Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1012 Torture, what happened to the photos

Chapter 1012 Torture, what happened to the photo

She got up gracefully, no matter what he thought, she wanted to leave.

Lu Ze shouted behind her: "You really love him so much? Will you never leave him or betray him?"

Lin Yun smiled, "Nian Yao is fine. '

At least their husband and wife trust each other. He is in Jiangcheng and she is in Beicheng. It has been a month, and she has never worried that he will do something to make her sad, never.

After Lin Yun finished speaking, she said sorry in a low voice and walked out. Lu Ze sat there alone, without moving.

Outside, Lin Yun got into the car directly and asked the driver to drive. When the car drove away, a beautiful woman walked out from a corner of the teahouse. It was none other than Lu Xueman.

She knew that her husband and Lin Yun had met, maybe it was not as simple as talking about things, she smiled coldly, and after a while, a man in black came over and quickly handed an envelope to her, Lu Xueman Give him a check and look at him: "Don't say a word."

The calm voice said, "Madam, don't worry."

After speaking, it disappeared.

Lu Xueman gently opened the envelope with hands wearing lace gloves, and a dozen photos were poured out, all of which were pictures of Lu Ze and Lin Yun sitting together, very clear, and the money was not in vain.

Lu Xueman curled her lips, and found a courier to deliver the item to Bo Nianyao's laboratory.

On the other side, Bo Xichen was working on a nervous data, and Bo Nianyao was also quite nervous. At this moment, the assistant came and said that someone had sent a courier for him to collect.

Bo Nianyao took off his glasses, took them over, opened them for a look, then closed them and said calmly, "Okay."

The assistant glanced at him and said nothing.

Bo Xichen was still looking at the data carefully, and asked casually, "Dad, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Bo Nianyao said lightly, "It's just a document bought by someone."

Bo Xichen looked at his father, then smiled: "You look like you are troubled by emotions, isn't it because of your mother?"

What was in Bo Nianyao's mind, this child really is? He coughed lightly: "It's not a big deal, I'll go back and study the information, you can watch here."

Bo Xichen nodded and continued to concentrate on research.

Bo Nianyao walked quickly to his office, opened the envelope, turned down the photo, looked at it carefully, and then took out a cigarette to smoke. At this moment, he thought of countless scenes of torture and interrogation after returning. Just as he was thinking wildly, the phone rang, and it was Lin Yun calling.

Bo Nianyao immediately panicked, "What's the matter, madam?"

Mrs. Bo's voice over there was soft: "I'll go to Anxi's to take her out for dinner at noon, and go back early in the evening."

Bo Nianyao immediately expressed considerately that he had nothing to do with him, as long as the two of them were happy, he slapped himself twice when the phone was put down: You really are not a man!

At the door, Bo Xichen leaned against the door panel and watched his father perform. After a chuckle, he came in and picked up the photo on the table, raising his eyebrows: "This is the material you bought?"

Bo Nianyao blushed, "I didn't buy it either."

Bo Xichen's voice was a little slow: "Then who do you think asked someone to take the film?"

Bo Nianyao remained silent, continued to finish his cigarette, and then swept the photo into the drawer: "Let's not talk about it, anyway, your mother is also very old, and she can still find out."

Bo Xichen smiled: "But you are panicking inside."

"You child, you have learned a lot from Anxi, and now you dare to arrange the affairs of the elders." Bo Nianyao coughed softly: "Actually, I trust your mother, this matter is not a matter at all."

Bo Xichen just smiled, but let it go lightly^

In the evening, the family had dinner together, and Bo Nianyao naturally had a lot of thoughts when he saw the photos, how could his son not see it?

So Bo Xichen took Gu Anxi upstairs early, and the little milkman was quite dissatisfied: "Mother Bo wants to talk to me."

Bo Xichen sat her on the back of the sofa, pushed her forward to prevent her from moving, her face was slightly red: "What are you doing?"

He bowed his head: "Your Bo mother wants to talk to you, you are thinking about it, and I want to talk to you."

She immediately lowered her head and said honestly, "Then I'll accompany you,"

Uncle Bo chuckled lightly: "It sounds pretty forced."

Gu Anxi suddenly remembered something bad, put his arms around his waist and said in a low voice: "It's a little bit reluctant."

He lowered his head, and his voice was hoarse: "Got it."

She leaned her little head against his heart, and said in a soft voice, "You don't know."

He smiled, reached out and rubbed her little head: "I heard that Lu Heng went to the company today?"

She grunted and compared the numbers: "He wants to rent the equipment for [-] million, I added a zero."

Bo Xichen patted her forehead: "Naughty, didn't you keep it for us?"

Gu Anxi said confidently: "But even if they research it by then, they will have to face a lawsuit, and the equipment will not be used."

"Then you still have to sign the contract?"

"Half of the deposit." The little creamer said in a low voice, "It will not be refunded because the other party has a problem."

Bo Xichen suddenly lost all anger, and didn't know what to say to her, and he could understand why Lu Ze was able to find his mother^

He is a smart man, and after thinking about it, he understood that his mother and Lu Ze had some twists and turns in the past, and his father probably didn't know about these things.

Gu Anxi looked at him and asked softly, "Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Bo Xichen shook his head: "It's nothing, it's too early to go to bed, I don't work today."

When Gu Anxi heard this, he jumped to get his pajamas and rushed to the bathroom. Uncle Bo shook his head_

Who just said reluctantly?

On the other side, Bo Nianyao was sitting in the living room of the bedroom, leaning on the sofa, flipping through a book of Chinese medicine, and looking towards the bathroom from time to time. After a while, Mrs. Bo came out, wiping her wet hair with a towel. Wearing a thin bathrobe.

"Come here, I'll blow your hair down for you." Bo Nianyao patted his side, Madam Bo went over and smiled: "Why are you so attentive today?"

Bo Nianyao pulled her in front of him without making a sound, just helped her to blow-dry her hair, and after blow-drying, she was not allowed to put it up and just let it loose.Mrs. Bo only felt that his eyes were a little crazy, so she coughed lightly: "Nian Yao, what's wrong with you?"

Bo Nianyao put down the hair dryer and smiled: "It's nothing, I just feel that you have been neglected for a while."

Madam Bo slapped him away and gave him a look: "Old husband and wife, don't come here. '

After he finished speaking, he thought about it and was worried, "What happened?"

Bo Nianyao was calm about other things, but he really couldn't bear the fact that his beloved wife met another man, not because he suspected it, but because he cared about it, so he coughed lightly: "Well, you Did you run into anyone today?"

(End of this chapter)

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