Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2182 Forcibly accepting 4 counties and 1 country

Chapter 2182 Forced acquisition of four counties and one vassal
Chapter 2178: Forcibly accepting four counties and one country
Under the protection of two master masters and several super masters, Zhang Yi returned to Youzhou safely by sea, and was received by Bai Qi just after entering Yanjing.

"Mr. Zhang Yi, I have admired your name for a long time."

In order to clean up Zhang Yi, Bai Qi recruited all the top military and political leaders in Youzhou, and introduced Wei Yang, Li Hongzhang and others to Zhang Yi one by one.

In addition to Qin Hao's entrustment, Bai Qi would treat Zhang Yi with such courtesy. After learning about Zhang Yi's deeds, he admired Zhang Yi's wisdom and courage from the bottom of his heart.

Living alone in a foreign land, but relying on one's own strength, not abandoning a single soldier, causing internal chaos in the enemy country, and causing the Manchu Qing to fall into internal strife, this kind of great wisdom, courage, virtue and righteousness is not something ordinary people can have.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yi has already won the respect of Bai Qi and most of the civil and military personnel of the Qin army by virtue of her performance.

Zhang Yi always thought that Bai Qi was the same as the rumors, a cold and unkind person, but now Bai Qi's attitude made him a little flattered, secretly thinking that rumors were really undesirable, but he didn't know that Bai Qi had never been so warm to others.

After some pleasantries, Zhang Yi explained to Bai Qi the current situation of Manchuria, and bluntly said that after Aguda returned to Liaozhou, he would definitely gather troops and horses to attack Manchuria in the name of avenging Chu Ying.

After a moment of silence, Bai Qi asked, "Is Aguda sure of winning?"

"Of course not, but the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for him, so he has no choice but to do so." Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"The stain on Aguda's body has not been washed away. If there is a war with Dorgon at this time, the Tuoba family, the Fu family and other Manchu nobles will probably not stand side by side Aguda like before, right?"

"Do not."

Just as Zhang Yi was about to speak, Wei Yang stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "The small family may be swayed, but the big family will definitely stand in line with Aguda."

Zhang Yi glanced at Wei Yang in surprise, and thought that the Qin army really had a lot of talents.

"That's right, Dorgon's method of framing Aguda is not clever, and it can't even stand up to scrutiny.

Chu Ying is the person who was supported by A Guda. The two of them can be said to be both honored and humiliated. What reason does A Guda want to poison him?
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the person who poisoned Chu Ying must be Dorgon, but this happened in full view, and there is no substantive evidence, so Aguda can only be temporarily identified.

But for the Tuoba family and other Manchu nobles, the truth of Chu Ying's death is not important at all. They only care about their own interests, which is the case when they helped Aguda to persecute Dorgon before.

The interests of the Qing nobles and Aguda are the same. They don’t want a strong monarch like Nurhachi to appear. Since they have already stood in front of Aguda before, even if it is to prevent Dorgon from being liquidated, they can only follow Aguda. went dark. "

Bai Qi is good at leading the army, politics is not his director, but after listening to what Zhang Yi said, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, and said with a smile: "So that's the case, but the more chaotic the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the more beneficial it is to our army, and Youzhou also has a sense of enlightenment." It will be more stable."

As soon as the words fell, spies came to report.

" the governor, Wanyan Agu, under the banner of avenging Chu Ying, sent 12 troops, divided into three groups, to attack Shengjing."

Bai Qi's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked, "Which three ways?"

"The first route is Wanyan Aguda personally leading the army, a total of [-] troops, dispatched from Jinzhou.

The second route led by Tuoba Tao, with a total of [-] troops, sent troops from Liaozhou.

The third route led by Fu Pi, with a total of [-] troops, sent troops from Liaodong.

In addition, the two prefectures of Jinliao have also carried out a large-scale military expansion to meet unexpected needs. "

Hearing this, Bai Qi frowned. The Manchus were a nation on horseback. Women, children, old and weak could ride horses and shoot arrows, so the combat effectiveness of the recruits would not be too weak. They might not be able to fight head-on, but they were more than enough to defend the city.

At this point, Bai Qi somewhat understood why the lord wanted to carry out the policy of chaotic Qing Dynasty. The price of capturing four counties and one vassal state in one city by city was too high.

"How did Dorgon deal with it?" Bai Qi asked.

"Dorgon ordered the expansion of the army to prepare for war, and at the same time transferred from Hanzhou to Shengjing. He was defending Shengjing city. Now Shengjing alone has more than [-] troops."

"The Manchu Qing Dynasty has a profound background. It only lost more than 20 troops, and it will immediately raise another 20 troops. The Lord is right. Letting the Manchus fight among themselves is the best strategy."

After finishing speaking, Bai Qi said again: "Shengjing is the capital of the Qing Dynasty. It is known as the largest city outside the relevant countries. It has high walls and thick walls, and sufficient money and food. Aguda's military advantage is not too great. I am afraid this battle will be protracted. But in the end The one who wins must be Aguda."

The reason why Bai Qi can make such a conclusion is that the famous general who was loyal to Aixinjueluo has almost died in the battle with the Qin army. Now Aguda is the most capable general in the Qing Dynasty, and there is no one.

Although Dorgon's record is not bad, compared with a famous player like Aguda, the gap is still too big.

Zhang Yi also thought that Aguda was the one who won in the end, but a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Governor, the civil war has started in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the time has come to take back the four counties and one vassal state."

The deal between Qin Hao and Aguda is to return the four counties and one vassal state after Aguda takes power smoothly, but both parties obviously have other intentions.

Qin Hao obviously didn't think that A Guda would be obedient and take the initiative to hand over the four counties and one vassal state. Even if he was willing to hand it over, he would definitely trip him up, so it is better to force him to hand it over than waiting for him to hand it over on his own initiative.

"Four counties and one country were included in Liaozhou by the Qing Dynasty, and now Liaozhou is under the control of Aguda.

While Aguda wanted to deal with Dorgon, he never dared to fight against our army. As long as the governor, Chen Bing Lu Longsai, put on a posture of going east in a big way, even in order to avoid two-front combat, Aguda would definitely cede the four A county is a country. Zhang Yi said confidently.

After Bai Qiweiyang, Li Hongzhang and others got acquainted with each other, Li Hongzhang asked: "It took decades for the Manchu Qing to gradually occupy the four counties and one vassal state. If Aguda gave up so easily, wouldn't it be a Manchu Qing sinner? Will there be anyone to support him then?"

This is the most critical issue. Whoever cedes the four counties and one country is the sinner of the country. Even if ceding the land is more beneficial to Aguda, Li Hongzhang does not think that Aguda is willing to bear this infamy.

Zhang Yi smiled slightly: "Lord Li doesn't know something. I have seen it with my own eyes. As soon as Chu Yingcai came to the throne, he signed the cession agreement drawn up by A Guda for him, so this crime cannot be blamed on A Guda. Don't obstruct it."

"If that's the case, then send troops. Youzhou has been divided for decades, and it's time to unify."

Bai Qi stood up and ordered: "Immediately transfer 20 troops to Lulongsai, and force Aguda to return the four counties and one vassal state. If he doesn't agree, I will personally lead the troops to fetch it."


Following Bai Qi's order, 20 Qin troops gathered in Lulong, posing as if they wanted to go out of Jieshi in the east and invade the west of Liaoning.

Only then did he lead the army to attack Manchuria, and Aguda, who was about to attack Dorgon, was shocked and sweated immediately after receiving the movement of the Qin army.

If Qin Jun really came to fight at this time, he would be in a situation where he was attacked from both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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