Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1028 No one thinks you are annoying?

Chapter 1028 No one thinks you are annoying?

Wang Jingyao walked over and patted Chen Ming on the shoulder: "Why did you come here in person?"

Then he turned his head to his wife and Bo Xichen and said, "This guy's injury on his hand is not healed yet, so he is in a hurry to work, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend."

Chen Ming was extremely helpless: "Mr. Wang."

Lin Hua relieved him, "Jingyao, Chen Ming is an honest man, so don't tease him."

In fact, many people knew about Chen Ming and Song Jiaren's affairs, but they would not mention them. A while ago, Chen Ming seemed to have lost his soul, but now it finally stopped.

When she said that, Wang Jingyao just smiled and said nothing, turned his head to Bo Xichen and said, "Well, when you go back to Jiangcheng, I will let Chen Ming follow you. Cooperation is the best, have you found out what happened last time?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly: "The other party is cautious."

A look of hostility appeared on Wang Jingyao's face: "Why be cautious, it's just because the people in Jiangcheng were bribed in advance."

Lin Hua looked at him, "Speak well, even at night it's so fierce."

Wang Jingyao laughed: "This is about work. Well, if you don't like it, I won't talk about it. Let's talk about the child's name. What do you say is good for boys and girls? What should the nursery room at home be?" How to fix it, should I prepare two rooms to be prepared, no, I still have to make it pink, so that the chances of getting a baby girl are higher."

His face was full of kindness, completely different from the one just now, Lin Hua smiled angrily: "I'm just talking about you, look at you talking so much all at once, and you don't think you're annoying." '

"It's fine if you don't bother me, madam." The old brother smiled confidently, and then said goodbye to Bo Xichen. Before leaving, he said meaningfully: "Actually, the experiment belongs to the experiment. There is no delay in having a baby. Take good care of you guys." You also got pregnant early, Xi Chen, you are not too young."

Bo Xichen just smiled.

Lin Hua couldn't take it anymore, and snorted softly, "Ren Xichen won't reach your age in ten or ten years, and Anxi can have grandchildren when he reaches your age, so don't worry about others."

Brother Wang immediately coaxed his wife: "Okay, okay, I know I'm old, so I won't say a few words."

After that, he reached out to help Lin Hua get into the car, Chen Ming closed the car door for them, nodded to Bo Xichen, and then sat in the front of the car. The black RVs drove away one after another.

Bo Xichen stood alone in the dark for a long time, until the phone rang, he thought it was Gu Anxi, and when he picked it up, his voice was hoarse: "Sleepy?"

But it was Lu Heng over there.

Lu Heng's voice was so cold: "If she hadn't been missed, she wouldn't be yours."

Bo Xichen smiled: "Then you may have to fight Qin Siyuan."

He didn't intend to say too much, so he hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Afterwards, he smiled lightly. Really, if there were no accidents, Anxi would have been with Qin Siyuan. If she likes someone, she will always like it, and if she doesn't like it, she won't be persistent.

With a relaxed heart, he turned and walked in the direction of Lan Shi, the little guy was still waiting for him.

As she walked, she thought that her body was in good condition, and that she would be ready to have a baby in half a year.


On the other side, Wang Jingyao and his team drove away from Siyuan slowly. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain at night was pleasant. Opening the car window, a little night breeze came in, which was very comfortable. Lin Hua was quite relaxed.

Wang Jingyao felt sorry for her, and asked in a low voice, "Is your back sore?"

He read the book and said that if a woman is pregnant with a child, her waist will hurt. After all, one person bears two weights.

Lin Hua laughed when he heard him say this, and leaned on his shoulder: "Jingyao, don't be too nervous, it's only the size of a peanut."

"What's wrong with the peanuts? That's my precious girl too." Wang Jingyao held her shoulder lightly and said softly: "When the little one is born, you teach her to play the violin and I teach her to read. Terrible."

"I've said it all, it's only about the size of a peanut, so you're in a hurry." Lin Hua smiled lightly, then turned her head to look at the night.

The boundless night devoured all things like a giant beast, she was suddenly a little afraid and reached out to raise the car window.Wang Jingyao closed his eyes slightly, "Why don't you worry, didn't you tell me that I can be a grandfather if I am young enough at my age."

Lin Hua leaned against him and murmured, "But you are Wang Jingyao, how could you have a child so early?"

Wang Jingyao was silent for a while before speaking hoarsely: "Actually, there was once when I was in my thirties, but I ignored her feelings, and the child was not born smoothly."

Lin Hua was surprised.

They have known each other for a long time, his former wife was not in good health in the past few years, and he didn't come out much, and he rarely talked with her about it, and now he suddenly told her about it.

Wang Jingyao glanced at her sideways and smiled: "What's the matter, little fool? Are you scared?"

She shook her head: "You rarely mention this."

He hummed, and then looked outside: "I'm sorry for her, naturally I don't have the confidence to speak up."

Lin Hua was silent.

He sighed softly: "I will spare time to accompany you and the children. I am also very old, and I should enjoy life. You see, Min Xin doesn't have much self-motivation."

Even though he said this, Lin Hua knew that Min Xin could do this, but he couldn't, because he was Wang Jingyao, and he must have sacrificed a lot in such a position.

Anxi is one of them.

If it wasn't for this position, it would be great to fight, but in this position, you can't ignore the overall situation.

Lin Hua found that she was quite fond of him, mainly because Anxi thought he was old and didn't like him.

She smiled softly, Wang Jingyao turned her head, "What are you thinking about being so happy again, can't you be arranging me again?"

Lin Hua chuckled softly: "Where there is, I dare not arrange for you."

"One bite at a time, you must be thinking of some bad idea, don't learn from that bastard, I'm too old to stand up to you." The old brother smiled sexually.

Lin Hua blushed a little, then turned around, "I don't know who is torturing whom."

Wang Jingyao drank some wine, he was a bit high-spirited at first, but now he became more energetic, and was about to say a few words without shame or impatience, but thinking that Chen Ming and the driver were still there, he didn't answer because of his wife's face and reputation. After finishing speaking, he silently recollected Lin Hua's words word for word for a long time, feeling greatly satisfied in his heart.

Afterwards, no one spoke, and the car drove steadily in the dark until the car braked suddenly.

Lin Hua let out a soft cry, but fortunately Wang Jingyao reached out to hug his wife in time, and then scolded, "What's going on?"

The driver was still in shock: "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect a person in front to jump out from the side suddenly. Is your wife okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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