Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2216 Liu Jinu 3 Qi Han Gaozu

Chapter 2216 Liu Jinu's Three Qi Han Gaozu

Chapter 2212: Liu Jinu's three spirits Han Gaozu

Liu Ji himself is a shameless person, so he naturally knows the difficulty of this kind of person, but what he knows is that Liu Yu attaches great importance to leather, why has he suddenly changed his temper now?

Liu Ji and Chen Ping looked at each other, and they both saw seriousness in each other's eyes.

Not only did Liu Yu come prepared this time, but he didn't even want face. Such Liu Yu was obviously difficult to deal with.

"You don't know, King Shu..."

Seeing that Liu Yu was about to continue talking, Liu Ji's face turned dark, and he interrupted directly: "Enough, shut up."

He already guessed that Liu Yu might have seen his weakness, so he was deliberately talking nonsense to delay the time, trying to use this to wear down his body.

Regarding this, Liu Ji sneered in his heart. His body knew in his heart that he was indeed very weak and needed rest, but he would not listen to a few words from someone, and the injury would recur after walking for half an hour.

Liu Yu also stopped in moderation, did not continue to talk nonsense, and was just right.

"Although the King of Chengdu has good intentions, he didn't order to forcibly integrate the army. It's really easy to make people think wrongly. No wonder General Wu Ban misunderstood..."

Chen Ping sneered and beat him up, with a gesture of vowing not to give up until he made Liu Yu dirty, but Liu Yu obviously came prepared this time, without the slightest panic, and he had already prepared a countermeasure in his heart.

Liu Yu knew that even if he just opened his mouth, he couldn't say anything about Chen Ping, so he simply ignored Chen Ping, and confessed his crime directly to Liu: "Your Majesty, there is indeed something wrong with Wei, but now the crisis of the southern barbarians has not been resolved, please allow me Donate crimes and perform meritorious deeds, and after repelling the Nanman, punish the humble ministers."

Although Liu Yu was admitting his mistake, he sneered in his heart.

If you want to convict me, I don't need you to say this, I will admit it first, but it is only a small and innocuous crime. It is impossible to convict Lao Tzu of treason, otherwise I will completely tear my face.

Since Liu Bian would not embarrass his only ally, he said without thinking: "For the sake of the overall situation, the King of Chengdu has overstepped his bounds, but it is harmless. Let the merits and demerits be equalized."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, this humble minister must be heartbroken."

"Brother Wang, what are you talking about? We are all a family, so hurry up and invite me."

Looking at Liu Yu and Liu Bian, who looked like kings and ministers, Liu Ji's face became more and more ugly, and a surge of anger rose in his heart, and he felt a faint feeling of liver pain.

But when he thought of Hua Tuo's words again, he couldn't get angry until he recovered his vitality, so he quickly took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger, but he felt aggrieved and uncomfortable in his heart.

Since Liu Yu avoided this one, let's pick it from other aspects.

Next, Chen Ping came to trouble Liu Yu from four aspects, and Liu Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally dealt with it calmly.

The two sides argued for an hour, but failed to hurt Liu Yu, but Liu Ji's face turned paler.

Both Liu Ji and Chen Ping could see that Liu Yu risked his life to enter Chengdu, which seemed ill-conceived, but in fact he was fully prepared, and it was impossible to show his flaws easily. It is probably impossible to convict him of treason up.

Liu Ji saw that he had no choice but to let Liu Yu go. On the contrary, his body was about to fail, so he could only let Liu Yu go for the time being.

"The king of Chengdu really has a lot of excuses, no matter what the situation is, he has a reason to prevaricate." Liu Ji said angrily.

"It's justified, so why be afraid of others." Liu Yu said with both eyes.

A cold light flashed in Liu Ji's eyes, he suppressed his anger, and said bluntly: "The King of Chengdu just said that he is here to fight against the Nanman, right?"


