Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1027 After that, the child calls me Dad

Chapter 1027 After that, the child calls me Dad

Gu Mingzhu was a little suffocated.

She really won't.

Gu Anxi smiled: "So, there is no need to worry about things at all, you have to want it for a long time."

Gu Mingzhu turned her body sideways to see her at ease, and after a long time said in a hoarse voice: "Anxi, why are you willing to talk to me? Forgive me."

Gu Anxi closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he didn't want to answer, Gu Mingzhu was waiting stubbornly.

Wait until Gu Anxi got a little impatient, opened his eyes, and snorted softly: "When I was abandoned by those two, you didn't seem to be formed on Old Gu."

Gu Mingzhu was stunned, stupidly.

Gu Anxi smiled again, said nothing, and slowly fell asleep with his head on his pillow.

She had a dream. When she was very young, she played with a little Mingzhu in the same sun room. Mingzhu was one year younger than her, very cute and a little chubby.

When she woke up, Gu Mingzhu was no longer there, and there was an extra thin blanket on her body.

She sat up and brushed her hair, chuckled softly: "This fool."

Didn't she still say it was hot? Why did she even cover her with a blanket, but when she touched her hand, she felt a little cold.

Smiling helplessly, she saw Bo Xichen walking in, leaning on the sofa, "They left?"

Bo Xichen hummed, "I've just left not long ago."

He sat down and reached out to touch her little head: "You have slept for a long time, and you will have dinner soon."

Gu Anxi let out an ah, and looked around, and sure enough, the sky was already dark.

She sighed comfortably, "It's still comfortable in Beicheng, I really don't want to leave."

Bo Xichen pinched her small face: "Do you regret it?"

She rubbed against his palm like a cat: "No."

He smiled, then lay down, took her into his arms and smoothed her hair.At this time, it is especially quiet and beautiful.

After a long time, she raised her eyes and said softly, "We will really get married in three days?"

"Aren't you an old couple?" He laughed, "It's just a way of understanding."

She pinched him: "Bo Xichen, I also need a sense of ceremony."

He smiled and said hello.

Gu Anxi suddenly remembered something: "By the way, is sister Lin Hua still there?"

"Yes. I'm talking with my mother, and Mr. Wang will come over to have dinner together at night." He leaned on the pillow and smiled slightly: "They really care about it, it's like marrying a daughter."

Gu Anxi glanced at him: "Sister Lin Hua is only in her early thirties."

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "But it's enough for your old brother Wang to be your father."

Leaning in his arms, the little milk jerk gently tugged at his buttons, while holding back a smile: "Then will you call Wang Jingyao's father?"

Bo Xichen was originally teasing her, but now he heard it and suddenly felt bad.

Gu Anxi!

Gu Anxi smiled, very happily.

And he looked at her and smiled, and the trace of doubt in his heart dispelled.

Maybe she will be busy with him and won't have so much time to play, but she is very happy.

The two talked for a while before walking towards the dining room, and just after they passed, they saw Wang Jingyao get off the car, saw Gu Anxi and waved at her: "Come here."

Gu Anxi ran over, and Wang Jingyao put his hands on his hips and smiled: "The body looks much stronger."

"How can you describe a little girl like that, Anxi is so thin." Lin Hua came from nowhere, and cast a reproachful look at her husband.

Wang Jingyao immediately apologized: "My fault is my fault, Anxi, you can't blame me, your sister-in-law has stood up for you."

Gu Anxi poked his head: "Is there a gift in the car?"

Wang Jingyao laughed all of a sudden: "You are clever, for you to get married, Lin Hua went to the old lady to search for a lot of things, and asked me to bring them to you."

Gu Anxi looked at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua smiled, and patted her head: "You get married once in your life, you can't be careless."

Gu Anxi also smiled, but he always sighed in his heart.

It's not the first time for Sister Lin Hua, but there are some things she still can't tell her.

He felt a little sad in his heart, but smiled sweetly on his face: "Let me see how Sister Lin Hua sees you."

Wang Jingyao smiled and said to Bo Xichen: "Xichen, look at this little money fanatic, he talks the same thing, but in his heart he just wants to take all the good things home."

Bo Xichen also laughed, but didn't say anything.

Lin Hua cast a sideways glance at her husband, "Is there such a stingy brother like you? Just a younger sister."

Wang Jingyao smiled and said softly, "Don't you want to save some for our little daughter?"

After finishing speaking, Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi's eyes fell on Lin Hua's stomach, Lin Hua was a little embarrassed.

Gu Anxi stared intently, and after a while she carefully touched Lin Hua's belly, "Is there a baby?"

Lin Hua was a little shy, but still nodded gently.

"Is it a baby girl?" Gu Anxi asked cautiously again.

At this moment, the old brother laughed: "Now how do I know it's a boy baby or a girl baby?"

Gu Anxi stared at Lin Hua's belly, then told her to wait, and ran back to Lanshi by herself.

The adults were a little strange, but after a while, I saw her driving a children's toy car, and there were all kinds of toy Lego dolls in the car, almost all of which were limited editions.

Uh^^Professor Bo stroked his forehead, a little speechless.

And Lin Hua stood in the twilight, with some moisture in his eyes.

It's little Anxi.

