Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1017 Are You Thinking Of Farting

Chapter 1017 Are You Thinking Of Farting

Gu Naijing's face was a little hot at first, because she recalled some past events.

At this moment, I saw Lu Heng coming over.Her face sank all of a sudden: "Is there something wrong with your hands?"

"It's not a big problem, but I may not be able to do experiments recently." He stared at her: "How do you calculate this loss?"

"Blame me." Gu Anxi glanced at him with disgust.

Lu Heng sat on the single sofa next to her, looked around, and frowned: "Where is this?"

Gu Anxi hummed softly: "The place where my uncle and I fell in love began."

Lu Heng looked again: "Did he chase you?"

"I chased him." Gu Anxi said honestly.

Lu Heng was a little skeptical, "A little girl like you would take the initiative to chase men? I thought you didn't need men."

Gu Anxi took out his mobile phone to play, and said lightly: "Actually, there are many kinds of men. Uncle is the one who makes me revolt because of sex, and senior brother Lu is the one who makes me rebel when I see money."

Lu Heng was stunned by her Chiguoguo's language, and after a while he said uncomfortably: "Is it so different?"

Gu Anxi didn't want to talk to him, just at that moment her takeaway came and she went to get it.

Lu Heng looked at the one in her hand, and said dissatisfied: "What should I eat?"

"I didn't ask you to eat when I paid the medical bills. Besides, you came to Qingcheng with me," Gu Anxi ignored him after finishing speaking, and opened the lunch box by herself. It was a wooden box. She will call this place when uncle is away, and the taste is very good.

After taking a few bites, she remembered that her uncle said he would come over later, so she must have not eaten, so she ordered another order on the phone immediately.

Lu Heng watched her order, thinking that she was soft-hearted and was waiting for his meal.

But half an hour later, when the meal arrived, she took it and put it on the other side, keeping it well. Lu Heng pursed his lips: "It's not for me?"

"Oh, my uncle will come over later, it's for him." When Gu Anxi mentioned Bo Xichen, her voice was a little soft, which made Lu Heng feel very uncomfortable. In addition, there was no one else here, and she was slender and soft. little girl.

So, by a strange coincidence, when Gu Anxi bent down to get a tissue, he hooked her waist from behind with one hand.

Gu Anxi paused for a moment, then directly held his injured wrist, and after a farewell, Lu Heng fell down on the sofa with a low curse, and then he saw what violence is.

Punching and kicking.

But it didn't hurt him, and it didn't hit him in the face^Finally, Gu Anxi kicked him hard a few times: "Is it comfortable?"

Lu Heng leaned on the back of the sofa, panting: "If my hand is not injured. '

"You will not be my opponent," Gu Anxi clapped his hands and continued to eat.

Lu Heng was really miserable. He clenched his uninjured hand into a fist and bit it again: "Are you also so violent towards Bo Xichen?"

"Of course not." Gu Anxi finished eating a bento, touched his belly, and sighed contentedly: "I am Bo Xichen's little baby."

Lu Heng: I feel a little bad.

Gu Anxi cleaned up the table, then looked at Lu Heng: "Are you still leaving?"

Lu Heng frowned: "Where am I going?"

"I don't care about this." Gu Anxi smiled: "Do you want my uncle to see you follow me to Qingcheng when he comes over?"

Lu Heng's face was a little ugly, and after a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "He may not be your only choice."

Gu Anxi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, stretched his long legs on the coffee table, took out his mobile phone to play games, and quickly focused on ignoring him.Lu Heng clenched his fists, "We can talk about the equipment."

"Five billion, not a penny less. Of course, I thought I could lose 1000 million before, but now I'm in a bad mood." Gu Anxi didn't raise his head.

When Lu Heng got angry, he slammed the door and left.

Isn't it just a little girl? Lu Heng still can't find a little girl?

Lu Heng went to the best entertainment venue in Qingcheng, and it happened to be Emperor Se, and he found the most beautiful and innocent girl to accompany him. Push it down: "I don't need you to accompany me, go out."

The girl wanted to cry, she stood there trembling and said: "The manager will be unhappy. '

Lu Heng signed a large check to her and asked her to leave immediately. The girl looked at the number and said thank you in a low voice before leaving.

After the people left, Lu Heng was very bored. He called the manager and asked him if there was any takeaway here, and described the appearance of the takeaway box. The manager asked someone for a long time, and finally helped him Ordered.

So this night, Lu Heng spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to eat a takeaway.

After he walked out of the small laboratory building, Gu Anxi put away her phone and went out. She went to see Shen Wanqing's mother, Chen Jinfeng. Aunt Chen was a little surprised when she saw her: "Anxi, why are you here?"

Gu Anxi helped her to sit down: "I happen to have something to do when I go back to Qingcheng, so stop by and have a look."

She asked the little nurse about the situation, and the little nurse smiled: "Don't worry, little doctor Gu, the patient's body is recovering well, and Mrs. Gu has been here every day these days, and she will be discharged from the hospital in a few days."

Gu Anxi nodded, sat sideways on the edge of the hospital bed, took a fruit for Aunt Chen, cut it into six perfect pieces, and she also took a whole fruit, washed it, and gnawed it.

Shen's mother smiled bitterly: "It's hard for you to run this trip, if you are not in good health, don't run around."

"It's much better." Gu Anxi said not too concerned, she paused before she spoke again: "Mingzhu is married, I'll come back and have a look."

After she finished speaking, Shen's mother was in a daze, and after a while she said softly: "It's Siyuan's child who should get married."

Gu Anxi hummed, "Yes."

Mother Shen leaned quietly against the head of the bed, and said in a hoarse voice: "I used to think that you would be with Young Master Siyuan, but then you disappeared, and I was obsessed with thinking that Wan Qing would have such a blessing, but I didn't expect that she would ^^ It has become like this, Anxi, I am sorry for you."

"Don't say that, this is not anyone's problem," Gu Anxi smiled: "It can only be said that they are not the people who should be together."

Mother Shen said with difficulty: "Fortunately, there is Professor Bo."

She said, feeling a little sad again.

Gu Anxi found Bo Xichen, but her daughter had embarked on a road of no return, wandering among rich men, and had a chance to turn back, but now she got involved with his wife's brother, which made her a little She has no face to see people, the wife said that she will live in the Gu family when she recovers, and go back to Beicheng with them when she returns to Beicheng, but how can she have such a face?

She didn't make a sound, she just wanted to leave quietly when she was discharged from the hospital, so as not to burden her wife.

Thinking in my heart, feeling sad and reluctant, I looked at Gu Anxi for a long time.

This kid is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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