Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1033 Ah!what happened, i don't know

Chapter 1033 Ah!what happened, i don't know

In the ward, it was quiet.

After a while, Gu Anxi said softly, "I'm talking to the cleaning staff."

Chen Ming outside the door paused for a moment, then fell silent.

In the ward, it was also quiet, except for Feng Sheng's slightly panting breath.

Gu Anxi took a step forward and looked up at him.

Feng Sheng lowered his head, there was no warmth in the warm eyes of the past, and said word by word: "I am not reconciled."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, and the smile was a little bit bitter: "If you are not reconciled, just wait until you recover and come back when you can stand by her side again, then let Sister Lin Hua choose again."

After she finished speaking, she took out a needle from her pocket and raised it gently: "If you must let her choose now, I can make her wake up, and I believe Lin Hua will choose you."

Feng Sheng's heart heaved even more, and he stared at her, "What do you mean?"

"The weak." Gu Anxi looked back at him, "Because she felt guilty, she chose you, Feng Sheng, are you sure this is what you want? If you want me to wake her up now, and then I will find a way to send you away."

Feng Sheng's fingers clenched into fists, and his face was twisted to the extreme. He firmly controlled himself so as not to strangle the little girl in front of him.

Gu Anxi still looked up at him quietly.

He is alone, like a strange beast.

She didn't know how hard it was for him to get back to this land, but it must have been hard.

Gu Anxi hugged Feng Sheng.

He froze, his torso was rigid, and he slowly turned his head and looked down at her.

It's been a long time, he hasn't felt this kind of temperature for a long time, a living temperature.

"Brother Feng." She murmured, "Have you thought about the Feng family? Although Wang Jingyao is my older brother, I know that if you take Lin Hua away, the Feng family will be over."

Feng Sheng's eyes covered with red bloodshot eyes were terrifying.

Gu Anxi continued: "He loves Sister Lin Hua. I didn't ask you to fulfill him, but Gu Quanfeng's family and Sister Lin Hua."

Feng Sheng stretched out his stiff palm, and gently placed it on top of the little girl's head.

He knows that this little girl is very powerful, and now she hugs him so softly to warm him and tells him that she is not afraid of him, but he also knows that this little girl is very powerful, even if she has been injured, it is easy to deal with him within a minute , and Lin Hua is asleep, and will never know.

As long as she thinks about it, there will be no such person as Feng Sheng in this world in the future.

Thinking of this, the tip of his heart seemed to be pierced by countless needles, densely packed.

His body hurt, and his heart hurt even more. He had nowhere to relieve it, and raised his head and let out a low growl like a wild animal.

I don't know how long it took before he calmed down.

All around, quiet was restored.

Gu Anxi watched Feng Sheng put on a mask and hat, and pushed the cart towards the outside.

She stood for a while, then turned her head and said softly, "You have to be good."

Feng Sheng paused for a moment, her voice hoarse: "You are right. I want her to choose in this state, which is to make things difficult for her."

Gu Anxi didn't say anything, but Feng Sheng opened the door and went out after finishing speaking.

Outside the door is Chen Ming.

When Chen Ming saw Feng Sheng, his expression slipped a touch of guard, but he quickly relaxed. Through the crack of the door, he saw Gu Anxi standing there. Her expression was something he had never seen before.

Like, very sad.

Chen Ming's hand slowly loosened, and then moved away a little.

In that instant, he understood everything.

And the man, pushing the cart, slowly disappeared.

Chen Ming pushed open the door and went in, but Gu Anxi didn't withdraw her expression, she said softly: "Chen Ming, you saw it too."

Chen Ming nodded: "Yes."

Gu Anxi said in a daze: "He won't appear, at least not for the time being."

Chen Ming stopped talking.

Gu Anxi raised the needle in his hand, and said, "If you dare to tell my brother, I will give you an injection every day."

Chen Ming said that, "Girls shouldn't be beaten and killed at will, it's not good."

Gu Anxi lowered his hands, then looked at the sleeping Lin Hua, and sighed.

Chen Ming walked up to her and said softly, "Don't worry, I won't tell Mr. Wang."

He looked at her: "Are you sure he won't come back?"

"Not for now, maybe one day." Gu Anxi smiled.

Chen Ming hissed: "Then what shall we do in the future?"

"Back then, Feng Sheng was not the Feng Sheng it is now. How old was sister Lin Hua's child at that time? The old brother must be a good husband and a good father. How could she be willing not to let them go?" Gu Anxi glanced at him, as if looking at him. Like a little idiot.

Chen Ming touched his nose, feeling that he was deeply insulted.

Even if this matter is over, it is still necessary to pretend.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Jingyao came back, picked an unoccupied ward and called Gu Anxi to go there.

Gu Anxi tapped on his notebook, then raised his eyes and said in surprise, "He has left Beicheng."

Wang Jingyao stood up suddenly, "How come?"

He came over and leaned on the armrest of the sofa to look at the screen. Gu Anxi explained to him: "He knew how to drive and left. He didn't go abroad for the time being, but he didn't contact Feng's family either."

At this moment, Secretary-General Wang began to worry about Feng Sheng's livelihood and livelihood. Gu Anxi smiled: "It's not that he came from Special B, and he is Feng Sheng, a leading barrister, so there's nothing he can do about it." ."

The property under Feng Sheng's name is at least tens of billions.

Wang Jingyao lit a cigarette, burned it for a long time before saying in a hoarse voice: "Anyway, he left."

