Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1039 Hehe, I look like a guest at home

Chapter 1039 Oh, it looks like a guest when I get home

Wang Bian over there paused: "I can't disclose this."

Gu Mingzhu was a little disappointed: "Can't you really say it?"

Wang Bian smiled and said, "Mingzhu, don't embarrass me. In short, this is a very good sponsor, and I should make a good film. When it is released and becomes popular, you will not worry about the sales of your future book."

Gu Mingzhu also thought about it, "Anyway, I will know when it is released."

She hung up the phone, and in the end it was Qin Siyuan who sent her to the clubhouse, the car stopped and she turned sideways: "Do you want to go in with me?"

Qin Siyuan touched her hair, and said with a smile: "Children go to school and take their parents with them."

"I'm not a child." She muttered dissatisfiedly, and then said: "You can wait here, anyway, just sign in the coffee shop on the first floor."

After she finished speaking, she kissed: "We took the money and we went to buy gifts for Xiaoan. '

Qin Siyuan watched her get out of the car, and sat in the car with a notebook to deal with things.Over there, after getting off the car, Gu Mingzhu tidied up her clothes and walked into the coffee shop. This was the first time she came here to sign a contract by herself. Fortunately, it is reliable to have acquaintances around.

She went over, Wang Bian had already arrived, and sitting opposite her was a gentle young man who looked like an assistant.Gu Mingzhu walked over and bent slightly: "Aunt Wang."

Wang Bian raised his eyes and laughed: "The Pearl is here."

She opened the chair and said to the young man opposite: "Xiao Zhao, this is the Pearl, the author of <Sea Island>."

The one named Xiao Zhao got up immediately and stretched out his hand: "Miss Gu, I have long admired your name."

Gu Mingzhu felt a little embarrassed, and reached out to shake her hand: "Just call me Mingzhu."

The other party smiled slightly.

Gu Mingzhu sat down, and still probed: "Which party did you entrust, can you tell me, I can also call to thank you."

Xiao Zhao was a little sorry: "It's not that I don't want to say it, it's really ^^"

Gu Mingzhu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lightly: "Okay. '

She looked at Wang Bian again: "Aunt Wang, let's take a look at the contract."

Just now in the car, Qin Siyuan told her a lot about the contract, let her pay attention to it, now she has a better understanding, and this Aunt Wang and Tang Yuan are old friends, seeing her so stable, I feel very happy Happy: "I have read the contract, Mingzhu, please take a closer look."

Gu Mingzhu took the contract, looked down at the contract, and read each page carefully.

"This child has grown up a lot." Aunt Wang smiled, and then went to get a glass of iced latte and put it by her hand.She talked softly with Assistant Zhao, and the time passed quickly. After half an hour, Gu Mingzhu read the contract and made sure there was no problem before signing her name.

Assistant Zhao smiled slightly: "Miss Gu is very cautious."

"It's good to be cautious." Gu Mingzhu smiled slightly.

Assistant Zhao couldn't help but said: "You are different from what I imagined."

Gu Mingzhu was in a daze, and after a while she smiled lightly: "Sometimes I'm still impulsive."

"Boss Qin?" Assistant Zhao joked.

Gu Mingzhu was taken aback, she didn't expect him to say this, but soon she came back to her senses: "Emotional matters are not impulsive."

After saying this, Xiao Zhao went out later, and the man who listened was sitting in the office, listening to Xiao Zhao's words silently.

Emotional matters are not impulsive.

He lowered his eyes, looked at the <Sea Island>, and then raised his eyes to Assistant Zhao: "Then what are you talking about?"

Assistant Zhao didn't understand: "Mr. Chu, I don't understand what you mean."

Chu Ci Qingjun's face was a little pale, he stretched out his hand to flip through the book, and repeated softly: "Emotional matters are not impulsive."

Assistant Zhao suddenly laughed: "Well, I think Miss Gu is right."

He paused, and said with some puzzlement: "Why did you buy this book? You didn't seem to appreciate Miss Gu's writing style very much before."

Chu Ci closed the book, and her slender fingers landed on the writing, just touching the word "Sea Island" with her fingers.

He said softly, "Maybe this story touched me unintentionally."

is it?

