Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1010 You are simply a lion with a big mouth

Chapter 1010 You are simply a lion with a big mouth

Gu Anxi didn't move, it was too close, and she didn't push him away, but looked up at the aggressive face and smiled: "Not that familiar."

"Not that familiar." Lu Heng smiled lowly, staring into her eyes: "Then let's just talk about business."

Gu Anxi was expressionless: "Add a zero on it, otherwise there is nothing to talk about. The deposit is half, and the deposit will not be refunded if you breach the contract. If you can accept Dr. Lu, you can sign the contract. If you can't, let's go there."

Lu Heng lowered his voice again, his breath almost hit her face, and his words were even hoarse: "You have always been so strong, huh?"

Gu Anxi stretched out his hand and patted his face: "I don't accept pretty people, even if you donate a little, I won't be cheap. She caresses her head and poses in front of her, and it's not that women don't need to show off."

Lu Heng's face suddenly turned dark.

Gu Anxi gently pushed his shoulder away with the palm of his hand, and stood up by himself, "Senior brother Lu can think about it, it is true that [-] billion is not a small amount, and it still needs to be discussed."

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes, "I think if I go to Mr. Wang, he will agree even if it is [-] million."

"Now the Wang family has the final say." Gu Anxi said with a smile, "And when we sign the contract, [-] million will be credited to the account, and the other is my personal commission. After all, I negotiated this big business."

Lu Heng was about to vomit blood.

Naturally, he would not agree immediately, [-] billion, who dares to say it is a small amount?It is simply moving.

After a long time, he said hoarsely: "I will discuss it with my father."

"Okay, then I won't give away Dr. Lu." Gu Anxi sat down comfortably, didn't take what happened just now seriously, took out his mobile phone and started playing, hitting BIUBIU.

Lu Heng's gaze was particularly indescribable.

She doesn't take him seriously at all?

Lu Heng knows his own advantages. Ever since he was an adult, he has been chased by foreign girls. It can be said that he has never paid attention to those who are waiting for him to move from school to another school, but this kind of He has tasted it in Gu Anxi now that he doesn't take it seriously.

His eyes tightened slightly, and his voice became hoarse: "Do I mean nothing to you?"

Gu Anxi was surprised: "You haven't left yet! Of course it makes sense."

She raised her eyes and smiled: "Your meaning is [-] billion."

Lu Heng vomited blood.

When he went out, Wang Kefu asked him in a nonchalant manner, "How's the matter going?"

Lu Heng looked at him, threw the unsigned contract into his hands, and left without saying anything.He went back to the hotel and told Lu Ze, and it happened that Jiang Chaoge and Mrs. Lu were there.

Jiang Chaoge couldn't help it at that time: "Isn't Gu Anxi going too far, she is really a rare commodity to live in."

Lu Ze glanced at her and said in a calm voice, "That's right, it's a rare commodity to live in."

Jiang's equipment is very important to them, because the original manufacturer has shut down and the engineer has passed away.So this cooperation must be discussed.

Lu Ze raised his eyes and asked his son, "Do you see anything in this?"

Lu Heng pondered for a while before saying: "Originally she disagreed and I also wondered if the project Bo Xichen was working on was stealing data from the Wall Lab, but I was not sure when Gu Anxi asked for a price."

After all, Lu Ze was young and cunning. He tapped his fingers on the table a few times, and then said, "Well, keep getting in touch with her. Of course, I will also test the waters with the Bo family."

Lu Heng nodded.

At this moment, Mrs. Lu said: "Then Lu Ze, why don't we ask Nian Yao and Lin Yun out for dinner again, let's talk about it, I think Gu Anxi is embarrassed to say that if there are elders around She doesn't care about numbers."

Jiang Chaoge shook his head: "Auntie, you probably don't know Gu Anxi's style because you have lived abroad for a long time."

Mrs. Lu was surprised: "How can she not listen to what the elders say?"

"Now, everyone in the Bo family spoils her and pampers her, besides_" Jiang Chaoge said with some difficulty: "The Bo family has also been assimilated by her, probably the money they get will not be lost."

Now, Mrs. Lu was furious, "How can this be, it's too much."

Lu Ze looked at her and reprimanded lightly: "Xueman, don't ask me about work matters. I have my own arrangements."

As soon as Lu Xueman heard it, she understood that he didn't want her to intervene in his affairs. Other matters were fine, but she couldn't tolerate this matter. Ever since she knew that her husband had proposed to Lin Yun, she felt very uncomfortable.

Right now, Lu Ze wants to see Lin Yun alone.

So, she smiled faintly and wanted to say something, Lu Ze had already got up: "Let's go to the laboratory first."

Lu Xueman's face was distorted with anger, but she didn't dare to challenge her husband, so she could only ask for compensation.

But immediately, she hired a private detective to monitor Lu Ze's every move outside.She is not a fool. Although the relationship between husband and wife has been lukewarm these years, it is because of his age. Lu Ze occasionally has a woman when he is out, but he doesn't take it seriously. When the freshness comes, she dismisses it and she never lets it go. In my heart, but Lin Yun was different, and Lu Ze looked at her differently.

That night, why did Lin Yun dress up like that, just to seduce her husband, and to make Lu Xueman uncomfortable, right?

Lu Xueman was leaning on the sofa, smoking a cigarette, with a particularly irritable expression.

(End of this chapter)

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