Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2213 Tearing the face, confrontation

Chapter 2213 Tearing the face, confrontation

Chapter 2209: Tear off the face and confront it head-on

In the interception at the gate of the palace just now, although Liu Yu was protected by Liu Er, he also personally participated in the fight, so his body was covered with blood.

The reason why he went to the palace with blood stains on his body was of course Liu Yu's intention, in order to frighten the civil and military ministers of Liu Jiyi's faction, give them a blow, and at the same time announce the news of Liu Yu's return.

From the current point of view, the effect of Liu Yu's dismounting this time is very significant, and everyone present is shocked. They can't believe that Liu Yu can survive Wu Ban's interception.

Seeing this, Liu Yu smiled coldly, his eyes were full of coldness, and he glanced at the ministers.

Seeing Liu Yu looking over, Zhang Song, Qiao Zhou, Gong Lu, Cheng Ji, Pang Xi and other surrenders all looked ashamed and lowered their heads in unison to avoid Liu Yu's sight.

They were originally Liu Yu's subordinates, and Liu Yu also gave them great use, but when Liu Yu was in decline, they betrayed their master and surrendered to Liu Ji.

After surrendering, Liu Yu not only did not threaten their family members, but even took the initiative to send them back to their families
Therefore, Liu Yu did not feel sorry for them in any way, but they were sorry for Liu Yu, the old master.

Now that Liu Yu has returned to Chengdu, these surrenders are naturally the most embarrassing, and they have no face to face their former masters.

Zhang Song, Qiao Zhou and others felt ashamed to see Liu Yu, but there was one exception, and he was Wu Yi.

Wu Yi not only dared to look directly at Liu Yu, but also had a cold face and murderous intent in his eyes, because Liu Yu was holding a head in his hand, which was the head of his brother Wu Ban.

"Ha ha."

Liu Yu smiled coldly, looked directly at everyone's eyes, and walked into the hall with Wu Ban's head in his hands, while Liu Er followed closely behind.

After entering the hall, Liu Yu saluted Liu Bian: "My minister Liu Yu, see Your Majesty."

Liu Bian thought that Liu Yu was bound to die, and was about to despair in his heart, thinking that he had committed the blame, but he didn't expect that Liu Yu would appear in front of him alive, and he immediately ran down with joy and happiness in his heart Grabbing Liu Yu's hand, he said excitedly, "Brother Wang is fine, as long as he is fine."

Seeing Liu Bian's posture, Liu Yu also heaved a sigh of relief. Although he guessed that Wu Ban was Liu Ji's ambush beside Liu Bian, what if?
What if Liu Bian was out of his mind and wanted to get rid of himself as an ally before Liu Ji was killed?
Even if this possibility is extremely low, Liu Yu still has this kind of worry, but now it seems that Liu Bian should not have known about the killing at the palace gate.

"Thanks to His Majesty's great blessing, I was able to escape this disaster."

Liu Yu said humbly, after all, Liu Bian is his most important ally now, and he can't turn against Liu Bian until he defeats Liu Ji and takes power completely.

Seeing that Liu Yu was so humble and respectful to him, Liu Bian felt a great deal of affection in his heart, and just as he was about to speak, Wu Yi on the other side took the lead in attacking him.

"Liu Yu, it's fine if you go to the palace with blood all over your body, and you're even wearing a head. You're disrespectful to His Majesty. Do you want to rebel..."

Before Wu Yi finished speaking, he was frightened by Liu Yu's eyes. Those eyes were piercingly cold, as if looking at a dead person again.

"This is the head of Wu Ban, the guard of the palace gate."

Liu Yu held up Wu Ban's head, showed it to the ministers, then slammed it down on Wu Yi's feet, and said coldly: "Wu Ban claimed to be ordered by His Majesty to eliminate thieves for the country. Dare to ask Your Majesty, did you ever ask him?" Had such an order?"

"I would like to swear to the sky that I never made such an order. If there is even half a lie, it will be thundered."

Liu Bian swears with a serious face that now he can't believe anyone except Liu Yu, and if he wants to gain Liu Yu's trust, he must show his attitude, and swearing is only the first step.

Liu Yu nodded, walked in front of Wu Yi, and said with a sneer, "Since His Majesty has not issued such an order, it means that Wu Ban is passing on a false imperial decree.

Following the imperial decree of His Majesty, this king led an army thousands of miles away, just to resist the Nanman and protect our country.

But Wu Ban disregarded the great Han society, and falsely preached the imperial decree, intending to murder the king.

Wu Ziyuan, Wu Ban is from your Wu family, shouldn't you give me an explanation? "

Under Liu Yu's pressing step by step, Wu Yi's face became paler and paler, his legs became weak, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, but he had to grit his teeth and hold on for the sake of his family.

"This is all Wu Ban's personal behavior, and has nothing to do with my Wu family. Besides, Wu Ban announced his withdrawal from the Wu family three days ago." Wu Yi argued.

Pop, pop, pop.

Liu Yu sneered while clapping his hands: "Do you think you can get rid of the relationship by doing this? Where is Zhang Song?"


Suddenly being named by Liu Yu, Zhang Song was startled at first, and walked out subconsciously, but then realized that something was wrong, he was no longer Liu Yu's subordinate, and suddenly had the urge to slap himself.

"Zhang Song, you were in charge of the laws of Yizhou. Let me tell you, what is the crime of falsely preaching the imperial decree? How should it be punished?" Liu Yu sneered.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Song kept sweating on his forehead, and stammered: "Fake, false biography, imperial decree, it is treason, you should, you should punish, punish the nine clans."

After speaking, Zhang Song immediately backed away, fearing that Liu Yu was still asking himself questions.

Liu Yu did not continue to embarrass Zhang Song, but instead stared at Wu Yi, sneered and said: "Have you heard that, Wu Ban committed treason and should be punished by the nine clans? You think it's okay to unilaterally say that he left the Wu family?" Can you exonerate the Wu family?"

"This this……"

Wu Yi was completely panicked. He looked around at the civil and military courts, hoping that someone would stand up and speak for him, but Liu Yu was standing here, and no one dared to stand up and speak for him. Otherwise, what would Liu Yu do if he turned against them?
Seeing that no one spoke for him, Wu Yi was completely desperate, while Liu Yu was going to kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey. Wu Yi and the Wu family were the chicken.

"I beg Your Majesty to make the decision for this king."

Looking at Liu Yu who was kneeling in front of him, Liu Bian was dumbfounded. He never expected that Liu Yu would be able to drive Wu Yi and the Wu family to a dead end with a backhand. Naturally, his heart was extremely happy.

"Hmm, Wu Ban falsely preached the imperial decree, murdered the King of Chengdu, and passed on my decree..."

"Hold on."

A familiar voice came, it was obviously not loud, but it was like thunder, it exploded in everyone's ears, but everyone's eyes widened unconsciously.

Everyone, including Liu Yu and Liu Bian, subconsciously wanted to look outside the hall, only to see a person sitting in a wheelchair being pushed over, and they were the king of Shu, Liu Ji, and military adviser Chen Ping.

"Liu Ji."

Seeing that it was Liu Ji who came, Liu Yu's eyes widened immediately, and then he felt dizzy for a while. If Liu Er hadn't held him up in time, he might have made a fool of himself and fell straight down.

Although Liu Yu didn't fall to the ground, his face was full of despair. At this moment, he only had one thought in his heart, and that was the end.

"Su Qin misunderstood me."

Liu Yu wailed in his heart, he no longer had the domineering attitude he had before.

(End of this chapter)

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