Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1004 Do you let your hair down when you sleep?

Chapter 1004 Do you let your hair down when you sleep?

At that moment, Lu Heng felt a little jealous, jealous that that beautiful woman could get Gu Anxi's hug. If there is no mistake, it must be Bo Xichen's mother.

He narrowed his eyes slightly: the relationship between her and Mrs. Bo is really as good as the rumors say!

Just when Lu Heng squinted his eyes, Mrs. Bo stroked Gu Anxi's hair lovingly, and kissed her cheek, "You are getting fatter, it seems that your father Bo and Xi Chen have raised you well, so I will not worried."

Gu Anxi raised his head and smiled softly at her.

Mrs. Bo looked at it lovingly for a long time, and then kindly rewarded the old man to come over to have a look. Mr. Bo was impatient for a long time, and he wanted to hug him when he came up. Mrs. Bo wanted to reprimand him twice, but after thinking about it Forget it anyway.

That's how Anxi can control this old wretch.

Mr. Bo has been getting along with Mrs. Bo these days. Although this daughter-in-law Yao's family was completely fine, but she is too determined and can handle people too much. The life of the old man is very difficult.

The old man looked at the little cutie now, and was so excited that he was about to cry. He held the little baby's hand, looked up and down, and asked a lot of questions considerately. Mrs. Bo looked at him angrily and funny——

The old man also has children. Nian Yao and Bo Jin have never received such care. They were disciplined by the old lady when they were young, and the old lady left early. Nian Yao and Bo Jin lost their mother when they were teenagers. I heard that the old man did too. It's not too much of a concern, now that I run into Zai Zai, I can't run away, so I can only say that he deserves it.

Just when Mr. Bo was in a rage, Lu Heng looked at it casually. He looked at the Bo family and everyone wanted to hug her and kiss her, and everyone wanted to pamper her. Also, who wouldn't want to pamper such a little girl?And this cool-looking girl is also willing to be pampered. She has a high emotional intelligence, which is beyond his expectations.

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, Jiang Chaoge beside him was very uncomfortable, and couldn't help asking: "Senior brother Lu, do you... really like her?"

Lu Heng didn't look at her, but said softly: "One day, she will be mine."

As a result, Jiang Chaoge felt even more uncomfortable.

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he walked over there, stood in front of Mrs. Bo, and greeted him very politely: "Aunt Bo."

Mrs. Bo had already seen him, staring at her cub like a wolf, and she knew it already.

Moreover, this kid is the son of Lu Ze and Lu Xueman, right? It's really a bad relationship. Lu Ze has to fight with Nian Yao for everything, and he didn't like Lu Xueman that much back then, just because Nian Yao and Lu Xueman were together. As far as winning love with a knife, this little kid also wants to win with Xi Chen, how dare they all have good things from the Bo family?

Although Mrs. Bo looked down on her, she was a decent person after all, so naturally she would not be particularly obvious, so she smiled slightly: "It's Lu Heng."

As if she didn't know, she asked casually, "Are you coming to Jiangcheng too?"

Lu Heng nodded: "Yes, there is a project in progress."

Mrs. Bo naturally knew which project, and nodded with a smile: "You have always been very capable."

At this moment, she seemed to see Jiang Chaoge: "It seems that it is the big project of Chaoge."

Jiang Chaoge nodded, "Yes."

Mrs. Bo walked towards the exit while talking, and then smiled: "I should have dinner with you, but I have something to do at home so I won't make an appointment."

But Lu Heng said at the right time: "My father has always wanted to invite my uncle and aunt to have a meal together. I wonder if I can honor it."

Mrs. Bo paused, her eyes fell on the other person's face, and she smiled for a moment: "When you come back from abroad, I should be your uncle's host. In this way, we can make an appointment after I go back and discuss with him."

Lu Heng smiled lightly: "Okay." '

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Gu Anxi's face, and he looked at it for a while.

The little creamer said: Snake spirit disease!

Over there, Mr. Bo was getting impatient, and walked forward with his dear and dear granddaughter (that is, the little granddaughter, he didn't allow anyone to refute), shouting as he walked, "You can drive later, Lin Yun."

Mrs. Bo was quite funny, "Okay, I know, I know you and Zai Zai have something to say."

Before Zai Zai left, he gave the old man a puppy. The old man liked it very much, and he was thinking of the little one even more, but this time he didn't bring the dog.

She watched them leave, no one looked at Lu Heng seriously, and smiled: "Lu Heng, then we will leave first."

