Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2214 Adversity reigns supreme and lives to the death

Chapter 2214 Adversity reigns supreme and lives to the death
Chapter 2210: Adversity dominates, living to death
The reason why Liu Yu dared to oppose Liu Ji was that Liu Ji was seriously injured on the fourth day, and the leaders of the Shu army were leaderless and panicked.

If he knew that Liu Ji had woken up, Liu Yu would never dare to turn against Liu Ji, because he would be looking for death.

Because once Liu Ji wakes up, the Shu army will have the backbone, no matter how Liu Yu plans, there will be no opportunity to take advantage of it.

So here comes the question, now that Liu Ji is not only awake, but also in the city of Chengdu, what does this mean?
Explain that all this is a trap from beginning to end.

Liu Ji Mingming has come to his senses, but he has been hiding his face all the time, deliberately throwing the Shu Kingdom into turmoil, he must have a huge intention.

So what exactly is Liu Ji's picture?Obviously it was to lure himself to rebel, so that he could annex himself openly.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu was filled with panic and despair.

Not only did Liu Ji wake up, but he and Chen Ping were still in Chengdu, waiting for him to take the initiative to deliver it to his door. In the end, he really delivered it to his door. I'm back.

"It's over, it's over." Liu Yu murmured.

Liu Er saw that his brother looked downcast after seeing Liu Ji, as if he believed that he was going to lose before the battle started, and he was impatient in his heart, and whispered angrily in his ear: "Brother, cheer up, you are so brave! All these years, is it just to show a defeated dog in front of Liu Ji? Are you not afraid of losing even if you die?"

Hearing this, Liu Yu couldn't help being shocked, and the look of depression on his face disappeared.

Yes, he has endured humiliation so far, not only to avenge Liu Ji, but also to give himself a sigh of relief, telling Liu Ji that he is no worse than him.

For this reason, Liu Yu is not even afraid of death, so is he still afraid of losing?
[Ding dong, Liu Yu's skill 'Ni Xiong' is activated.

Nixiong: Nixiong follows the mediocre, adversity is the hero, and prosperity is the mediocrity.Different people have different effects.

Effect 1. When under adversity, according to different situations and different degrees of persecution, the five-dimensional attributes will be permanently increased to varying degrees, with a maximum increase of one point each time. (Note: This effect can be activated multiple times, but the maximum increase will not exceed 10 points. The more attribute points that are increased, the more difficult it is to activate the skill.).

Effect 2, in good times, three random items in the five dimensions are permanently -1. (Note: This effect can be activated multiple times, but the number of activations is the same as that of effect 1).

Effect 3, if you can maintain a humble heart and avoid arrogance, you can avoid the activation of Effect 2 even in good times. 】

[Ding Dong, Liu Yu's skill 'Nixiong' is activated, intelligence is permanently +1, politics is permanently +1, current five-dimensional: commander 100 (+1), force 103 (+6), intelligence 93 (+10), politics 94 (+10), charm 99 (+5);]

Obviously, this is not the first time that Liu Yu's "Nixiong" has been launched, and it is only after Liu Ji's endless persecution that Liu Yu's attributes can be improved so quickly.

This person still needs to be pushed, because if you don't push, you don't know how much potential you have.

"My brother, thank you."

Liu Yu thanked him sincerely. He just thought that he had no hope of winning, and he was completely desperate under the mental imbalance. He was even ready to give up and give up resistance, but his brother's words pulled him out of despair.

What my brother said is right, is Liu Yu not afraid of death but also afraid of losing?What's more, he hasn't lost yet.

"My brother, thank you for what."

Liu Er smiled, and then said seriously: "But big brother, I can help you block the schemes in the dark, but if you want to defeat Liu Ji, you have to rely on yourself, big brother."

"Well, until the last moment, brother will never give up lightly."

Liu Yu's eyes were full of firmness, and he was thinking in his heart whether he had revealed a flaw, and where was his chance of winning.

This time he dispatched troops to Chengdu, he had Liu Bian's edict, and returned to Beijing according to the decree. After arriving in Chengdu, firstly, he did not forcefully enter the city, took over the city defense, and secondly, he did not disrespect the emperor. Instead, he was intercepted and killed in the city.

