax had been lifted away, and after he reacted, a big halberd swept towards him again and directly bombarded him. on the breastplate.


The outermost layer of fine steel armor was directly shattered, and the second layer of armor inside was also cracked, and Jin Wushu's entire chest was dented.


Jin Wushu's eyes were wide open, and he was sent flying from the horse's back. He vomited blood crazily in mid-air until he hit the ground heavily.

Looking at Jin Wushu who fell to the ground, Long Qi couldn't help but underestimated: "I won't be beaten to death, right? If he is really beaten to death, I can only blame his bad luck."

Jin Wushu and Wanyan Honglie were the ones Qin Hao named to be captured alive, and this was also a deal between Qin Hao and A Guda.

It was also because of this that Long Qi took the risk of capturing Wanyan Honglie alive, but Jin Wushu is different from Wanyan Honglie after all.

Jin Wushu's strength is much stronger than Wanyan Honglie's, and only weaker than Longqie's. Longqie is not fully sure that he can capture him alive, so naturally he dare not be waterproof in the battle, until the last It was only with that blow that he stopped, and it is not sure if Jin Wushu was directly killed.

Long Qi took a closer look and saw that although Jin Wushu's condition was miserable, he still had a sigh of relief, which also made him secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"Come here, take Wanyan Zongbi down for treatment, don't let him die." Long Qie said coldly.


A group of Qin soldiers stepped forward, lifted the unconscious Jin Wushu, and retreated to the rear.

Before Jin Wushu was captured alive, his troops had completely collapsed. Now that Jin Wushu was captured alive, it didn't have much impact on the Qing army. After all, it was still a dead word.

Looking around, the Jin Wushu Department with an army of [-] has less than [-] left at this time, and it has been divided into several areas by the Qin army, and can only rely on the shield formation to barely survive.

Seeing this, Long Qi ordered Yu Ziqi, Zhong Lixuan and other generals to lead five hundred dragon riders each, and directly smashed the shield array of the remaining Qing army.

The Qing army without shield defense was like a tortoise without its shell, which was swallowed by the Qin army with its bloody mouth wide open in a blink of an eye.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, it didn't even take more than an hour, and the [-] Qing troops under Jin Wushu were completely wiped out.

After easily capturing [-] Ke's heads, Bai Qi commanded a channel in the Eight Formation Tufang, and asked Long Qie to lead the Tenglong Battalion to support Qin Hao. Wan Tieqi rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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