He frowned again: "By the way, how did he leave? Suddenly figured it out?"

Chen Ming looked at Gu Anxi.The little eyes were seen by Old Brother Wang, who looked at him: "What are you doing looking at Anxi, isn't this your specialty?"

Chen Ming coughed lightly: "She is an emotional expert."

Gu Anxi nodded and accepted the title with a smile.

Wang Jingyao also quite agrees: "At a young age, there are many evil ideas."

He patted her on the head and thought for a while: "I still have to work for you these few days, and take your sister-in-law to live with the old lady for a few days. She was pregnant and scared again. I don't worry about her being alone at this moment." home."

Gu Anxi readily agreed, "Okay. Then I'll go to my uncle's first, and you go back to accompany Sister Lin Hua."

She skipped away, and Wang Jingyao sat back on the sofa, smoking a cigarette unhurriedly.

Secretary-General Wang coaxed him to be happy: "This is great, and the matter has been resolved satisfactorily."

"Really?" Brother Wang smiled lightly, "Chen Ming, you have nothing to hide from me?"

Chen Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said, "How could it be? No, absolutely not."

Wang Jingyao glanced at him again and got up: "Okay, whether you have it or not, I'm not going to take your skin off."

Wang Jingchuan looked confused: "What are you talking about, Mr. Wang, Chen Ming, what have you done?"

Chen Ming smiled wryly, "I didn't do anything."

Wang Jingyao walked in front, looking in a good mood: "Jing Chuan, just pretend, I don't believe that a smart person like you can't guess it, so just help them, these little bastards, and I will even you if you turn around carefully." The skin was peeled off together."

Wang Jingchuan followed in small steps, and immediately expressed his loyalty: "Sir, I really don't know."

Chen Ming also followed, hanging his head.

When Wang Jingyao returned to the ward, Lin's mother was accompanying Lin Hua, he immediately called out to her mother very gently.

Lin Hua's mother was very satisfied with him. Ever since they got married, Jing Yao respected her very much and was very considerate to Lin Hua.

Mother Lin stood up and said with a smile, "It looks much better."

Wang Jingyao sat by the bed, reached out to touch Lin Hua's face, and asked softly, "Is there any discomfort?"

Lin Hua shook her head: "Very good, by the way, where's Anxi?"

Old brother Wang smiled: "That dog is disgusting, it must be sticking to Xichen."

Lin Hua laughed, "Who would scold me like that?"

Brother Wang thought about it, and then smiled: "You can tell jokes, that's great."

Then he got up, personally invited his mother-in-law to sit down, poured a glass of water for Lin Hua, and then said to Lin's mother, "Well, I plan to let Lin Hua live with the old lady for a while. Let that brat Anxi stay with you for a few days, what do you think?"

Lin's mother actually wanted her daughter to go home to live with her, but she also had a heart. Jingyao's arrangement must have his own plans.

It was unusual for her to be hospitalized suddenly this time, and no matter how considerate she was, she was not as strict as the old lady's place. It would be great if Lin Hua could go there to raise a baby. Besides, although the old lady was strict, Lin Hua liked her very much. In addition, Anxi's reasons are always unrestrained, so she nodded with a smile: "This is very good."

After all, she is a mother, and she loves her daughter dearly.

She knew a thing or two about Feng Sheng's matter, someone made it clear on purpose, it's not easy for her to tell her daughter about it, and she is on the same side with her son-in-law.

Mother Lin swallowed all her thoughts.

This secret, unless necessary, will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Lin Hua's spirit improved a lot, she smiled, "Actually, I'm fine."

"He said it's okay." Brother Wang coughed lightly: "Look at the two days of effort, my complexion has changed a lot."

"You think I'm not good-looking?" Lin Hua was a little arrogant: "Then go find your Dr. Jiang."

"Small sample." Wang Jingyao pinched her face, but turned to Mother Lin and said, "Look, after marrying me, I have become a lot more arrogant, and I always talk about things in the past, and you have to give me back later." I educate myself well."

Lin's mother just laughed, sighing in her heart.

At the same time, she is also very grateful to Anxi, this child is not easy.

Here, Old Brother Wang pampered his wife as if no one else was around, while Gu Anxi ran to Uncle Bo's office. He was on the phone with Bo Nianyao, talking about an experiment, and took a moment to look at her.

Gu Anxi went around behind him and put his arms around his neck: "Uncle."

Over there, Bo Nianyao could hear a little vaguely, "Xi Chen, is there someone in your place?"

Bo Xichen smiled, "It's Anxi."

Bo Nianyao laughed: "I guess so, this child is also very clingy all day long."

He paused: "I'll be back the night after tomorrow."

Bo Xichen nodded: "I have arranged for Lin Yuan to take over."

The two talked for a while, Bo Xichen put down the phone, picked up the person behind him, "What did you do today?"

The little creamer jumped up all of a sudden: "No."

"Oh?" Bo Xichen smiled: "What happened to Feng Sheng? Didn't you let it go?"

Gu Anxi immediately began to murmur: "That, that, I don't know, what is Fengsheng? Has he been here?"

"Not honest." He patted her lightly: "Your brother must have guessed it too, don't think he is stupid."

Gu Anxi raised his lower lip, "Then he shouldn't secretly set off firecrackers, he won't have time to fix me."

 The rest will be updated at [-] o'clock in the evening, vote for a little star~~



(End of this chapter)

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