Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1013 I'm old, and I'm not serious

Chapter 1013 I'm Old, I'm Not Serious

"Who is it? You're acting weird today." Mrs. Bo gave him a strange look, then thought for a while and said, "I met one, and it was for Zai Zai. You must know about it."

After finishing speaking, she placed her slender fingers on Nian Yao's father's heart: "Don't you believe me in such an affair between husband and wife?"

Bo Nianyao grabbed her hand: "How can I not believe it?"

He pondered for a moment, and said the matter.

Mrs. Bo was originally gentle and gentle, but now she got the words out, and immediately stood up, "Bo Nianyao, let your fart go, okay, I am sitting upright, and you are still suspicious of my mother." ?”

Her aura is really overwhelming, and Bo Nianyao was so cowardly that he wanted to beg for mercy: "Madam, I just said it casually, don't take it seriously, Madam's character is worth 1 people."

Mrs. Bo stared at him: "Where's the photo? Which bitch gave it to you."

Bo Nianyao coughed lightly: "I don't know who sent it."

Lin Yun sneered: "Bo Nianyao, you're pretending to be confused. Don't tell my old lady that you don't know that this is a good thing done by your lovely Mrs. Lu."

"Madam!" Bo Nianyao continued to beg for mercy: "This is all the past, besides, I believe in Madam."

Lin Yun's lingering anger still persisted: "Do you believe that I'm still so eccentric? You can ask me directly. Also, you clearly know that she did it, but you didn't mention a word. It's not about tolerating what she is. I haven't assigned you yet. You assigned me."

She was furious, but Bo Nianyao smiled softly, with his hands behind his head, his voice was gentle and soft: "Look at you, you were so gentle last night, but today you are suddenly like a tigress, it makes me so scared ."

Mrs. Bo leaned over and pinched him: "Stop coming, do you think I don't know what's in your heart?"

Her action aroused Bo Nianyao's excitement, and he clasped her hand behind his back, so she could only fall down on the back of the sofa.The waist-length blue silk is spread out, looking very beautiful.

Bo Nianyao leaned over, and said softly: "But you really know that you care about you, and you still use your temper to make trouble for me. You really think I'm afraid of you, but I'm just ^"

She didn't say anything later, but Madam Bo's face turned red and she pushed him away: "It's too old to be serious."

After speaking, she went to the bedroom and took skin care products to maintain her body.

Bo Nianyao smiled, and went to hug her from behind: "Are you angry? Aren't ordinary couples noisy like this, we rarely blush these years, isn't it a different feeling now?"

Lin Yun wanted to scold him again, but he held his hand

After that, there is no time to argue.


When eating breakfast the next morning, Gu Anxi stared at the elders with grumbling eyes. Mrs. Bo handed her milk: "You child, why are you staring at us all the time, breakfast is not delicious."

"I think Bo's mother looks very good-looking today." Gu Anxi smiled, and then asked Bo Nianyao, "Is she prettier than Mrs. Lu?"

Nian Yao's father suddenly became ill.

Mrs. Bo was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Look, children are caring and know what's good."

She happily took care of Zai Zai again, very contented, a woman like her, with a considerate husband, an excellent son, and a caring daughter-in-law, naturally lived a happy and happy life, which is definitely not comparable to Mrs. Lu.

After breakfast, everyone went to work, and Mr. Bo was left alone to play chess with himself boredly. When Mrs. Bo went downstairs, he raised his eyes and opened his mouth: "Get out."

Mrs. Bo didn't hide anything: "It's nothing, just going to meet Nian Yao's ex-girlfriend."

Mr. Bo was not feeling well immediately, and he said after a long time, "Isn't that a long time ago?" '

Mrs. Bo smiled: "At least it happened in the past, but he never forgets your son. Do you think I'm sorry for her if I don't respond?"

Mr. Bo pretended to concentrate on playing chess and decided to ignore it.

He can't control it.

Mrs. Bo smiled and went out.

About an hour later, the two ladies met in a coffee shop.

Mrs. Bo threw the stack of photos in front of Lu Xueman, Lu Xueman felt a thump in her heart, picked it up and looked at it, and was a little surprised: "This is you and Lu Ze?"

Mrs. Bo got straight to the point: 'Don't pretend to be Xueman, I still don't understand your character?But I just don't understand, if you suspect that Lu Ze and I have something to do, then you should directly throw the photo in your husband's face instead of secretly sending it to Nian Yao. '

Lu Xueman's fingers trembled slightly, it was because she knew Lin Yun's character and the power behind Lin Yun, but she tried her best to stabilize herself, "What Nian Yao said?"

"He didn't say it, so I guessed it." Mrs. Bo sneered: "You just want to know what happened to Lu Ze and me! It's just like what you saw that day, the Lu family asked the Lin family to marry me, but I refused. "

Lu Xueman was shocked.

Lin Yun actually knew that she was eavesdropping.

Mrs. Bo sneered again: "No one wants to rob your husband, Xueman, what you try so hard to keep is worthless in my Lin Yun's eyes."

Lu Xueman was insulted, and it took her a long time to say in a cold voice: "Lu Ze was no worse than Bo Nianyao back then. Why did you reject him?"

'Not bad? Lin Yun smiled softly: "To this day, I can let Nian Yao be with you, but do you dare to let Lu Ze be with others? This is the difference, Lu Xueman, I will not look down on you." family background, but I really look down on you. As a human being, you have to be able to mention it and not let it go. You look like you don’t want to eat but are afraid of being eaten by others. Don't rely on others, there are many women around him these years, no matter how bad I am, Lin Yun, I will never look at such a man."

After speaking, he took out five hundred from his wallet, pressed it under the cup, turned around and left.

Lu Xueman sat there, her face pale as snow.

She remembered the past again, she remembered that she married Lu Ze that year, and she got her wish, but when she knew that Bo Nianyao and Lin Yun were going to get married, she went to find Lin Yun, and she told Lin Yun that Bo Nianyao liked her. Lin Yun smiled and said to her_

The man she Lin Yun likes will definitely like her in the end, and she can't hold others in her heart.

Lu Xueman didn't believe it, but today, she did.

Oh, her own man soul is lost.

I went home in a daze, dropped my things, fell on the sofa for a while and went to drink again, half drunk but not drunk.

When Lu Ze came back, she didn't notice either.

The high-grade carpet sucked away the sound of footsteps until the man walked in front of her. When he picked up the photo, Lu Xueman was half sober and panicked: "Lu Ze. '

(End of this chapter)

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