Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2196 Gold Summons Meng Ben

Chapter 2196 Gold Summons Meng Ben
Chapter 2192: Gold Summons Meng Ben
"Arrow of God?"

Qin Hao, who was far away in Luoyang, couldn't help showing surprise after receiving the system prompt. He knew that Yue Fei possessed bow and arrow skills, but he didn't know that he had already upgraded to the level of "Arrow God".

In fact, Yue Fei was also an excellent archer. According to historical records, he could hold a bow of three hundred jin, open his waist with eight stones, and can shoot left and right. After becoming a general, he taught archery skills to the whole army.

What is the concept of three hundred song jin?
In the Song Dynasty, one catty was equivalent to one catty and two taels today, and three hundred song catties was 360 catties.

Yue Fei and Xue Rengui are really similar, both of them are high-ranking and high-martial generals, Xue Rengui is a master of halberds and arrows, and Yue Fei is a master of spears and arrows.

The difference is that Xue Rengui likes to fight with bows and arrows and often uses bows and arrows on the battlefield, while Yue Fei is just the opposite. Although he has superb archery skills, he rarely uses bows and arrows on the battlefield. Even Qin Hao didn't know that he had the 'God of Arrow'.

"Houyi died, and one of the twelve super gods was vacated, but I didn't expect that Yue Fei would start the competition for the position of super god this time, and I don't know how many people will compete for this position this time." Qin Hao thought to himself.

Luo Shixin died in battle, and Yuan Hong, Sun Lingming, and Gonggong, the three gods of war, competed together for a super god spot. In the end, Yuan Hong of Jiwu 107 won and obtained the super magic skill "ape god".

Ran Min died in battle, and Yin Zhou, Tantai Yu, Xia Luqi, Ju Wuba, Ma Shanwei, and Gongsun Xuanyuan fought for a place of super god. In the end, Yin Zhou of Jiwu 106 was born and won the super god. Skill 'Kill God'.

Yuan Hong died in battle, and Sun Lingming, Gongsun Xuanyuan, Guan Yu, Niu Mowang, Huang Tianhua, Lu Wenlong, Gao Ang, Zhao Yun, and Elai competed with the nine war gods. In the end, Sun Lingming of Jiwu 108 won the super magic skill "Dou Sheng".

There are three battles for God of War generals, and each time is more intense than the last. The era when Jia Fu Lu Bu, who had a basic weapon of 105, could become a super general, is gone forever.

As more and more fierce generals are born, the threshold for super generals is getting higher and higher.

Jiwu 105 is destined to run with him, 106 is barely qualified, and even 107 may not be a sure win.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao couldn't help but feel sorry for Zhang Kui. If Zhang Kui hadn't died from the arrow that shot the sun, with his 107 base martial arts, it's still very possible to compete for the Super God.

To be honest, Qin Hao is not very optimistic about Yue Fei. After all, Yue Fei is a commander-in-chief general. With 106 points of base martial arts, he competes with other fierce generals for a super general. Obviously, his advantage is not that great.

[Ding dong, Zhu Di's general Niu Mowang, the skills 'stick god' and 'magic general' are being fused, and will soon be fused into a new super magic skill. 】

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's general Jin Tai, the skill 'Sword God' and...]

[Ding dong, Liu Xiu's general Chong Heihu...]

[Ding dong, the mountain lion camel under Dorgon's command...]

[Ding dong, Wanyan Aguda's general, Wanyan Jintanzi...]

[Ding dong, Cao Cao's general Tan Taiyu...]

[Ding dong, Kublai Khan's general Jebe...]

[Ding dong, Li Shimin's general Ma Shanwei...]

brush brush...

Seven consecutive system prompts popped up, and Qin Hao was dazzled.

"Huh? Why is Zhebie here? He's not a peak general, so he has broken through to the God of War? Even if he breaks through to Jiwu, he will be 105. This time he is destined to run with him."

After Qin Hao's observation, the nine war gods came from eight factions.

Four people in the accompanying running group of Jiwu 105: Chong Heihu, Wanyan Jintanzi, Zhebie, Ma Shanwei;

The main team of Jiwu 106 is four people: Yue Fei, Jin Tai, Mountain Lion Camel, Tan Taiyu;

One member of the seed group of Jiwu 107: Niu Mowang;
Seeing this posture, Qin Hao secretly thought something was wrong.

Among the four members of the main team, although two belong to Qin Hao's side, there is still a 107 Niu Mowang, and there is no second 107 to compete with him. Obviously, Niu Mowang is the most likely to pull out this time. The winner.

Zhu Di and Qin Hao had a feud against their father, and Qin Hao never wanted Zhu Di to have a super general.

"Immediately use the Gold Summoning Card to summon by force."

Qin Hao ordered that he now has four gold summoning cards, and it's okay to use one to compete for the super general. As long as he can grab the super general, even triggering the balance is worthwhile.

[Okay, use the gold summoning card to perform a force summoning, and the summoning begins.

Character 1, Daming, Changmao: force 105;

Character 2, Warring States, Qin Hercules, Meng Ben: force 105;

Character 3, Shang Zhou, Tufu Star, Tu Xingsun: force 105;

Character 4, Shang Zhou, Black Killing Star, Gao Jineng: force 105;

Character 5, Warring States, Qin State Hercules, Ruan Wengzhong: force 105;

please choose? 】

After looking at the call list, the corners of Qin Hao's mouth couldn't help twitching.

The luck of this golden summoning was a little bit bad, it turned out to be all Jiwu 105, not even a 106, no matter who was summoned, they still couldn't compete with Niu Mowang.

"This is already the tenth regular summoning. After the summoning is over, the balance will be triggered. I don't know if there will be someone who can compete with the bull devil among the balance characters."

Qin Hao secretly thought, and then made a choice: "Get rid of Tu Xingsun, Gao Jineng and Chang Mao, and call between Meng Ben and Ruan Wengzhong."

Anyway, the base martial arts of the five people are all 105. Since it doesn't matter who they choose, then Qin Hao must give priority to the people from the Qin country, so the possibility of returning the talents brought out by this way to Qin is even greater.

Meng Ben, also known as Meng Shuo, was a fierce general in the period of King Wu of Qin.

Ruan Wengzhong was a strong general during Qin Shihuang's period. According to legend, he was 1 zhang 3 feet long, and his bravery was different from ordinary people. During his guarding of Lintao, he shocked the Huns.

Whether it is Meng Ben or Ruan Wengzhong, Qin Hao can accept whoever is summoned.

[Okay, the summoning begins... Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Meng Ben
Meng Ben: Commander 70, Force 105, Intelligence 57, Politics 45, Charm 79;

Implanted identity: The son of the Meng family in Jingzhou, the eldest brother of Meng Gong, defeated the three generals Gai Yan, Wei Wentong, and Gan Ning in the offensive and defensive battles of Jiangling, and then won the tie with the combination of the three. Gong broke through together and took refuge in Jiangdong, and is still under Meng Gong's command.

Carry 6 people: Wu Huo, Ren Bi, Ying Hua, Ying Qian, Chen Zhen, Kuang Zhang;]

A new memory was implanted in the brain, which was quickly digested by Qin Hao.

"Meng Ben was implanted as Meng Gong's elder brother. This level of identity is not bad. As for the seven people with him..."

After Qin Hao digested his memory, he found that out of the six people brought by Meng Gong, three of them were directly implanted into Qin State, namely: Ren Bi, Ying Hua, and Ying Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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