Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2212 The palace gate intercepted, the situation was out of control

Chapter 2212 The palace gate intercepted, the situation was out of control

Chapter 2208: The palace gate is intercepted and the situation is out of control

In the Chengdu Imperial Palace, in the conference hall, Liu Bian was sitting on the dragon chair, and below were all the ministers of civil and military affairs, all waiting for the arrival of the King of Chengdu, Liu Yu.

"Your Majesty, the King of Chengdu has already entered the palace and is now heading for the main hall."


Liu Bian nodded lightly, with a smile on his face, anticipating and apprehensive about Liu Yu's arrival in his heart.

He has never met this brother Wang, and all his knowledge of Liu Yu comes from the intelligence of whoever he is, but as far as intelligence is concerned, this brother Wang is also a genius with impeccable temperament and ability.

Thinking of this moment, Liu Bian couldn't help but sigh, there are so many people with outstanding talents, why is he the only one who is so ordinary?
No one is willing to be mediocre, and Liu Bian is the same, but compared with those arrogances, he is indeed too mediocre.

Just as Liu Bian was thinking wildly, he didn't notice a strange smile appeared on the corner of Wu Yi's mouth among the ministers below.

At this moment, a soldier broke in and shouted in panic: "Your Majesty, something is wrong. The King of Chengdu and his party just entered the palace, and they were intercepted and killed by the guard of the palace gate Wu Ban."


Liu Bian stood up in shock, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Wu Ban is Wu Yi's younger brother, and Wu Yi is his confidant, and the Wu family is also recognized as an imperial party.

If Liu Yu was really killed by Wu Ban, then in the eyes of outsiders, he, the emperor, wanted to kill Liu Yu.

"General Wu Yi, I need an explanation."

Liu Bian looked at Wu Yi with a ferocious face. His ability was indeed mediocre, but he was not stupid. At this point, it was hard to see that Wu Yi and even the Wu family had turned to Liu Ji.

No, maybe it was a trap from the very beginning. Liu Ji deliberately snubbed Wu Yi so that Wu Yi could gain his trust. After all, he had no one available at that time, so he would definitely not let go of the opportunity to recruit Wu Yi and the Wu family.

Thinking of this moment, Liu Bian's face turned pale. Sure enough, he was still too naive, and he couldn't beat Liu Ji, an old fox.

Wu Yi looked up to the sky, looked at Liu Bian indifferently, without the slightest bit of shame in his eyes, and said indifferently: "What does your Majesty mean by this? My Wu family follows His Majesty's lead, and my younger brother only obeys His Majesty's orders."


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the court was shocked.


All the officials gasped, and looked at Liu Bian who was sitting on the dragon chair with disbelief. They couldn't believe that this cowardly and incompetent puppet emperor, who had always had no opinions, dared to stand outside the city with an army of [-] soldiers. To intercept and kill Liu Yu?Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance.

After noticing the gazes of the ministers, Liu Bian's face turned pale again, but his heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness, and he fell down on the dragon chair without saying a word.

The Palace of the King of Shu.

Chen Ping smiled and said to Liu Ji: "Liu Bian thought Wu Yi belonged to him, but he didn't know that Wu Yi belonged to the lord, and Wu Ban was Wu Yi's younger brother. If Wu Ban killed Liu Yu, The world will only think that Liu Bian killed Liu Yu in order to seize military power."

"Wonderful, Miao, the military master's trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is very powerful. It can not only get rid of Liu Yu, the great enemy, but also put the blame on Liu Bian. Now Liu Bian can't be cleared even if he jumped into the Yellow River." Liu Ji chuckled softly.

"After Liu Yu's death, the lord can stand up and preside over the overall situation, abolish Liu Bian, and then push him out to calm the anger of Liu Yu's subordinates, so as to subdue Liu Yu's [-] troops, and then replace Liu Bian as the emperor .” Chen Ping said.

"The military division's move is multi-purpose, high, really high, cough cough cough..."

Liu Ji was overjoyed, and coughed again under excitement, quickly restrained his mind, calmed down, and stopped talking.

Just then, a soldier came to report:

"Report... to the military division, something is wrong. Although General Wu Ban ambushed Liu Yu, Liu Yu's personal guards were too powerful. He only led hundreds of guards to protect Liu Yu and forcibly broke through Wu Ban. Surrounded by the general's three thousand guards, he even entered the battle of thousands of troops alone and beheaded General Wu Ban."


Both Liu Ji and Chen Ping exclaimed, then Liu Ji frowned, while Chen Ping said with a sneer: "I wonder why Liu Yu dared to enter the city alone. It turned out that if he recruited a member, he would be a fierce general, but based on this If you want to live, you will underestimate me, Chen Ping."

Chen Ping turned around, looked away from Wang Yue, looked at Shennong who was sent by the farmer to help, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, Wang Yue is not suitable for making a move. This time, I will leave it to you, sir."

If Wang Yue makes a move, even if he hides his identity with a mask, his identity may be exposed because of his figure and moves. Isn't this the same as telling others that it was Liu Ji's attack?
For the sake of caution, Chen Ping would not let Wang Yue take action, but instead begged Shennong to kill Liu Yu.

Shen Nong frowned and stared at Chen Ping for a few seconds, then said, "This is not an example."

"Thank you sir for your help." Chen Ping said happily.

Shennong is not only the next leader of the farm family, but also a master at the level of a grand master. Chen Ping felt that if he took the initiative, he would be able to succeed immediately, but the situation once again exceeded Chen Ping's expectations.

"Report... to the military adviser, Mr. Jiang, a farmer, was stopped by a mysterious grand master before he entered the palace."


Chen Ping's complexion became ugly, and the feeling of being calculated in his heart became stronger. He looked at Wang Yue and said, "Mr. Wang Yue, you can go too, and don't bring the Chengying Sword. Remember, don't reveal your identity."


Looking at the back of Wang Yue's departure, Chen Ping's heart not only did not calm down, but became more and more uneasy. As he expected, news came that Wang Yue was blocked by another mysterious master soon after. .

"How could Liu Yu invite two great masters to protect him?"

Chen Ping's eyes were full of shock, and he felt more and more that the situation in Chengdu was getting out of control.

Outside the palace, the four great masters were fighting fiercely.

Shennong and the other party were evenly matched, while Wang Yue was gradually suppressed by the other party.

While fighting fiercely with each other, Shen Nong asked, "Who are you?"

The other party did not answer directly, but just read a sentence: "Amitabha."

"You are a Buddhist."

Shennong's face suddenly became ugly. At first, he thought that the other party was sent by the Qin army to deliberately sabotage the plan of the Shu Kingdom to annex Liu Yu, so as to cause trouble for the Shu Kingdom. He never thought that the Buddhists would Participated in, and also supported Liu Yu, who had no advantage at first sight.

In the main hall of the imperial palace, Liu Bian was like a puddle of mud, slumped on the dragon chair, his eyes were full of gloom, but he didn't expect a shout to come from below.

"Chen, Liu Yu, King of Chengdu, see Your Majesty."


All the civil and military officials of the court exploded at once, turned around in a uniform manner, and looked at Liu Yu, who was wearing a blood armor at the entrance of the main hall, who was slightly embarrassed but stood proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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