"Then hurry up and let your army go south. Chi You is coming fiercely. The front line is in a hurry and is waiting for reinforcements."

"The King of Shu will not worry about this. Our army is already exhausted after the continuous rapid march, and we need to rest for a whole day. After the rest, the king will immediately lead the army south."

The implication of Liu Yu's words is that if you don't let me out of Chengdu, the army outside the city will not go south for a day. Let's see who is more anxious between us.

Liu Ji still wanted to kill Liu Yu and completely annex his forces to restore the war damage. Naturally, it is impossible to let Liu Yu go so easily, but there is nothing Liu Yu can do for the time being.


After a cold snort, Liu Ji asked the guards to push him away, his body was about to be overwhelmed, and he didn't want to listen to Liu Yu's nonsense.

Seeing this, Liu Yu kept his face calm, but he was happy to talk in his heart. This round of confrontation was won by him, so he said: "Wait a minute."

Liu Yu just won the next round, so he naturally had to take advantage of the victory to pursue, how could he let Liu Ji go like this.

Seeing that Liu Ji ignored him and still went out of the hall, Liu Yu said again: "The King of Shu has been asking me to blame, and I have explained everything one by one. Now, the King of Shu is not going to tell His Majesty and all the ministers , explain what you did?"


The wheelchair stopped.

Seeing this, Chen Ping secretly thought something was wrong, but before he had time to speak, Liu Ji had already turned around, and said coldly, "What explanation do you want?"

"In the Jingzhou battle, more than [-] Han troops died in Jingzhou. As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, if the king of Shu didn't even have an explanation, it would be a bit unreasonable."

Although Shu and Chu are Han officials in name, they are one body.

Liu Yu neither mentioned the Shu army nor the Chu army, but directly mentioned the Han army, which is to deliberately exaggerate Liu Ji's fault.

Liu Ji smiled disdainfully, and said coldly: "Victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs, not to mention facing such a strong enemy as the Qin bandits, no one is sure of victory. What is there to explain?"

"But after such a big defeat, shouldn't the King of Shu be punished?"

Liu Yu showed confusion, and said to himself: "If this is my king, I won't have the face to come back to Chengdu after losing so badly."


Liu Ji kept saying to himself, I'm not angry, I'm not angry, he did it on purpose, just to irritate himself, but Liu Yu exposed his scars in public, no matter how thick-skinned he is, it's impossible for him to feel nothing .

Looking at Liu Ji, whose face became paler from anger, Liu Yu felt more joyful, thinking that he should step up his efforts, so he said in an unassuming way: "Of course, the King of Shu has made contributions to the country, even if he experienced a fiasco. Past achievements cannot be erased.

But merits are merits and demerits are demerits, even if the merits and demerits offset each other, they should be punished symbolically. "

After speaking, Liu Yu said to Liu Bian, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"Uh, this, this..."

Liu Bian was hesitant and speechless, how dare he punish Liu Ji, so he asked without confidence: "What do you think, Brother Huang?"

Liu Ji stared, making Liu Bian shrunk his head in fright, and then saw Liu Ji coldly said: "The king of Chengdu is right, merit is merit or demerit, and this king is willing to be punished."

"Well, if that's the case, then punish the King of Shu with a year's salary." Liu Bian stammered.

"The minister obeys the order."

Liu Jihan said loudly, and after giving Liu Yu and Liu Bian a cold look, he was pushed out of the palace hall by the guards.

Just after leaving the hall, Liu Ji's face was flushed, then pale as paper, as if he was enduring some kind of pain, and then a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.


All the guards turned pale with shock, but Liu Ji resisted the pain and said in a low voice, "Don't say anything, go back to the palace quickly, and invite Mr. Hua Tuo to come over."


A group of people left the palace quickly, and Liu Er outside the palace saw all this, and immediately reported it to Liu Yu as soon as the court meeting was over.

 In the next chapter, the plot of Yizhou ends, and then returns to the perspective of the protagonist
(End of this chapter)

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