Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2195 Yue Fei cuts Qin Hui

Chapter 2195 Yue Fei cuts Qin Hui

Chapter 2191: Yue Fei Slays Qin Hui

In the Battle of Xiangyang, although the three Qin armies all won great victories and achieved a record of annihilating 15 enemies, the number of enemy troops killed in the frontal battle was not many.

Of the 15 Shu-Chu coalition forces annihilated by the Qin army, only [-] were killed in frontal combat, and the remaining [-] were all caused by pursuit battles.

As for the [-] Shu-Chu allied forces killed in pursuit, the Qin army only killed [-] and captured [-].

In other words, in the Battle of Xiangyang, the Qin army killed a total of [-] enemies and captured [-] prisoners.

Of course, with such a great result, their own losses were not small, and the three-way army lost a total of [-] troops.

Among the three armies, Han Xin's troops suffered the least casualties, with only [-] casualties, but achieved the results of killing [-] enemies and [-] prisoners.

Of course, this was mainly because Liu Xiu took the initiative to retreat when he saw that the situation was not good, and the losses of the Chu army were much smaller than that of the Shu army.

Yue Fei was facing Liu Ji's [-] elite Shu army. Although he was defeated by Zhao Yun's iron cavalry, he also lost [-] elites.

The [-] new and old mixed troops commanded by Qin Zheng are the smallest among the three armies of the Qin Army, and their comprehensive combat power is also the weakest. If it is not for the blessing of the 'Ancestral Dragon', I am afraid that they will not last until Zhao Yun's reinforcements arrive. rout.

Among the three armies, Qin Zheng's troops also suffered the largest casualties. Nearly 5000 people died in the battle, and the battle damage exceeded [-]%, but they were still not defeated. They gritted their teeth and persisted until the last moment. This was also the most tragic battle in the Xiangyang War. .

[Ding dong, the war between Qin, Shu, Chu, and Jingbei is officially over, and the stocktaking begins...

The Jingbei War started from the attack of the Shu-Chu coalition forces on Nanjun and ended in Yue Fei Xiangyang's defeat of the Shu-Chu coalition forces. It lasted for seven and a half months, including:

In the battle of Nanxiang, [-] enemies were killed, [-] were killed and [-] were captured;
In the battle of the Yangtze River, [-] enemies were killed, and [-] were self-damaged.

In the battle of Yiling, [-] enemies were killed and [-] were killed;
In the battle of Nanjun, [-] enemies were killed, [-] were self-damaged, and [-] were captured;
In the Jiangling ambush, one thousand enemies were killed and seven thousand were killed;

In the offensive and defensive battle of Xinye, kill three thousand enemies and lose one thousand;
In the Jiangling offensive and defensive battle, [-] enemies were killed (including [-] southern barbarian slave troops and [-] prisoners of war), and [-] were killed (including [-] strong men);
In the battle of Xiangyang, [-] enemies were killed, [-] were captured, and [-] were self-damaged;
According to statistics, a total of 26 enemy troops were killed and wounded in the Jingbei War, of which 19 were wiped out (including 14 slaves and 1170 prisoners of war), 10715 were captured, and [-] were self-inflicted (including [-] recruits and [-] counties. [-] strong soldiers), after deducting casualties, a total of [-] summoning points will be rewarded, and the host currently has a total of [-] summoning points. 】

In the Jingbei War, the total casualties of the three kingdoms of Qin, Shu and Chu exceeded 40.

The two counties of Xiangyang and Jiangling were battered with flames of war, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were strewn all over the field. The tragic degree shocked the world.

The losses of Shu and Chu in this battle reached 26, but after removing slaves and prisoners of war, the loss of regular troops was about 17.

Compared with Shu, which was almost wiped out by the whole army, the situation of Chu is undoubtedly much better.

Liu Xiu's choice at the last moment preserved the strength of Chu State and allowed [-] Chu troops to flee back to Jiangling.

The luck of the Shu Kingdom has not been so good. The 18 army at its peak is now only 14, and more than [-] regular troops died in Jingbei.

Yizhou is not only the power of the Shu Kingdom, but also the two neighbors Liu Yu and Chi You, who are eyeing it. However, the Shu Kingdom has lost so many troops at one time, but it is not difficult to imagine that the future will definitely not be too easy.

The Qin army lost 14 troops. Even if the recruits and strong men were removed, they still lost nearly 90 elites. They also lost more than [-] counties in the south of Xiangyang, including Jiangling City, with a population of [-] million. .