Lu Heng nodded: "Good job, Auntie. '

Mrs. Bo followed quickly.

Looking at their backs, Jiang Chaoge couldn't help but say, "Brother Lu, do you really want to have dinner with them?" '

Lu Heng looked at her: "What's the matter, if the Lu family and the Bo family don't tear each other apart, they can be regarded as family friends, and it's nothing to have a meal."

Jiang Chaoge bit his lower lip: "But, she is married."

Immediately, another sentence was added: "She is not a girl who changes her mind casually." '

Even if she didn't like Gu Anxi, or even hated him deeply, but one thing she had to admire was that Gu Anxi was loyal and infatuated with Senior Brother Bo. Back then, as long as she wavered a little, what would Lin Hua do?

After she said this, Lu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Mr. Wang?"

"Yes, it's Mr. Wang, he likes Gu Anxi." Jiang Chaoge pursed his lips and said, "She didn't even think about it, so Brother Lu, do you... want to give up?"

Lu Heng glanced at her and smiled: "I am different from Mr. Wang."

What he wants is different. What he wants may not be what Gu Anxi likes, what he wants is her.

Jiang Chaoge suddenly felt bad...

In the parking lot, Gu Anxi and Mr. Bo were sitting in the back seat of the car, while Mrs. Bo was driving in front. Mrs. Bo shook her head and smiled: "I haven't driven for many years, you old and young are really..."

While talking, she adjusted the navigation and started the car slowly.

Mr. Bo took out a deck of cards and showed Gu Anxi the magic trick he learned recently...

About an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the villa. Mrs. Bo got out of the car and opened the back seat door herself. The old and the young were still playing. She smiled: "Get out of the car, it's already past lunch, old man, you are not tired." '

"Seeing Zai Zai, why are you tired?" Old Man Bo got out of the car with a smile and stretched his waist: "This house is nice, where can I sleep?"

Gu Anxi took them in, ordered her aunt to serve dinner, and then went upstairs to show them the room.

Mrs. Bo naturally wanted to live with Bo Nianyao. There were two big bedrooms upstairs, one for Bo Nianyao and the other for Bo Xichen. The old man stared at him: 'Then where do I live? '

He went to the bedroom where Bo Xichen and the others lived, found a baby's room, and expressed that he wanted to live here.

Mrs. Bo lost her temper with a smile, and pretended to have a tiger face: "Master, you live here, is it convenient for the young couple?"

The old man blushed and said, "What's the inconvenience? I'll just plug my ears." '

Gu Anxipi said thickly: "I have no desire to perform."

She dragged the old man downstairs and pushed him into a bedroom. The old man was very dissatisfied at first, but he was very happy when he went in, "This bedroom is really nice."

The furnishings are all his favorite, the carpet is also very particular, the country style but comfortable, the furniture is all mahogany, carved with fine carvings, more magnificent than the one he lived in in Siyuan.

"Not bad, I made it myself." Gu Anxi said proudly with his hands in front of him.

The old man was so moved all of a sudden, he coughed lightly: "Thank you, Zai Zai."

Gu Anxi smiled and said nonchalantly, "Then let's have dinner. Father Bo and uncle will come back early in the afternoon."

She looked at Mrs. Bo again, and said with a smile, "After dinner, I'll take you for a beauty treatment."

Mrs. Bo put her arms around her: "You are still caring."

She likes getting along with little girls so much, she is like Xi Chen who is always a piece of wood, of course, Xi Chen doesn't treat his wife like this.

Even though I said that, I still took a rest and took a nap after eating. Gu Anxi was also tired for a while, Mrs. Bo fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed before she fell asleep, and when she woke up, Mrs. Bo was lying on her side Beside her, gently shaking a fan in his hand, looking at her lovingly.

No matter how stinky she was, she blushed a little, lying in Madam Bo's arms and acting like a spoiled child.

Mrs. Bo picked her out: "Okay, didn't you say where the beauty is good?"Let's take a bath first, and then tidy up. '

Gu Anxi groaned, then lay in her arms, and said in a soft voice, "You promised to have a dinner with the Lu family, then you will have to see Mrs. Lu." '

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Yes."

Gu Anxi looked at her, and suddenly pulled her coiled hair gently, and immediately spread her long hair on the pillow.

The little creamer opened her mouth wide.

Mrs. Bo was still lying down, smiling slightly: "What's the matter, baby?"

The little creamer almost drool, and it took him a long time to close his mouth, and said, "I used to think that Papa Bo was not good, but it turned out not to be..."

