Chapter 815 Xuanjia Army

Chapter 813: Xuanjia Army

But it is said that Zhao She led the army to pursue Li Shimin, but when he was about to catch up, he chased him to a forest.

Seeing the birds circling over the woods and refusing to return to their nests for a long time, Zhao She concluded that there was an ambush here.

Zhao She deliberately withdrew his troops for five miles, but secretly sent people to investigate. When the ambush retreated and led the army back, he immediately defeated Li Shimin's ambush team.

The target of Zhao She's pursuit this time is Li Shimin. After defeating the enemy army, he naturally wanted to do his best, so after thinking about it, he chose to continue the pursuit.

As an adjutant, Lian Po strongly opposed Zhao She's decision to continue chasing him.

Lian Po thinks that this place is too close to Hulao Pass, and there are a lot of fierce generals around Li Shimin, the possibility of capturing or even killing them alive is not high, and it is not known whether the road ahead is dangerous, so it is better to accept it as soon as it is good. .

Of course Zhao She knew this too, but the enemy general Li Shimin was close at hand, so he couldn't listen to Lian Po's dissuasion. The danger of annihilation.

"General, our retreat has been cut off by the Liang army."

Zhao She picked up the soldiers and shouted an order: "Send the order to the rear to break through immediately."

"General Lian Po is already commanding the breakout, but he failed to break through several times."

"Why can't you rush out?" Zhao She asked anxiously.

"Li Shimin arranged a large number of archers at the intersection. The arrows shot were too dense, and the brothers were all confined to such a crowded place. The advantage of speed could not be brought into play at all. If they rushed up, they would be living targets."

"Damn it, Li Shimin, you are so ruthless." Zhao She said through gritted teeth, at this moment he finally realized how powerful Li Shimin is.

Li Shimin's control of the battle situation was too precise, if he didn't make a move, Zhao She would face the danger of annihilation of the whole army, Zhao She had to be convinced.

Zhao She regretted not listening to Lian Po, and now he could only swallow the bitter fruit, but it was a pity for these cavalry soldiers who had been trained so hard by him.

"Tell Lian Po to find a way to break out of the siege as soon as possible. He would have defended this hillside for the rear army. The Liang army would have to step on my corpse in the past."

Zhao She said with a determined face that he must bear the price of his own greed and aggressiveness.


"Go quickly." Zhao She roared.


Not far away, Li Shimin saw that Zhao She decisively led the army to dismount and defend to the death, and also used the terrain to repel several encirclement and suppression, a glint of approval flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

"This man is a good general, pass on the order, and he must be captured alive." Li Shimin ordered with a light smile.


Although Li Shimin now has a lot of talents under his command, he still hasn't forgotten the difficult time when no one was using him. Therefore, whenever he sees a talent, Li Shimin will subconsciously order to capture him alive, and he will never miss any opportunity to subdue a good general.

Yang Guang came over at this time and asked: "Shimin, why didn't you send a general, but just commanded the soldiers to attack? If our generals were dispatched, the battle would have ended long ago."

At this time, Li Shimin's generals have five war gods and more than a dozen gods, while the coalition army has only one Zhao She.

With the Liang army's lineup, even a frontal attack is enough to kill Zhao She ten times, but Li Shimin did not allow the general to dispatch, but personally commanded the soldiers to encircle and kill him. People can't figure it out.

A trace of coldness flashed across the corner of Li Shimin's mouth, and he said with a light smile, "Wouldn't it be a pity not to use such a good bait for fishing?"

Yang Guang suddenly realized, and said with a smile, "So that's how it is..."

"Report... General Qi, a coalition army under the banner of Qin, with about thousands of people, is coming to kill our army's ambush circle, and will enter the new ambush circle set up by the general."

Li Shimin and Yang Guang looked at each other and smiled, Yang Guang said: "It seems that we will win this round."


A thoughtful look flashed in Li Shimin's eyes, and then he smiled and said, "It depends on Qin Hao's last move. If he can resolve it, the game will be considered stable."

After a long time, a messenger came and reported: "Report... General Qi, that thousands of cavalry of the Qin army forcibly broke the ambush of our army, and has already killed the rear of Zhao She's army, brothers It will soon be overwhelmed by the enemy."


Li Shimin's face immediately changed when he heard the words. He had thought that Qin Hao would come back to save him, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to be so simple and rude, and even sent out his trump card.

The trump card unit is the essence of an army, and it is also a small unit with the strongest combat effectiveness. Generally, it will be used as a sharp knife in the most critical place of the battle.

Being able to forcibly break through the layers of ambushes set up by Li Shimin, it can be seen that this team must be the trump card of the Qin army, but in Li Shimin's opinion, it is undoubtedly a bit overkill to send out the trump card in such a small battle.

It should be noted that if the ace has too many casualties, it will seriously affect the decisive battle.

Li Shimin couldn't figure out Qin Hao. Could it be that Qin Hao thought this battle was more important than the decisive battle?impossible?

Although he couldn't figure out Qin Hao's purpose, since Qin Hao had already made a move, Li Shimin naturally had to take it. Other possible situations, wait until he defeats Qin Hao's move.

Li Shimin pondered for a while, and ordered decisively: "Order all the generals to go out to fight, and resolve the battle as quickly as possible. In addition, call the Xuanjia Army to intercept in a roundabout way. Since Qin Hao sent this elite battalion over, he was going to send this elite battalion over. Qin Jun left all of them behind."

The Xuanjia Army is an elite battalion formed by Li Shimin. For many years, they have been fighting with him everywhere, even in the face of the Overlord Cavalry. Now they have become the two trump cards of the Liang Army alongside the Flying Bear Army.

Qin Hao had more than one trump card in his hand. Although Li Shimin didn't know which one Qin Hao sent, it would be too disadvantageous to use ordinary soldiers against the enemy. He had to use his own trump card to minimize casualties.

Li Shimin has seen the strength of the trump card of the Qin army, and he is confident that his Xuanjia army is absolutely comparable, not to mention that he still has an absolute advantage in strength this time, so in Li Shimin's opinion, there is no reason for the Xuanjia army to lose. The only thing he fears is Qin Hao has other tricks.

What Li Shimin didn't know was that the current Qin Army was not the Qin Army in his impression. The Qin Army's trump card in his memory was before the change of equipment, but now the Qin Army's equipment has been updated.

The Qin army, which has been replaced with new equipment, has greatly improved its combat power compared to before, but Li Shimin's understanding of it is still the same as before.

Intelligence errors are taboo on the battlefield. If Li Shimin can't find out in time, then the loss this time is probably guaranteed.

On the battlefield, as the Liang army's fierce generals came out, the battle situation turned one-sided in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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