Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1029 Jingyao, I dreamed of that person

Chapter 1029 Jingyao, I dreamed of that person

Lin Hua shook her head, "I'm fine."

The driver was a little relieved: "I'll get out of the car and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he got out of the car, but Chen Ming didn't go down, closed the car door and used the walkie-talkie to ask the brother in the car in front to come over.

After a while, about a dozen people surrounded the car to protect.

Wang Jingyao patted Lin Hua's shoulder reassuringly, "Is there anything uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

He attaches great importance to this child, because it is their first birth.

Lin Hua shook her head: "I'm fine, it's just a little sudden."

Wang Jingyao comforted his wife for a while, and then looked out of the front of the car.

In the dark night, a thin man was helped up by someone. The man kept his head down and did not speak, and then he raised his eyes by chance.

Wang Jingyao's body froze.

It was a disfigured man, to say disfigured and more directly disfigured, under the headlights, there was almost no good place for that face, it was terribly hideous.

However, that sense of familiarity and this kind of accident are even more terrifying.

Wang Jingyao was in a daze, but Lin Hua was surprised and followed his gaze.

Then she was also frightened, and stared quietly at the man outside the car.

The man was actually staring at her. It was very dark in the car, but the man seemed to be able to catch her gaze accurately. His four eyes trembled slightly at her body, and he murmured: "That man is so strange."

Wang Jingyao woke up, reached out to grab her hand, and said hoarsely, "Don't look, don't scare the baby."

Lin Hua regained her composure, tilted her head and smiled lightly: "How could it know?"

Brother Wang had something in his words: "Mother's emotions will directly affect the child, so for the sake of the little one, you really have to be happier every day. In this way, Anxi is in Beicheng these days. I will pick her up to accompany you later, okay? You two go to the old lady's place to have fun."

Lin Hua said helplessly, "Anxi is going to get married in a few days. If you don't help, you will make trouble. You will shake the world with this little thing about me. You haven't become a father yet. If you become a father, you must take off the moon from the sky and give it to her." Ah, you don't have the drive to have a boy if I say so."

"It must be a girl." Wang Jingyao smiled, but stared at the person outside the car again.

It's him.

What is he doing when he comes back? Are the Feng family's group of idiots?

Chen Ming, who was sitting at the front, also felt the tension of his boss. Although he kept chatting and laughing with Lin Hua, Chen Ming was in this line of work, so he was keenly aware of it.

He knew about Feng Sheng, at this moment he had to suspect that the person who almost hit the car was _

However, no one has any way to confirm this possibility, so they can only pretend not to know.

Outside the car, the driver patted the ashes on the man's body, checked briefly to make sure there was nothing wrong with him, and let the brothers get in the car.

He went back to the car and sat down, sighing: "It's the poor man, I don't know what happened to make him hurt like this."

Wang Jingyao knew it well, but deliberately echoed and said: "Don't scare people."

The driver didn't know anything, and smiled: "How can it be, Mr. Wang usually said that you should be kind to others, and I was very kind just now, so be polite."

Chen Ming put away his gun, "Let's drive."

The car started slowly, and the man gave way to the side of the road. When the car passed by, Lin Hua turned her head inadvertently, but saw the man staring at the car. Wang Jingyao naturally saw it too. He clenched his fingers into fists, but his tone was light and relaxed. Song: "I'll calm you down when I get back later."

Lin Hua suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and glanced at him: "I'm not paper-based, and I'm not that timid either."

"Then our child must be bold in the future." Wang Jingyao laughed.

Then his eyes narrowed, and he changed the subject without a trace.When he arrived at the villa, he helped Lin Hua go upstairs, but after Chen Ming told his brothers to leave, he didn't leave, and stood by the car smoking.

After about half an hour, Wang Jingyao coaxed Lin Hua well before he came downstairs slowly.

Seeing him coming, Chen Ming immediately stood up straight: "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao stretched out his hand: "Is there any smoke?"

Chen Ming handed over one, "It's not a good cigarette."

But Wang Jingyao couldn't care less, took it and lit it in front of Chen Ming, took a sharp puff and said, "What does Feng Sheng want to do?"

It's not that he's selfish, but that things have come to this point, Feng Sheng and Lin Hua have long been impossible, not to mention that Lin Hua is married and pregnant with a child.

Chen Ming said in a calm voice: "I will contact the Feng family and ask them to bring Feng Sheng back to Italy for treatment as soon as possible."

Wang Jingyao exhaled a long puff of smoke ring, and gave instructions: "As soon as possible, I don't want him to appear in front of Lin Hua again."

If Lin Hua found out, it would be Lin Hua who was tormented.

She didn't do anything wrong. She came to him because of Feng Sheng. Isn't such a woman worthy of happiness?What era is it now, no one has to guard for the rest of his life.

After Wang Jingyao finished speaking, Chen Ming nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I have sent a message to let people follow him, and people from the Feng family will find him soon."

Wang Jingyao patted him on the shoulder: "You did well."

This matter must not be done by him on the surface, he has kept this matter a lot, if he comes forward to force Feng Sheng to leave, Lin Hua will hate him to death if he knows.

Wang Jingyao walked slowly towards the hall, suddenly stopped, and turned around: "Wait a minute."

Chen Ming looked at him.

He said softly: "Well, after I find him, I want to talk to him."

Chen Ming was a little surprised.

Wang Jingyao said again: "Let me talk to him."

When he went upstairs, Lin Hua seemed to be fast asleep. He sat by the bed and looked at her for a long time, then took the bathrobe and went to the bathroom.When he came out, Lin Hua woke up, sitting on the head of the bed with some shock on his face, Wang Jingyao hurried over to sit beside her, reached out and touched her face: "What's the matter, is this a nightmare?"

Lin Hua was a little distracted, and murmured, "Jingyao, I dreamed about that person."

Wang Jingyao knew it well, but smiled slightly on his face: "Which person?"

(End of this chapter)

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