Mom Bo let down her hair, so young and beautiful...

Mrs. Bo touched her little face and smiled softly: "I will try to make me happy."

She got up, and combed her hair casually again...Little Creamy lay on her shoulders and whispered, "Mama Bo, don't you want to put your hair down?"

She asked again, "Do you put it down when you sleep?"

This topic is a bit... Mrs. Bo can't laugh or cry: "What do you want to ask?"

Gu Anxi immediately jumped out of bed and ran outside quickly, "I will ask Papa Bo."

'You're going to die you little thing. After Madam Bo tidied up her clothes, she ran after her. When she went downstairs, she happened to meet Mr. Bo. Seeing her, Mr. Bo coughed softly, "I'm not steady, she's getting old."

Mrs. Bo coughed lightly: "Where's Zai Zai?"

"In the car," Mr. Bo leaned over, "Are there any men in the beauty salon?"

Mrs. Bo glanced at him, "Someone will be disliked."

The old man suddenly felt bad.

At this moment, Gu Anxi had already started the car, and Mrs. Bo got into the car with her small bag.

Just after getting in the car, I received a call from Bo Nianyao. After saying a few words, Mrs. Bo was surprised: "What, I have dinner with the Lu family tonight... Nian Yao, I just met Lu Heng at the airport this morning with Zai Zai. Heng or Lu Ze personally?"

After a while, she said she knew.

After hanging up the phone, he said helplessly, "Your Bo father, I have an appointment with the Lu family to have dinner at the Ronghua Hotel at seven o'clock in the evening."

Gu Anxi supported the steering wheel: "Then let's go shopping first, buy some clothes and then go to the beauty salon?"

Mrs. Bo said with a smile: "The young girl needs to add some clothes."

Gu Anxi started the car: "No, I bought it for Mom Bo."

She said in a soft and childish voice, "That Auntie Lu...she likes to fight with Papa Bo very much."

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Your father Bo has the guts to fight her as the landlord."

So, the little creamer made sure that Mama Bo would let her hair down when she went to bed at night... Papa Bo usually kept quiet, and probably had a dark heart, and didn't want Mama Bo to be seen by other men.

Ah, men are dark!

She also thought that she usually wears jeans T, hoodie, and my uncle doesn't seem to have any objections, but he doesn't seem to like the cartoon pajamas at home. She often just wears his shirt to sleep, and he seems to like it very much...

Gu Anxi shook his head and sighed.

The two came to the largest shopping mall in Qingcheng. Mrs. Bo loved Zai Zai and wanted to buy it for her, but Gu Anxi dragged her to a brand specializing in mature women, which Wang Keru usually likes to shop in. Gu Anxi is quite familiar with it of.

It's summer now, she went over, looked at it, and took seven or eight dresses at once, asking Mrs. Bo to try them on.

Mrs. Bo looked at the clothes with her arms and back exposed, and she refused in her heart. She is the wife of the Bo family in Beicheng, and she has always been dignified. The banquets are always dominated by cheongsams, which are also custom-made by a special master. Over the years, she has also used to...

"Try." Gu Anxi pushed her in, Madam Bo had no choice but to try.

After a few minutes, she came out and looked at herself: "Anxi, is it too weird?"

This is a dark green suspender dress with a fluttering hem. The shoulder straps are very thin and sexy, but it will never be vulgar, and it has a feminine flavor.

The little creamer wiped her saliva, "No wonder."

She went over, and quietly pulled down Mrs. Bo's hair, and then smiled: "It's better that way."

Facing the mirror, Mrs. Bo brushed her hair lightly, and then coughed lightly: "No, my father will definitely object." '

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes: "Grandpa dares to say anything, I will block it for Mama Bo."

Madam Bo looked at this villain and suddenly felt a little envious...

She looked at herself in the mirror again and said softly, "I've never been like this."

She is the most proud eldest daughter of the Lin family. She is well married and never makes trouble. She is a role model for the younger generation.

Now, this dress... She coughed lightly: "Let's forget it, or buy it for your mother."

Gu Anxi yelled: "My mother has long said that you are too simple, and always asks me to be filial to you."

Mrs. Bo: ...

Gu Anxi hugged her from behind, and murmured, "How pretty, just wear this and this, I'll call you mom."

Mrs. Bo is simply... so soft-hearted.

After a long time, she looked in the mirror and gritted her teeth: "Just this time."

 Four thousand words, a little more tomorrow



(End of this chapter)

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