Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1005 Have you missed it?

Chapter 1005 Have you missed it?

After Madam Bo finished speaking, she also felt a little regretful, pinched the little creamer's face vigorously, and said with a tiger's face, "You child, I'm already old, why don't you panic like this!"

Gu Anxi smiled and said, "No, Mama Bo dresses like this, at least ten years younger."

She compared a number.

"He will coax me." Mrs. Bo smiled, and reached out to hug her again: "Okay, buy it if you buy it."

Gu Anxi was tired of being by her side, and tried several sets with her, and each set looked good.Mrs. Bo smiled and said, "Look at you, you don't buy it at such a young age, but let me buy it."

At this moment, she showed the attitude of a big parent and educated the children: "Men are visual animals, and they actually care about these things. Although Xi Chen is not interested in these things now, he is in his prime, and he may meet him someday." A little elf. The little elves outside are not as good-looking as you, but they have tricks."

Gu Anxi propped up her small chin and smiled: "Then wait until my uncle meets the little goblin."

Mrs. Bo looked at her smiling lightly, her red lips raised slightly, that small face was really fresh and picturesque, she couldn't help smiling, this small face was enough to feed her son for the rest of her life, she thought again The way Lu Heng looked at Zai Zai, and that Qin Siyuan, probably will never be forgotten for the rest of his life.

Some people, no matter how loving they are with their wives after they get married, the white moonlight in their hearts is still white moonlight. Fortunately, Zai Zai has a big heart, so she doesn't have to worry about it...

Mrs. Bo thought, her heart was a little soft, and she reached out to touch her little face: "Thinking about Xi Chen, I can't bear to make you sad."

"I'm not sad." Gu Anxi hugged her arm and said softly, "If my uncle dares to find a woman, I'll find someone younger and more handsome than him, and I won't let him go."

Mrs. Bo laughed, "Only you dare to say such things in front of mother-in-law."

"It's not my mother-in-law, it's Mama Bo." She flattered in a low voice, "Even if I'm no longer with uncle, I still want to live in Siyuan and be with Mama Bo."

Mrs. Bo couldn't help laughing again, she took out the credit card while laughing, the shopping guide lady looked at them, looked at the bill, and said enviously: "The total is [-] yuan, the relationship between my wife and your daughter is really good."

Gu Anxi smiled.

Mrs. Bo said with a smile, "It's my youngest daughter-in-law."

The shopping guide was even more curious: "The relationship is really good."

It looks like a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, don't talk about the distance, it's a sense of negative distance, but this lady has a really good temperament, she looks like a wife from a wealthy family, and she has never seen it before...

Here, after paying the bill, Gu Anxi took the initiative to carry the bags and put them in the car.

Mrs. Bo said she didn't buy it, she started the car: "Let my uncle come out for a stroll when you have time."

Uncle Bo likes to go shopping in men's clothing stores. He buys black shirts by the dozen, and there are tens of thousands of shirts for her to wear as pajamas... Of course, I won't tell Mother Bo about these things.

Mrs. Bo didn't know that her son was so dark and perverted, so she echoed, "That's right, the young couple still have to go out for a stroll."Xichen is busy these days and you are not in good health, so you probably haven't come out for a long time. '

"Fortunately," Gu Anxi drove with a smile: "I don't particularly like shopping, it's good to watch dramas together at home when I have free time."

Mrs. Bo felt a little distressed when she heard this. Although the child looked big-hearted, he was really considerate. Xi Chen was really busy, and it was fortunate that she had something to do, otherwise she would be lonely.

Gu Anxi probably felt Bo's mother's emotions, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and said softly: "My uncle's beauty can offset everything."

Mrs. Bo laughed all of a sudden: "You child."

Gu Anxi drove the car to the beauty salon, got out of the car and went in together...

On the other side of the laboratory, Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen were in the laboratory. Bo Xichen was doing a set of experiments. Bo Nianyao stood beside him and watched with a calm expression.

'Mother is here, why don't you go back and have a look? Bo Xichen carefully took out the extract, added some more, continued to put it into the container, and asked with a smile: "It seems that you haven't seen each other for almost a month." '

Bo Nianyao looked at the data and pretended not to care: "Your mother and I are married now. It's not like you and Zai Zai are young people who fall in love after a few days."

Bo Xichen smiled: "You don't miss it?"

"I don't think much about it." Bo's father was a little lofty.

Uncle Bo laughed softly, and then teased his father: "That's right, my father will resonate more emotionally when he sees Aunt Lu."

Bo Nianyao's old face suddenly turned red, and he coughed lightly: "Xi Chen, I think you've learned how to learn bad things when you're with Zai Zai, and now you're going to make fun of your elders."

Uncle Bo just smiled lightly and didn't say anything else.

Bo Nianyao sighed softly: "It's been so many years, I've long forgotten what happened at the beginning, besides, your mother is better."

Bo Xichen was still smiling, without saying anything else, he began to look down at the data on the instrument.

He was so concentrating, but Bo Nianyao was a little confused, "Xi Chen, I will have dinner with the Lu family later, you have to block me, your mother usually seems to be calm, but she is actually very jealous. "

"Is there such a thing?" Uncle Bo paused for a moment, "That must be because my father usually shows a certain degree of nostalgia." '

Bo Nianyao opened his mouth and didn't close it for a long time, then he said awkwardly: "Xichen, you are also a man, you should understand, your mother is dignified and beautiful, but a man's first love always has some feelings , your Aunt Lu looks weak, so naturally..."

He coughed again and patted his son.

Bo Xichen smiled lightly and said nothing.

He understands this kind of thinking. In fact, as long as he can withstand it mentally and physically, there is no big problem.

He continued to experiment, and after a long time, he suddenly asked, "If given the chance, would you?"

Bo Nianyao was in a daze while drinking tea, and then smiled: "Probably not."

If it was before Zai Zai came to the house, he might have been a little shaken, but now that he has both children, how can he have any ideas? A little bit of good memory for Lu Xueman has long since faded away every day watching Zai Zai...

Even if it's first love, even if it's once beautiful, it's not worth one-thousandth of his little brat.Just thinking about Zai Zai looking at him with that kind of eyes, Bo Nianyao no longer has any shameful thoughts. To be an elder, one has to look like an elder.

The two were talking intermittently, and at 06:30 in the afternoon, Bo Xichen finished the experiment and called Gu Anxi: "Where is it?"

Gu Anxi lay on the sofa and whispered, "It's still a while, let's drive there by ourselves."

With his mother around, Bo Xichen felt relieved, so he smiled: "Okay, then I'll take a shower first."

(End of this chapter)

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