Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2181 Died on the 1st

Chapter 2181 Died in one day

Chapter 2177: Death in a day

King's Mansion.

A Guda, who had just been canonized as the regent, was entertaining the generals in the mansion, so as to win people's hearts and speed up the pace of seizing military power.

"Dorgon is such a softie. I dare not resist even with my king's sword on his neck. No wonder Nurhachi doesn't like him."

A Guda looked at the generals who had been sent down, raised his glass and laughed, now, just like what Qianlong said, he just swelled to the extreme when he was full of intentions, as if he was not afraid at all that Dorgon would be pushed into a hurry.

Zhang Yi showed a slight smile: "If Dorgon dared to resist, he would not say that the throne was handed over, but it also shows that the king's tough attitude is correct."

"Well, what the military adviser said is true. Except for Chu Ying, Nurhachi's sons are all cubs who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. You have to be tough with them." Aguda said confidently.

Aguda would swell to such a point, but Zhang Yi has a lot of credit. If he hadn't been sure that Dorgon would not dare to turn his face, he must be tough, etc., with Aguda's caution, he would never have forced Dorgon endlessly.

As soon as Ah Guda finished speaking, Wanyan Cheng walked in with a serious face, and whispered in his ear: "Brother, I just received news from the palace that His Majesty's injury has worsened, and his life may be in danger."

"What? Go to the palace."

A Guda's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't care less about drinking. He put down the cup and headed for the palace.

Seeing the back of A Guda leaving, a sneer flashed across Zhang Yi's mouth, and she whispered to herself: "A Guda, go and accompany Nurhachi."

Wanyan Sheng was also planning to go together, but was stopped by Zhang Yi with excuses.

Aguda escaped death during this trip, if he died, someone from Wanyan's family would need to stand up and take charge of the overall situation, and Aguda's younger brother Wanyan Sheng was undoubtedly the best candidate.

Chu Ying was tortured during her captivity, and her physical condition was not good. Now that she is on the throne of God, under great sorrow and joy, it is common for Chu Ying to fall ill.

Chu Yingcai had a physical problem when he ascended the throne. Aguda knew this, but he didn't expect that Chu Ying would be in danger of life.

He has only become the regent now, and his interests are tied to Chu Ying. Before he takes power completely, Chu Ying still has value. Naturally, Chu Ying can't just die like this.

Therefore, after receiving the news that Chu Ying's life was hanging by a thread, Aguda went to the palace to visit immediately.

But when he arrived at the palace and saw Chu Ying, Aguda fell into the ice cellar.

Chu Ying is alive and kicking, how can she be sick in the slightest?
It's over, it's calculated.

This was the only thought in Aguda's mind.

Chu Ying didn't think about it so much. Seeing the arrival of A Guda, the great benefactor who rescued him from the flames and supported him to ascend the throne, she hurriedly greeted her with a smile: "Uncle Huang, why do you..."

Before the words fell, Chu Ying's face changed suddenly, and she spit out a big mouthful, and then covered her bleeding mouth, and said in pain: "Help, emperor, uncle, help, me, ah."

After a scream, Chu Ying was already out of breath, her eyes were wide open, and she could not rest in peace. He had just ascended the throne, but he died within a day.

A Guda looked at Chu Ying who fell in front of him, then at the people who suddenly appeared around and pointed at him, and shouted angrily: "Dorgon, you are so ruthless, the Qing Dynasty was ruined by you. "

Aguda thought that Dorgon would focus on the overall situation, but he never expected that Dorgon would dare to initiate a civil war, but he didn't know that Dorgon's actions were all forced out by him.

Now he only knows that even if he jumps into Heilongjiang, he won't be able to clean himself up.

"Prince Regent, what should we do now?" Wanyan Jintanzi asked in a low voice.

Aguda suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Get out."



"How's it going?" Dorgon asked.

After Kangxi and Qianlong looked at each other, Kangxi said: "Your Highness, something happened."

