Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1019 I saw Gu Anxi's car, is she in Qingcheng?

Chapter 1019 I saw Gu Anxi's car, is she in Qingcheng?

The surrounding area is even more quiet.

The light was warm, and each other's hearts were soft. When Uncle Bo brushed the door, Gu Anxi put his arms around his neck from behind, called uncle softly, and then put his body against his back, very obedient Said: "Uncle, do you respect him very much?"

He hummed, gently dragged her out from behind, and gently pressed her against the wall.

His fingers gently touched her little face, and his voice was hoarse: "Anxi, forget about the past! Mr. He once said that Qingcheng is a good place for retirement, so leave him here. One day, maybe the teacher’s wife will understand, maybe he will let go of it slowly, maybe one day he will come to live here and regard this place as a paradise.”

She looked up at him with her little head up, with a glint of water in her eyes.

Bo Xichen couldn't help it for a while, lowered his head and called out to the baby, and then covered him.

She groaned, stood on tiptoe, wrapped her small hands around the back of his neck, then slid down and grabbed the collar of his shirt, wrinkled it into a ball; then she was picked up. (Updated tomorrow~~)

Bo Xichen held her in one hand, opened the door with the other, and brought her in while kissing_

The door is closed.

A slender figure walked slowly to the door, stood for a while, he listened quietly, and a bitter smile appeared on his face for a while.

I actually met them.

Bo Xichen must have known about it, so he was clearly aware of his presence, and made such an appearance on purpose.

Lu Heng raised his right hand, looked at the position of the bandage on his hand, and sneered.

After meeting Gu Anxi, he seemed to be hurt all the time.

Inside the door, Gu Anxi pushed Bo Xichen away, and whispered, "I haven't showered yet, it smells like sweat."

But his eyes were full of deepness.

She was a little scared.


(The input method doesn’t know where I lost something. I can’t type the almighty ellipsis for a few days. I cry bitterly and mourn!!!)


On the other side, Gu Yuanshan and his party ate with the Qin family's siblings, as well as several close relatives of the Qin family. The table was harmonious, mainly because Qin Siyuan was now the head of the family, and Qin Silan didn't care much about his affairs.

And her attitude also satisfied the Gu family.

The meal was almost finished, Gu Yuanshan and his party were about to go back to the hotel, Gu Ning threw Gu Mingzhu down to Qin Siyuan, and said that it would be fine to send it back at night.

Qin Siyuan smiled, took her to the car and sent his elders back to the hotel before turning back.Qin Silan was still there, and when he saw him coming back, he said, "Then I'll go back first." '

Qin Siyuan nodded: "OK. Drive slowly."

Qin Silan smiled: "It's okay, I didn't drink."

She doesn't live with Qin Siyuan now, she lives in the old house, and Qin Siyuan bought another villa in Qingcheng as a new house, mainly because she is afraid that Gu Mingzhu will be afraid if she lives in the old house, after all, her family is gone.

Seeing Qin Silan's car drive away, he got into the car, and while fastening his seat belt, he looked at Gu Mingzhu beside him: "What's wrong? I don't seem to be happy today."

Gu Mingzhu looked up at him, and said softly, "When I left the hotel today, I seemed to see a car belonging to Anxi."

She lowered her head, "I must be wrong."

How could Gu Anxi come? She made many phone calls and said she was too busy to come to the wedding. Gu Mingzhu felt quite empty in her heart, feeling that the wedding would be incomplete without Gu Anxi.

 The lottery will be drawn tomorrow, and everyone can participate after the time is announced. It will be updated at [-]:[-] p.m., and a lottery of Polaroid shower gel will be drawn.



(End of this chapter)

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