Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1032 You are Feng Sheng!

Chapter 1032 You are Feng Sheng!

Wang Jingyao was silent for a long time before saying hoarsely, "What does he want to do?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "I don't know. Maybe he just wanted to see Lin Hua, or maybe he just wanted to have a conversation with you, a fair conversation."

After finishing speaking, there was silence all around.

In the silence, Chen Ming said: "How can that be done? Lawyer Feng looked at it. Mr. Wang can't do it, no way^^"

He couldn't go on talking about the following words, and he didn't dare to say them.

Wang Jingyao stared at him.

Gu Anxi suppressed a smile.

Wang Jingyao glared at her again, and said dissatisfied, "Am I afraid of him?"

Secretary-General Wang reminded in a low voice: "The other party has skills."

Now, the old brother is not happy, "He has it, but I don't?"

The people present stopped talking and touched their noses.

What skills does Old Brother Wang have? Does the skill of coaxing women count?

Old brother Wang stared at them one by one, not looking down on him at all.

After a while, Gu Anxi yelled: "The main reason is that you are getting older, and your legs and feet are not as good as when you were young."

Wang Jingchuan made a timely rescue: "In these years, Mr. Wang has a lot of things to do every day, and he rarely has the opportunity to exercise."

Gu Anxi made a face.

At this moment, Wang Jingyao said slowly, "I want to see him."

If the corresponding danger can bring Lin Hua's safety, he is willing to give it a try.

Chen Ming still disagreed, "Mr. Wang, this is too dangerous."

The Secretary-General held him gently: "Listen to Mr. Wang."

Gu Anxi smiled: "He looks like a man."

Wang Jingyao got angry again: "Hehe. You are cute, how am I not like a man?"

Gu Anxi shrugged his shoulders, then his eyes fell on the screen, and he said softly: "It depends on whether he is willing to see you."

She looked up at Chen Ming again: "Strengthen security, if you don't want Lin Hua to see him."

Between Lin Hua and her elder brother, she really would rather her elder brother meet Feng Sheng. It would be too cruel for Lin Hua to face Feng Sheng at this time.

After she finished speaking, Chen Ming nodded: "OK."

Gu Anxi looked at Wang Jingyao again: "I'm here, you go to the office."

Wang Jingyao thought about it and nodded.

Back in the ward, Lin Hua slept soundly, probably because she was a little tired.He stood and watched for a while before whispering: "Jingchuan, let's go."

Wang Jingchuan sighed and followed him away.

Gu Anxi sat down on the sofa slowly, tapped the keyboard a few times with his fingers, and locked an area.

Feng Sheng will only appear if Wang Jingyao is not there.

She sat quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, there were some slight footsteps outside the door.

She clenched her fingers and looked towards the door, but it was Chen Ming.

Gu Anxi breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the door and closed it: "There are so many people, I'm afraid they won't come."

Chen Ming lit a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he choked it out again, "Yes, there are dozens of people, he probably won't show up, no matter how powerful he was before, he is injured now, how can he be the opponent of these people."

The two were talking, when a cleaner came over pushing a cart, wearing a mask on his face, tall, and whispered, "Excuse me."

Gu Anxi stepped aside to let her in, and then continued talking to Chen Ming.

Chen Ming watched the man go in, frowned and didn't say anything.

He continued to talk to Gu Anxi, and after a while Gu Anxi entered the ward, while Chen Ming continued to guard outside.

In the ward, Gu Anxi gently closed the door, leaning his back against the door panel, and smiled softly.

In front of the hospital bed, a man was bending over, gently touching Lin Hua's face with his hand.

As for Lin Hua, she was sound asleep.

The man raised his head when he heard the chuckle, and looked at Gu Anxi quietly.

Gu Anxi still smiled, "Feng Sheng."

"It's not. You have identified the wrong person." The man lowered his head in a panic, not looking at her.

His eyes fell on Lin Hua's face.

Lin Hua was still lying quietly.

Gu Anxi said softly: "She won't wake up, I put a little medicine on her, don't worry, it won't harm the fetus."


The man's body froze.

The exposed eyes also exuded a terrifying light.

He murmured: "She is pregnant with Wang Jingyao's child."

"Why not?" Gu Anxi said calmly, "They're married."

Feng Sheng waved his hand, a little frantic: "How can she marry Wang Jingyao, she is obviously my fiancée."

He was very emotional, but Gu Anxi remained calm.

She watched Feng Sheng's heart heaving violently, and the light blue nurse's uniform was almost unable to hold up the feeling that it was about to be broken. These made him look like an urban monster, no longer the gentle and elegant before.

He said frantically, "I'm going to take her."

"Yes." Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Then, what about taking her to wander around, let her know that you are still alive and make her feel guilty, or let her kill Wang Jingyao's child and be with you again?"

Feng Sheng said dryly, "I will accept this child."

"Lin Hua can't accept it." Gu Anxi stared at him without dodging at all, as if that face wasn't scary at all.

Feng Sheng's face was distorted, he couldn't see his emotions clearly, he only knew that he was very excited.

Gu Anxi stepped forward, with a soft and gentle voice: "Brother Feng, it's different now. She was frightened last night and today she feels unwell and needs to be hospitalized. If she follows you, think about how you will take care of her? And her Is your reputation gone?"

Feng Sheng tilted his head, his eyes fixed on Gu Anxi, and he said in a hoarse voice, "What about me?"

Gu Anxi's voice became softer: "Brother Feng, live your own life, if you must drag Lin Hua, it will be very painful for both of you."

Moreover, Lin Hua was not completely forced to marry her elder brother. She liked it before, and now she is pregnant with a child. When a woman is willing to conceive a man, she must have this man in her heart.

Although a bit cruel, this is reality.

In Gu Anxi's view, Feng Sheng's current situation made Lin Hua give up everything and take the child with him. That was an extremely cruel thing, and it was extremely cruel to this child.

She made a mistake, and Feng Sheng walked towards her with heavy steps, step by step.

He squinted and stared at her: "You must be helping Wang Jingyao, you are his sister."

"No, I'm speaking from Lin Hua's standpoint." Gu Anxi didn't back down, "Because I'm also a woman, and I can understand her feelings."

Feng Sheng was furious: "I don't believe it!"

Gu Anxi lowered her eyes and murmured: "Maybe she has a place for you in her heart, but Wang Jingyao and this child must be bigger than you. Feng Sheng, you like her, don't make things difficult for her."

Feng Sheng's face was ashen, and he looked particularly scary on that uneven face, he took a step back gently.

At this moment, Chen Ming knocked on the door: "Anxi, who is talking inside?"

(End of this chapter)

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