Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2215 Liu Jinu 3 Qi Han Gaozu

Chapter 2215 Liu Jinu's Three Qi Han Gaozu

Chapter 2211: Liu Jinu's three spirits Han Gaozu

Liu Ji and Chen Ping are both in the city, and Liu Yu has no chance to seize power, but if Liu Ji dies suddenly, this dead game will be completely over.

If Liu Ji was in good health, Liu Yu would naturally not have such extravagant hopes, but now Liu Ji has not recovered from his serious injuries, and his body is extremely weak, even a small injury may kill him.

Then it's not impossible to add fuel to the flames by yourself and find an opportunity to let Liu Ji die suddenly.

Once Liu Ji died, even if Chen Ping was still there, he would not be able to replace Liu Ji. At that time, Liu Yu would be sure to pass through the imperial court and take over the military power of the Kingdom of Shu little by little.

"However, what should I do to make Liu Ji's injury recur without being discovered by Chen Ping?" Liu Yu thought to himself.

The goals of Liu Yu and Liu Ji are actually the same, both want to annex each other in a legitimate way, that's why Liu Ji didn't dare to attack Liu Yu explicitly.

In the same way, Liu Yu did not dare to attack Liu Ji openly, because if any flaws were revealed and people discovered that Liu Ji's death was related to Liu Yu, then civil war would be inevitable.

Liu Yu did not hesitate to risk his life, go deep into the tiger's den, and even hand over his life and death to others. The purpose was not to die with Liu Ji, so he must find a way to get the best of both worlds, which can kill Liu Ji and put his relationship aside .

"Brother, why don't I do it? As long as I get close to Liu Ji ten steps away, I can quietly make Liu Ji die violently in public."

Liu Er said sadly, apparently after realizing Liu Ji's weakness, he had already thought about getting rid of him secretly.

Liu Yu couldn't help being moved when he heard the words, but he still asked cautiously: "Can you make sure that you don't show any cheating feet?"

After thinking carefully, Liu Er replied, "I'm [-]% sure that I won't be discovered."

A tangled look appeared on Liu Yu's face. It's not safe to be [-]% sure, but it's not too low. If there is no other way, you can give it a try.

"Follow Brother Wei to the past, and act according to Brother Wei's wink."


Liu Yu took Liu Er and walked towards Liu Ji, but he didn't want to get close to twenty steps away. The two men in black behind Chen Ping came up to him, jumped over Liu Yu, and stopped Liu Er Come down and invite Liu Er out.

In the previous interception at the palace gate, Liu Er had already shown his bravery. It was impossible for Liu Ji to be undefended against him, so naturally he didn't dare to let him approach him.

Seeing this, Liu Yu thought it was a pity in his heart, but he didn't argue with Liu Ji too much, instead he took the initiative to ask Liu Er to go out and wait for him.

Liu Er obeyed Liu Yu's elder brother, Liu Yu must have his own plan to let him go out, if he stays forcibly, it will cause bad things, so he gave Liu Ji and Chen Ping a fierce look as a threat, and then strode out hall.

Seeing Liu Er left, Liu Ji and Chen Ping both heaved a sigh of relief.

If a fierce general of this level really cared about everything and killed wantonly, even Liu Ji and Chen Ping would not be sure of their lives at such a close distance and without Xing Tian Fan Kuai being present.

Fortunately, Liu Yu is a measured person, and he didn't let Liu Er let his temper go wild.

"King of Shu, Wu Ban falsely preached the sacred decree, and murdered the king for no reason. The evidence is solid and cannot be denied. Do you want to speak for the Wu family?"

Liu Yu took the lead and blocked Liu Ji's back route directly, trying to use this to force Liu Ji to abandon the Wu family.

Liu Ji didn't speak, but Chen Ping on the side said: "King of Chengdu, it's too impatient to be so eager to label the Wu family. You must know that all of this has not yet..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Liu Yu.

"Mr. Chen Ping, this king is asking the king of Shu, not you. The king of Shu hasn't spoken yet, so there's no place for you to intervene."

Liu Yu's merciless reprimand made Chen Ping's face stiffen, and his heart was also annoyed. Just when he was about to refute, Liu Yu took the first step, and said in a strange way: "Why doesn't the king of Shu speak? It can't be that he was injured in Jingzhou." Tongue, can’t you speak anymore?”

Liu Ji frowned slightly, he was going to show his face, and leave after explaining the matter, and leave the rest to Chen Ping, but he didn't expect that Liu Yu would not fight with Chen Ping, so he went directly to him He, with the attitude of not letting him go until he opens his mouth.

Liu Ji is not easy to provoke either. Now that Liu Yu has made a move, he will naturally not be afraid of fighting. He sneered and mocked: "I disappointed the King of Chengdu. I didn't hurt my tongue and I can still talk."

Liu Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words. Liu Ji was speaking in a feeble manner, which showed how serious his injuries were.

"Yeah, you can really talk. I thought you were dumb, King Shu. I'm sorry."

Liu Yu apologized without the slightest sincerity, but he already had two ways to get rid of Liu Ji in his mind:

One is to delay until Liu Ji's injury recurs;

The second is to deliberately provoke Liu Ji to cause his injury to recur;
If Liu Ji died of a recurrence of his injury due to his own body, then naturally it has nothing to do with Liu Yu.

Liu Ji didn't realize Liu Yu's intentions, and he didn't think that his body would be so bad that the injury would recur after a few words, so he said: "This king is not trying to speak for the Wu family, but you Some of his actions may have caused General Wu Ban's misunderstanding, which is why he made such an extreme move."

Liu Yu knew that Liu Ji was setting him up, so he couldn't help but sneered, and asked, "I don't know what this king did to cause Wu Ban's misunderstanding?"

Liu Ji secretly took the bait in his heart, and said calmly: "Chengdu King, can you explain, since you were ordered to return to Beijing to conquer the Nanman, why did you forcefully recruit all the guards along the way? How is this different from rebellion?"

Liu Ji was Liu Ji, and he wanted to label Liu Yu as a rebel as soon as he opened his mouth. However, Liu Yu was not a vegetarian, and he already had a reason in his heart to defend himself.

"What is this king's way? It turns out to be this. In fact, the thing is like this..."

Liu Yu started the storytelling mode, and to make a short story long, Baba talked for half an hour, roughly meaning:
The Nanman king Chiyou's army was coming in a menacing manner. He was afraid that the troops he brought would not be enough, and since there were no enemies in the north of Yizhou, there was no need to worry about so many defenders, so he invited the defenders along the way to fight against the Nanman with him.

Liu Yu thought that the guards would readily agree, but he didn't want these guards to be brainless, ignorant, and unwilling to leave no matter what, so he forcibly recruited them, all for the purpose of going south to fight against the southern barbarians.

"This king also has good intentions and has no intention of seizing power. I don't want to be misunderstood, and I almost lost my life."

Liu Yu sighed and said, looking like I was not understood and I was in pain, Liu Ji and all the ministers were dumbfounded.

It's the first time I've seen someone who talks about seizing military power so freshly and refinedly, it's too shameless.

 I worked overtime today, I came back late, there is only one update, try to add more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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