Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1018 We will not stay here tonight, we will stay in a hotel

Chapter 1018 We will not stay here tonight, we will stay in a hotel

Gu Anxi is so transparent and smart, she felt something wrong when she saw her eyes, so she said in a soft voice: "Just now my mother called me and said that you refused to go back home and always found it troublesome, let me tell you , if you run away quietly by yourself, my parents will definitely look for you again. You know my father is not in good health, and my mother still needs to take care of him. Once you leave, they get anxious, and the family will be in chaos. , if Dad gets sick again because of your affairs, it will really cause a lot of trouble. As for you, you are just adding a pair of chopsticks at home, and it's not that you don't do things, you also do things with others. It's also doing it, is it that our Gu family is not as comfortable as outsiders?"

What she said made Shen's mother find no reason to refute, and she felt that if something happened to Mr. Gu, she would not be able to bear the responsibility if she ran away, so she lowered her face and said in a low voice: "I always think I'm sorry Stay with you."

"Aunt Chen, you didn't do anything wrong. As for Wan Qing, it's just some emotional entanglements, and these are nothing." Gu Anxi said indifferently. In fact, Qin Siyuan could have been buried, but now Gu Mingzhu is married. She was too embarrassed to speak too harshly.

When she said this, Shen's mother relaxed a lot.

The little nurse at the side also said: "Little Doctor Gu is amazing, he is indeed Professor Bo's favorite student. Mrs. Gu talked for a long time yesterday and Ms. Chen refused."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Professor Bo didn't teach me eloquence, it was innate."

The little nurse is also very clever, "That's also influenced by it. We, Professor Bo, are said to be the best at convincing people with reasoning."

Gu Anxi was very skeptical, how could he convince people with reasoning, he was clearly convincing people with physical strength.

Just as she was thinking, the door of the ward opened, and it was Bo Xichen who came in.

He was wearing a white shirt and iron gray trousers on the front, looking like he had just come straight from the laboratory.There is also some tiredness on the face.

Gu Anxi stared blankly for a while, then let out a soft cry.

Bo Xichen came over with a smile, even carrying a bag of fruit in his hand, he put it away casually, then chatted with Shen's mother, patted the little creamer's head and looked at the pathology records to make sure there was nothing wrong Then he said to Gu Anxi: "Why did you come here suddenly? Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten, and I even ordered a portion for you. Let's eat?" Gu Anxi hugged his arm, somewhat distressed. Although she was usually spoiled, she was not spoiled.

The two went out together, strolling under the moonlight, probably because the location was a bit special, and they hadn't been back for a long time, so they walked slowly. She was talking to him about Shen's mother, and at the end, he stopped and smiled: "I I want to know another story."

Embarrassed, she scratched her hair: "What story? Why can't I understand it?"

Bo Xichen picked her ear: "Don't play dumb."

She smiled foolishly at him, and then looked left and right with floating eyes, "I just accidentally pinched Lu Heng's hand to the bone."

Bo Xichen looked at her quietly.

She pouted her mouth: "You are not allowed to be fierce with me, and you are not allowed to blame me."

"Praise you again?" He tugged at her hair.

Gu Anxi said awkwardly: "There is no need for praise."

He smiled and said softly, "Anxi, I'm glad you can save yourself."

Gu Anxi raised his eyes all of a sudden, staring at him fixedly.

Bo Xichen smiled slightly and rubbed her hair: "Where is the meal you ordered for me, I'm hungry. '

She oh, and took him to the small laboratory building.Bo Xichen opened it and smiled: "It's still the same one as before."

She leaned against him; "Uncle, will you be angry?"

'Angry about what? 'He began to eat.

Gu Anxi whispered: "That's right, I came to Qingcheng."

He didn't answer her immediately, but finished his meal very slowly, and came over to rub her hair after tidying up: "Why, it's actually good to come here."

She oh, and then whispered: "I saw them, but I think it's better if I don't show up."

She leaned against him and said softly: "I asked Secretary Tang to order a gift for her, I think she will like it."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Then what gift did you order for me, Mrs. Bo. '

Gu Anxi suddenly became fierce: "You didn't even buy it for me, why do you want me to buy it?"

"Because I'm yours now." Professor Bo said without blushing.

The little creamer blushed immediately, and said Qiqi Aiai: "I, am I not yours too?"

He smiled, "Okay, I will prepare a gift for you."

"It's best." She deliberately said in a childish voice, and then looked around: "Then I'll take a shower, go to bed early, and go home tomorrow."

Bo Xichen grabbed her and dragged her into his arms: "We don't live here, let's go to a hotel."

Gu Anxi was like that all of a sudden, it's fine here, why did my uncle dislike it?

Bo Xichen asked his assistant to book a hotel long ago.It's not far from here, they don't want to drive anymore, so they just walked together to get rid of food, and arrived at the hotel at about ten o'clock, which is a newly opened six-star hotel in Qingcheng.

Gu Anxi scratched his hair: "There are six-star hotels in Qingcheng." '

Bo Xichen said softly, "Probably because Qingcheng is suitable for retirement."

She opened her eyes wide and spoke slowly after a while: "Is it for Mr. He? Uncle, do you own this hotel?"

He patted her little head, didn't say anything, took her to the front desk and directly took a room in the presidential suite. There are three presidential suites on the [-]th floor, occupying one floor, each with an area of ​​[-] square meters. Very luxurious.

Entering the elevator, Gu Anxi hung on him like a little monkey. Maybe it was because she was far away from Jiangcheng and Beicheng, so she relaxed like never before, or because she thought about the past, she was always a little weak. Now she is I want to hug Uncle ^

Bo Xichen lowered his head and smiled: "It's still like a child. '

In fact, Anxi is not like this to others, and only with him and his parents.

He likes it very much.

Gu Anxi leaned against him and said softly: "I don't understand why my teacher refuses, otherwise he can also come to Qingcheng."

Bo Xichen patted her on the head, "Because she knows him well."

For a character like Mr. He, perhaps it is the best choice not to wake up forever. When he wakes up and finds that everything he worked so hard for has disappeared into thin air, it will be worse than death. Mrs. He doesn't want him to die, let alone make him sad Bar.

In fact, Anxi also understands this truth, but this matter has always been a thorn in her heart, and she has been unable to let it go.

When I reached the top floor, I got out of the elevator silently, stepping on the soft and thick carpet, and the sound of my footsteps was sucked away.

(End of this chapter)

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