Chapter 814 Serial Ambush
Chapter 812: Serial Ambush
After hearing Qin Hao's words, all the princes looked at each other in blank dismay, some of them still understood, but most of them were at a loss.

Qin Hao sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely calm, and said lightly: "The reason why Li Shimin took the risk to come here is mainly to investigate the reality of our coalition forces, and the reason why he only brought three thousand Qingqi is probably also to lure snakes out of their holes."

A gleam flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he said firmly, "I guess Li Shimin must have set up an ambush on the way to retreat."


Those princes who didn't know why were shocked when they heard the words.

They are not stupid masters either, and after careful consideration, they also noticed something strange, and were suddenly shocked into a cold sweat, and they couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

"It's such an obvious strategy to lure the enemy, but someone actually jumped into it on his own initiative. It's ridiculous."

Qin Hao looked at Yuan Shu and said, the charm is self-evident, but Yuan Shu's face has turned pale at this time.

The [-] cavalrymen who pursued this time were treasures built by Yuan Shu. He still counted on these [-] cavalrymen to help him unify the Central Plains.

"Leader, I know I was wrong. I beg the lord to be magnanimous. Don't argue with me. The [-] cavalry are also an important combat force of the coalition. I beg the lord to send troops to rescue."

Yuan Shu resolutely surrendered to Qin Hao, hoping to get Qin Hao's assistance.

Even though bowing to Qin Hao repeatedly, it was related to Yuan Shu's treasure after all. Yuan Shu thought it would be a good deal if he could exchange for [-] cavalrymen.

Qin Hao sneered endlessly in his heart. Just when he was about to speak, Zhao Kuangyin on the side said to Yuan Shu, "My lord, Brother She has a calm personality and is familiar with the art of war. It is impossible for ordinary ambushes to deceive him."

Yuan Shu also reacted at this time, Zhao She is one of the most capable generals under his command, and he did not show his weakness against the Ming army's wise general Xu Shiji in the Central Plains War, how could he easily fall into Li Shimin's ambush?

"Reporting to the leader of the alliance, General Zhao She saw through Li Shimin's ambush plan after leading the army to chase for thirty miles. General Zhao She did not enter the ambush circle, but led the army back. , smashed Li Shimin's troops."

Won?Zhao She actually defeated Li Shimin?But Yuan Shu was not so happy.

Just now Yuan Shu had the audacity to beg Qin Hao, but now his subordinates fought hard and won by themselves. This also shows Yuan Shu's ignorance and distrust of his subordinates' abilities.

Yuan Shu just felt as if God was joking with him, this time he was really ashamed, but luckily the cavalry survived, and made their first contribution since the start of the war.

Although the princes didn't like Yuan Shu's behavior, he had won the battle this time, so he still had to congratulate him even for face, and the congratulations of some princes also made Yuan Shu's complexion much better.

Seeing this, Qin Hao asked the spies: "After Zhao She turned back and defeated the Liang army, did he return victorious, or expand the results of the battle and continue to hunt and kill?"

"General Zhao She continued to chase and kill Li Shimin."

"It's broken, Zhao She has been tricked." Qin Hao sighed.

Yuan Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he forced a smile and asked, "Leader, what's the matter?"

Qin Hao glanced at Yuan Shu, and said calmly: "Li Shimin is good at using strategies, how could he use the usual tactics of setting up an ambush?"

Qin Hao's eyes were full of wisdom, and he said to himself: "Based on what I know about Li Shimin, this wave of ambushes should be just a bait, just to lure Zhao She into a trap, and his real killing move will come later."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned when he heard the words, and Yuan Shu was even more heartbroken when he saw this, and forced a smile: "It's not so mysterious, is it?"


As soon as Yuan Shu finished speaking, another spy rushed into the camp.

"League Leader, General Zhao She fell into an ambush by Li Shimin after chasing for ten miles, and was surrounded by groups. The army suffered heavy casualties."

For a moment, Yuan Shu felt that the world was spinning. If Yuan Shao on one side hadn't supported him in time, he might not be able to stand upright.

"Leader, I, Yuan Gonglu, thought that I was following your lead, and begged the lord to save my ten thousand cavalry."

Yuan Shu's face was full of pleading, while Qin Hao waved his hands and said calmly: "Don't worry, you also have some personal grievances and refuse to accept my alliance leader. Although you have caused me a lot of trouble, you are a member of our coalition after all. Members, as the leader of the alliance, I will naturally not ignore it.

As early as when Zhao She went out to pursue the camp, I ordered three generals Li Cunxiao, Ran Min and Zhao Yun to lead [-] cavalry to meet him. "

Seeing that Qin Hao was so thoughtful, Yuan Shu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into a weak sigh, and he cupped his hands and said, "Gao Yi, the leader of the Qin League, I, Yuan Shu, are convinced."

Seeing this, Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction.

From the day when Qin Hao became the leader of the alliance, Yuan Shu has been the biggest thorn in the alliance, always opposing him as the leader of the alliance.

Regardless of whether Yuan Shu is really convinced or not, and after this incident, he will definitely not dare to disobey Qin Hao again, and the League of Discussing Directors will become more united.

Yuan Shu was dissatisfied with how Qin Hao did everything wrong, and other princes also saw this, but Qin Hao not only didn't care about it, but instead considered him. This behavior of repaying hatred with virtue also won the admiration of everyone, and Qin Hao's prestige was invisible. It has improved a lot.

Cao Cao seemed to think of something suddenly, and after thinking for a while, he stood up and said, "Master, the ambush after Li Shimin's ambush has already come out. If our army sends cavalry to attack at this time, even if Li Shimin can't be captured alive, he must be a big soldier." Defeat the Liang army once."

Qin Hao smiled indifferently, and asked back: "Cao Zhoumu, how do you know that Li Shimin has no other countermeasures? Why can't there be a third wave of ambushes after the second wave of ambush? You must know that Li Shimin has no shortage of troops."

Cao Cao was left speechless by Qin Hao's question. The double ambush was unheard of, but Li Shimin used it anyway, so it seems that there is nothing unreasonable about a series of ambushes again?
Seeing Cao Cao's pensive look, Qin Hao continued: "The reason why I ordered to retreat immediately after responding, instead of taking advantage of the situation to defeat the Liang army, is to prevent Li Shimin from having other tricks.

Li Shimin led the army without a single defeat so far, and his military talent is rare in the world. Before Li Shimin's intentions are fully understood, the leader of the alliance thinks it is better to be cautious. "

After being reminded by Qin Hao, the princes finally came to their senses. It turned out that besides Qin Hao, Li Shimin was also undefeated. It's just that Qin Hao's record is too brilliant, and Qin Hao, the jewel in front of him, makes Li Shimin less conspicuous. .

Qin Hao and Li Shimin are both undefeated, but this time they became the main generals of the two armies respectively. It can be seen that the undefeated legend of one of them will be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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