Therefore, in the Jingbei War, although the Qin army won the final victory, it can only be regarded as a miserable victory, and it was a lose-lose battle with the two countries of Shu and Chu.

Of course, the Qin army is now sitting on the land of six states and has a deep foundation. This loss is not a big deal, and it will recover soon, but it will hurt the muscles and bones of the Shu and Chu countries.

[The battle of Jingbei involved more than 60 people before and after, and the battle standard has been reached. A total of 19 enemies were wiped out, 14 were captured, and [-] self-inflicted losses;

The battle loss ratio in this battle is 1.8:1, score: A, reward: a bronze summoning card. 】

[The battle of Xiangyang involved more than 40 people, and it can constitute a battle alone. In this battle, a total of [-] enemies were killed, [-] were captured, and [-] were self-damaged;
The battle loss ratio in this battle is 3:1, score: A, reward: a bronze summoning card. 】


After listening to the report of his subordinates, Qin Hao and all the ministers were silent for a long time, without any joy.

It was too tragic, it was too tragic.

Hetao, Sizhou, Youzhou, Hebei, these four battlefields are not as tragic as those in Jingbei.

If relying solely on Jingbei's native land, I'm afraid it will take ten years of cultivation to return to the level at the beginning of the war.

However, the state of Qin is not limited to Jingbei, and blood transfusions can be made from other prefectures to the damaged Jingbei area to shorten its recovery speed.

"My lord, the governor of Yue Fei has written a letter requesting that, taking advantage of the defeat of the allied forces of Shu and Chu, troops should be sent to take back the fallen counties in Jiangling."

Yue Fei fought Nanjun three times, and it was finally occupied by Nanjun, but it was taken away by Shu and Chu during his resignation.

Although the Battle of Xiangyang has been won now, there are still a large area of ​​territory falling into the enemy's hands. Yue Fei naturally wants to take back these territories to ensure the integrity of the Jingbei area.

After Qin Hao heard this, hesitation flashed across his face, and he turned his head to look at Jia Xu, Han Fei and the others. Sure enough, both of them shook their heads at him, apparently neither supported sending troops to Nanjun at this time.

Although the allied forces of Shu and Chu were defeated, they still had [-] troops ([-] of the Chu army and [-] of the Shu army), and Jiangling, a strong city second only to Xiangyang.

Even if the Qin army still has an army of 16 in Jingbei, twice the strength of the Shu-Chu coalition army, if the opponent can't defend, Yue Fei has nothing to do but to attack, and the price of the attack is what the current Qin army pays. can't afford it.

"I ordered Yue Fei not to send troops, but to defend the existing land. Now Jingbei can't stand the trouble."

After finishing speaking, Qin Hao gave another order: "Assemble Han Xin's [-] Hebei Army to Wuguan to support Li Jing in attacking Guanzhong. There must be no mistakes."

Li Jing's 14 army, plus Han Xin's 27, and Huo Qubing's [-] cavalry, that is [-] troops, enough for Li Shimin to drink a pot.


"By the way, Qin Hui, the traitor, has been captured alive. If he doesn't execute him as soon as possible, is he going to keep it for the New Year?"

Murderous intent flashed across Qin Hao's eyes, and he said calmly, "Order Yue Fei to publicly execute Qin Hui, as a warning to others."


Qin Hui cut off Zhang Xian's head with his own hands, and Yue Fei hated him to the bone. The reason why he didn't execute him immediately was simply because his surname was Qin.

Now that even Qin Hao has given the order, Yue Fei will naturally not stay with Qin Hui, even for a moment.

As soon as he received the order, Yue Fei pushed Qin Hui out of the prison, and in front of all Xiangyang people and Zhang Xian's spiritual tablet, he personally cut off Qin Hui's head and avenged Zhang Xian's tragic death.

[Ding dong, Yue Fei beheaded his old enemy Qin Hui, completed the task of 'Immortal and endless', and rewarded Wuwei with permanent +1.


After cutting off Qin Hui's head, Yue Fei put the head in front of Zhang Xian's spiritual tablet, knelt down on one knee, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Brother Xian, I have avenged you for my brother."

As soon as the words fell, an inexplicable aura burst out from Yue Fei's body, from the inside to the outside, causing everyone present to look sideways at him.

[Ding Dong, Yue Fei's skills 'Arrow God' and 'Wu Mu' are merging, and will soon be fused into a new super magic skill. 】

(End of this chapter)

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