Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1009 Sorry, We're Not Familiar

Chapter 1009 Sorry, We're Not Familiar

The two got out of the elevator and walked straight to Gu Anxi's office.

Just went in for a while.Wang Kefu came here in a hurry, probably nourished by love these days, and his complexion looked particularly good.

He opened the door and came in with a happy face: "Anxi, today I will introduce a big client to our company."

Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, turned on the phone and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, doing a set of morning exercises.

Wang Kefu saw that she ignored him, so he sat on the sofa and flicked it, and then smiled fakely: "Anxi, this sofa is nice, and the decoration inside is pretty good, it looks like a nursery."

Hey hey twice.

Gu Anxi stretched a bit, and asked Secretary Tang to bring her a bag of plums. She hadn't finished her big tonic soup yet.

When she sat down to drink the tonic, Wang Kefu couldn't wait any longer. You must know that the master is not a good-tempered man. Although he said he was begging him to do something, but the identity of the other party is here, so he leaned over to flatter him and said: "Anxi, this person is here too. Maybe you have met the big shot in the northern city of the other party."

Gu Anxi stretched his waist: "What a man, is he as big as Shen Wanqing?"

Wang Kefu blushed all of a sudden, his neck was thick, and he was speechless for a while, this child is really.

Gu Anxi waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Okay, you can bring him here."

Wang Kefu said happily, "It's a big deal."

When I finished going out, I took another look at Secretary Tang.

Wang Kefu is also used to seeing beauties, but Secretary Tang is definitely among the top beauties he has ever seen. Of course, the top few are from Beicheng.Don't dare to think about anything else, this secretary thinks he still has a chance.

Just when he was a little distracted, Gu Anxi's voice was cold: "Uncle, Secretary Tang is the runner-up in the national Sanda."

Wang Kefu peed in fright, and took another look. Secretary Tang smiled slightly.

He whispered, "This is impossible."

But now it was time to get down to business, he hurried back to his office and invited Lu Heng.

And Shen Wanqing didn't know that Lu Heng had that kind of meaning for Gu Anxi, and she didn't say it specifically, so Lu Heng didn't know that it was Gu Anxi who was going to see him in a while. It must be a little high.

When he opened the door and entered, Gu Anxi was drinking medicine, and said to Secretary Tang with a bitter face, "My uncle is trying to poison me to death, and I have to drink for another half a month. Life is better than death."

Secretary Tang bent down and coaxed her: "In half a month, I won't have to drink anymore."

Gu Anxi sighed, wrinkled his nose and drank it in one go. Secretary Tang put away the cup and was about to wash it, but when he looked up, he saw Wang Kefu and Lu Heng, so he smiled slightly: "Little Mr. Gu, Mr. Wang is here." ."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes and saw Lu Heng, pretending to be surprised: "Brother Lu? '

Lu Heng was quite surprised. He always thought that he would see an older woman from the Wang family, but he didn't expect that Gu Anxi was sitting at the highest position in the Wang family. Didn't she just come to Jiangcheng not long ago?

However, Lu Heng is not a very entangled person. Now that Gu Anxi is the person in charge, he wants to talk to Gu Anxi, so he sits down under the guidance of Secretary Tang, and then Wang Kefu sits next to him. Naturally, he is responsible for enlivening the atmosphere. "It turns out that if you know each other, then things will be easier to handle."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Uncle, it depends on what to do, right?"

"Of course." Wang Kefu nodded hastily. There is no way that Anxi has the final say on the company now, and the old man appreciates and listens to her very much. He can only please her.

He looked at Lu Heng and said, "That's it. Dr. Lu came to Jiangcheng this time for a project. After the project is completed, we will use our equipment for mass production. Anxi, take a look at Dr. Lu's contract."

After he finished speaking, Gu Anxi looked at Lu Heng.

Lu Heng naturally had other considerations in his mind.

You know, he and his father have always suspected that Gu Anxi stole the project of the Huaer laboratory, so they also need equipment for production, and at this time Gu Anxi has mastered the Wang family and just verified_

This business cannot be negotiated.

Lu Heng didn't say anything, but waited quietly, waiting for Gu Anxi to make a decision.

Gu Anxi accepted the contract and looked at Lu Heng again: "Is this number serious?"

I rented Wang's factory building and equipment for three years, and even gave [-] million.This figure is still very impressive.You must know that the output value of the equipment and plant is not worth these.

When Gu Anxi said this, Lu Heng was a little puzzled, "You mean we can talk about it?"

"I'm afraid I can't." Gu Anxi still refused.

Lu Heng's voice was dangerous: "Why not? Mr. Gu should also be able to see that this contract is beneficial to the Wang family."

'It can be seen. ’ Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "However, Brother Lu should have heard the saying that rare goods can be lived in. It should be quite difficult for you to build such an equipment factory in Jiangcheng, so the contract can be signed, and a zero is added after it."

Lu Heng was obviously taken aback.

He knew that Gu Anxi was difficult to deal with, but he really didn't expect her to be so shameless. What's even more incredible was that she was so shameless that he thought she was a little cute.

Lu Heng looked at Wang Kefu, and said in a slightly cold voice, "Can Mr. Wang avoid it for a while?"

Wang Kefu was stunned for a moment and then said, "Well, this seems inconvenient, right?"

Lu Heng stared at him, and said lightly: "I don't think there is any inconvenience. I have something to talk to Mr. Gu in private."

Wang Kefu wanted to say something else, but Gu Anxi dismissed him with a look, and he went out muttering, just bumping into Secretary Tang who was delivering coffee.Wang Kefu's gaze was immediately attracted by Secretary Tang's good figure, and he coughed lightly: "That you are really a runner-up in Sanda, it's not like that, with such a good figure, you don't have any muscles in your calf."

Secretary Tang is as smart as a person, so he didn't know what he was thinking, so he put the coffee on the table at one side, lifted the skirt underneath and tied it in a knot, and said with a smile: "How about, Mr. Wang, let's have a discussion?"

The corner of Wang Kefu's mouth twitched: "No need, no need. "

He was honest and stood aside.After a while, he asked again: "How did Anxi meet this Dr. Lu? Why did she talk so loudly? This is obviously a good deal!"

He wanted to inquire, but Secretary Tang is a veteran in the workplace, and his rank is much better than this idiot, so he is naturally impeccable.Wang Kefu inquired about loneliness.

In the office, Lu Heng cut to the chase: "Is it because of Junior Brother Bo?"

"I don't understand what Senior Brother Lu means." Gu Anxi pretended to be stupid.

Lu Heng walked forward slowly, stood still in front of her, then leaned over and put his hands on her sides, "You don't need to call me Brother Lu, just call me Lu Heng. '

(End of this chapter)

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