Gu Anxi moved Wang Jingyao's priceless treasures out of the car, and threw them aside indifferently, and carefully put those toys in the car.For a while, Wang Jingyao didn't know whether he was losing money or taking advantage.

And because the news of Lin Hua's pregnancy came out, the thinking garden was very lively. Brother Wang also drank several glasses of wine. Even Secretary-General Wang Jingchuan didn't leave immediately, and asked for a glass of beer.

After the meal, the men were in good spirits. After two rounds of poker, Gu Anxi didn't play and took Lin Hua to Lanshi to visit her collection room.

Lin Hua looked at the rows of cabinets and wondered, "Anxi, did you collect all of these?"

"Well, play it when you have nothing to do." Gu Anxi took one down and fiddled with it.

Lin Hua smiled, then reached out and touched her belly: "I don't know if this child is a boy or a girl."

Gu Anxi picked a chair and sat down: "Then do you prefer male babies or female babies?"

She said herself: "I like baby girls."

Lin Hua smiled: "I can't decide on my own, but your older brother also likes female babies, and he said it's best to have a little bastard like Anxi."

Gu Anxi yelled: "I'm not a little bastard if you still take me like this."

Lin Hua smiled again, and reached out to touch her little head, "I'm [-] years old, and I still look like a child."

She paused: "It's all from Xi Chen's pet."

Gu Anxi whispered: "No, my uncle is quite strict."

Lin Hua got to know her well, and didn't know how to say polite words, "Then I should take care of you, and it's lucky that someone like Xi Chen takes care of you."

Gu Anxi yelled that she had been with her elder brother for a long time, and she had learned badly, and Lin Hua was in a daze for a while.

Seeing her expression, Gu Anxi asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua shook her head, "It's nothing, I just remembered something."

Gu Anxi didn't say anything, just quietly accompanied her.

After a long time, Lin Hua finally said, "Anxi, I've been dreaming recently, dreaming that Feng Sheng didn't leave and he came back, but he knew I was married and he blamed me, saying that I was a vain woman."

Gu Anxi peed in fright, and stammered, "Could it be, could it be that you have such a dream because you're pregnant?"

"Maybe." Lin Hua smiled lightly, "Maybe it's too tight."

Gu Anxi nodded maturely: "You must be careful in the early stages of pregnancy, especially the first three months."

She stretched out her hand to touch it again, with a longing look on her face: "Isn't it amazing to have a baby?"

Lin Hua smiled softly, "It's only as big as a peanut."

"That's a baby too." Gu Baobao said enviously.

Lin Hua covered her hand, and asked in a low voice, "Where are you and Xi Chen, do you have any plans?"

Gu Anxi immediately sighed, and then propped his chin with his fingers: "Oh, it seems that my uncle doesn't want a child for the time being."

Lin Hua patted her hand, "That's because Xi Chen loves you. You see, you are still a child, and you still care about playing all day long."

"Actually, he really wants a child." Gu Anxi sighed again, knowing in her heart that it was because of her health that she didn't have this plan.

The two chatted for a long time, and Wang Jingyao came to find someone. As soon as he came in, he looked at the collections in the room and exclaimed: "Xi Chen, you are too used to her. Your place used to be a place of elegance. Now it is a kindergarten. gone."

Bo Xichen just smiled.

Gu Anxi made a face at Wang Jingyao, "Don't worry about it."

Wang Jingyao picked her up by the ear: "Don't worry about it? Seriously? You make troubles all day long and let me wipe your ass. On the first day you returned to Beicheng, you offended the Chu family. Idiot, if someone lost his grandson, do you know how much effort I put in to suppress it?"

Gu Anxi yelled in a low voice: "Isn't it just that I can't get used to it!"

"Hehe, if you don't like light and fluffy words, if you want to say that you don't like how many things in this world, you have to make a round? My old bones are too busy."

Gu Anxi glared at him: "I'm so stingy. Okay, we won't go to Jiangcheng anymore, and wipe my butt by myself later."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, and poured a cup of tea for them without saying anything.

Old brother Wang sneered a few more times, looked at this and that, and said, "Look at it, this is our pet child, a white-eyed wolf. Threat me at every turn."

Gu Anxi rolled his eyes, and sipped his tea while nestling on the sofa. Lin Hua also wanted to drink it, but Wang Jingyao took it, "Don't drink it so late, lest you won't be able to sleep at night."

Bo Xichen smiled: "It's chrysanthemum tea."

Wang Jingyao let go, and then said to Gu Anxi: "Look, Xichen is much better than you, and he is much more considerate."

Gu Anxi smiled: "Then you spend time with my uncle, and I will take good care of Sister Lin Hua. From now on, the child will call me Dad."

Old Brother Wang wanted to beat her up violently, even Uncle Bo couldn't stand it anymore, but he should blame her, it seemed like it was funny, Old Brother Wang couldn't get out of his anger, and finally said: "Xi Chen, you are I'm so used to her."

Lin Hua glanced at him: "What's wrong with being used to it? You usually say that girls are going to be used to it. Why do you have the face to say these things now?"

Brother Wang was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

They chatted for a while before they left. Bo Xichen sent them to the parking lot alone. There were four RVs waiting there. In front of the car, Chen Ming stood there smoking. When he saw them coming over, he called out to Mr. Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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