Dorgon frowned: "What's wrong?"

"A Gu is here." Qianlong said, this is also what he did not expect.


Dorgon was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up, mobilize the manpower, we must not let Aguda escape from the palace."

He was planning to pour the dirty water that poisoned Chu Ying on A Guda, but he didn't expect that A Guda would cooperate so much. He came in person before the banquet was over, and jumped into the trap they set up.

It is precisely because I did not expect Aguda to come, so there is no arrangement for Aguda, and now I don't know if it will be too late to change the plan temporarily.

"Your Majesty died in front of Aguda in full view, and now the stolen goods have been taken. Even if His Highness kills Aguda, the rest of the kings will have nothing to say." Kangxi laughed.

Kangxi and Qianlong deserved to be the emperor who started the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong. Under the joint planning of the two, they directly reversed the unfavorable situation and allowed Dorgon to regain the initiative. Now the unfavorable party is Aguda.

"Your Highness is not well. Under the protection of Wanyan's golden marble, A Guda broke through all the way to the palace gate. The palace guard Ao Gu opened the palace gate and let A Guda go."


Dorgon showed a look of shock and anger, shocked by Wanyan Jindanzi's bravery, and angry at the betrayal of his generals.

"Quickly, dispatch troops from the military camp in the city. Be sure to kill Aguda and Wanyan's family, and never let Aguda escape from Shengjing." Dorgon ordered.

Aguda also wanted to take over the Qing military power without a fight. He went to Beijing mainly to suppress people, so he didn't bring much troops, and the total number of guards was only [-].

After Chu Ying succeeded to the throne, the hearts of Manchuria were fluctuating, and the generals were thinking of changing the court, but most of the military power was still in the hands of Dorgon, and now the sudden attack directly put Aguda into a complete passive state.

The army in the barracks left the camp directly and divided into several groups, shouting "King Jin assassinates His Majesty" all the way to the King Jin's mansion, and shouting "Ordered to kill the rebel" all the way to surround the palace.

As soon as Aguda escaped from the palace, he heard the shouts of killing all over the city, and troops surrounded him from all directions, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Dorgon is really ruthless, completely leaving a way for this king to survive." Aguda gritted his teeth.

"Your Majesty, you can't stay in Shengjing anymore, you have to escape the city and return to Liaozhou." Wanyan Jintanzi said with a serious face.

"Go, break out to the south gate, the guard at the south gate is ours."


Dorgon still failed to kill Aguda in the end. Since Aguda dared to venture into Shengjing, he must have some backhands to save his life. Buying the palace gate guard and city gate guard in advance is just one of his backhands.

Under the protection of Wanyan Jindanzi, Aguda successfully escaped from Shengjing from the south gate, and Wanyan Sheng also fled to the south gate not long after he left the city.

Zhang Yi thought that A Guda would die this time, so in order to preserve the fire for Wanyan's family, he naturally couldn't let Wanyan Sheng die in Shengjing City.

Under Zhang Yi's deliberate guidance, Wanyan Sheng, who realized that the situation was not good, led his men to fight hard, and finally escaped from the south gate with hundreds of remnants, and met on the way back to Liaozhou.

Seeing his younger brother in distress, the first thing A Gu asked was: "Where's the military division?"

Wanyan Cheng was taken aback, and after looking around for a while, he replied: "I don't know, the process of breaking out of the encirclement is too difficult, no one cares about it at all, I think the military commander may have died in battle, even if Dorgon was not dead and captured Won't let him go."

"Oh, that's all. When I go back, I'll find a way to get back the military division's body and give it a proper burial."

A Guda sighed softly, although this plan failed, he didn't blame Su Junshi in his heart. After all, planning is up to people and success is up to heaven. Who would have thought that Dorgon would be so disregarding the overall situation?What's more, the military division is dead now.

What Aguda didn't know was that the Soviet army division he thought was dead was secretly returning to Youzhou under the protection of the masters of the Black Ice Terrace.

(End of this chapter)

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