Liu Yu recalled all his previous actions, and he was very glad that he had listened to Su Qin's strategy and had not done any treasonous acts, otherwise what he was facing now would be a situation of ten deaths and no life.

Liu Yu is still a member of the feudal lords of the Southern Han Dynasty, and has never committed any treasonous act, so even if he is already in the tiger's den and takes the initiative to hand over his life to others, Liu Ji dare not face him until he has a legitimate reason. If he makes a move, otherwise he will only force against the [-] troops outside the city.

Once the civil war breaks out, both sides will die together, and it will only make Chi You, a foreigner, cheaper. This is something Liu Ji and Liu Yu don't want to see.

Liu Yu is naturally unwilling to take advantage of Chi You, he will try his best to avoid the outbreak of civil war, but if Liu Ji doesn't even want to lose his face, then Liu Yu can't control so much, the big deal is that they all die together.

After I die, who cares about the flood.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu became more confident. The situation he was in now seemed dangerous, but in fact Liu Ji didn't dare to harm him openly, and with Liu Er and the two great masters of the Buddhist family around, he also Not afraid of Liu Ji's assassination.

"Mr. Su Qin, is this what you mean by living to death? But what I, Liu Yu, want is not to live, but to win, but where is the chance of winning?"

It seems that Liu Ji, who was pushed over by Chen Ping, began to secretly worry in Liu Yu's heart.

Although his life is not in danger for the time being, Liu Ji and Chen Ping are both in Chengdu, and he can't see any possibility of winning.

Can't lose, can't win, if this stalemate continues, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to Liu Yu.

On the other side, after Liu Ji was pushed into the hall by Chen Ping, all the civil and military ministers present collectively erupted.

There had been rumors that Liu Ji was dead before, and Liu Ji never showed up, and Chen Ping didn't give an explanation, which was tantamount to acquiescing to the rumors, which plunged Shu into turmoil.

Now that Liu Ji showed his face, the rumors were self-defeating, and the Shu Kingdom, which once again had a backbone, would naturally stabilize soon.

Among all the civil and military people present, Wu Yi was the most excited. Liu Ji came, and he and his Wu family were saved.


Wu Yi ran over excitedly, but Liu Ji nodded to him, expressing that he would not give up on the Wu family, which made Wu Yi completely relieved.

It was actually a helpless move for Liu Jihui to go to the palace with injuries.

Wu Ban's plan to intercept and kill Liu Yu has completely failed, and he cannot target Liu Yu again in the short term, otherwise it would be blatantly telling outsiders that Liu Ji did it.

Liu Yu has already taken action but failed to get rid of Liu Yu, which will undoubtedly boost Liu Yu's arrogance, and in this case, if Liu Ji does not show his face, those idiots who don't know the truth will definitely fall to Liu Yu. Shicheng's situation will get even more out of control.

But as long as Liu Ji shows up, no matter which direction this political infighting goes, the Kingdom of Shu with its backbone will be invincible.

Based on this consideration, Liu Jicai decided to go out in person, first to stabilize the situation in Shu, and then concentrate on recuperating.

As for dealing with Liu Yu, it can be left to Chen Ping to do it. With Chen Ping's ability and skill, Liu Yu is destined not to jump for a long time.

Thinking of this, Liu Ji couldn't help but sneer, looking at Liu Yu as if he was already looking at a dead person.

After Liu Yu noticed Liu Ji's gaze, he clenched his fist unconsciously, and the pressure in his heart increased greatly, but Liu Er's excited voice sounded next to his ear.

"Brother, the information is correct. Liu Ji was really injured, and he was fatally wounded. Now he is very weak. I heard it."

Liu Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly whispered: "How weak is it?"

Naturally, Liu Yu would not doubt Liu Er. His younger brother has been gifted since he was a child, especially his hearing. After training, he can even hear the heartbeat of others a hundred meters away.

"Liu Ji's heartbeat is extremely weak, and anyone who is slightly injured may die." Liu Er replied.

Hearing this, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with ecstasy, but he immediately hid it.

Huangtian paid off, he risked his life to enter Chengdu just to fight for an opportunity, and now this opportunity finally appeared before his eyes.

 I went out to play on the weekend, the update is a little less, and I will add more on Monday
  The chaos of the Kingdom of Shu will end soon, and the protagonist will proclaim himself emperor next.
(End of this chapter)

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