Xiao Zhao was a little skeptical. You must know that this book was not serialized on the Internet. How did Mr. Chu get it?

However, he dared not ask such a question.

It wasn't until one day that this young man saw the book published by Haidao that he knew why Mr. Chu bought it, because the prototypes of the male and female protagonists in this book were Chu Ci and Chu Yan, so Mr. Chu still wants to shoot after buying it?

Gu Mingzhu waited for Xiao Zhao to leave, chatted with Aunt Wang for a few words, and pressed the back of her hand: "Wait a minute, I'll call Qin Siyuan."

Aunt Wang saw her running fast, not as dignified as before, but her expression was happier than ever before, she couldn't help shaking her head, and muttered to herself: "If you didn't ask her so much in the past, wouldn't you be so young?" It's like this when you grow up, will you have the same personality as her sister?"

Just as he shook his head and sighed, Gu Mingzhu brought a young man over.

Aunt Wang just took one look, but her eyes were glued.

This young man was really good-looking, and his temperament was also very good. Later, a series of behaviors were also very decent and natural. As a junior, Qin Siyuan also invited Aunt Wang to have lunch, and both parties were very happy.

After the meal, Gu Mingzhu sat in the car and whispered, "I got the money, let's go shopping."

Qin Siyuan smiled.

now.Gu Mingzhu's expression suddenly became a little strange, as if she couldn't pull a BB.

"What's the matter?" Qin Siyuan put on his seat belt and tapped the steering wheel lightly.

Gu Mingzhu's voice was very slow: "I am, if a picture is taken, will Chu Yan kill me?"

Qin Siyuan smiled and started the car: "Why, you know the details too? By the way, how did you know?"

Gu Mingzhu swallowed sharply: "Gu Anxi drank some wine, I got it."

Qin Siyuan suddenly felt unwell, and after a long time, he coughed lightly: "Then we will be in Qingcheng by then, and we won't go anywhere."

"What if Chu Yan finds Qingcheng?" She said pitifully, her little head drooping lower and lower, a little scared.

Afraid of Chu Yan, even more afraid of Chu Ci, that seemingly gentle man is actually not easy to talk to. From before to now, only Chu Yan has been gentle.

Gu Mingzhu was holding 2000 million at this time, and she was so afraid that she wanted to call her mother.

Just when she was scared to death, Chu Yan went to Chu's house in the morning.

In the red and white villa, the yard is full of business, and everything is just like when she was a child, but Chu Yan feels that she can't go in.

She stood quietly, and at this time the scorching sun outside was shining like a fire. She hadn't slept all night, and her body was very tired.At this moment, the guard saw her, and immediately came over with a jerk: "It's Miss, why don't you go in at the door."

The doorman didn't know much about the affairs of the Chu family. He only knew that the young lady had gone abroad to study and hadn't come back for several months.

Chu Yan lost his mind, then smiled faintly, and walked into the gate of the villa.

The black carved door opened and closed with a bang, Chu Yan slowly approached the hall of the villa, and seemed to hear some voices in the distance, some familiar and some unfamiliar.

Chu Yan paused at the door, then walked in slowly.

In the living room, the atmosphere was originally happy and harmonious, but the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.Chu Yan looked over, besides the Chu family couple, there was another girl, who was not very old, about 23 or [-] years old, Chu Yan could tell at a glance that this was the blind date her family was looking for for Chu Ci, or she had met her before, or I will see you soon.

When Mrs. Chu saw Chu Yan, her body froze, she wanted to say something but she didn't say it, but Chu Changhe was stunned for a moment, then smiled and broke the deadlock: "Yanyan is back."

He didn't seem surprised, got up and pulled Chu Yan to sit down, then said to Madam Chu: "Look at you, the child is so happy when he comes back, by the way, Mrs. Zhang, add two of Yan Yan's favorite dishes. "

Mrs. Zhang has worked in the Chu family for many years, and she loved Chu Yan very much. Now that she heard her coming back, she ran over to take a look, and then rubbed her apron: "Hey, yes, I must make Yan Yan happy." ."

Aunt Zhang looked at Chu Yan's thin figure and felt distressed: "Did I not eat well abroad, I have lost a lot of weight."

Chu Yan smiled lightly: "No, I'm losing weight."

Mrs. Zhang's mood is particularly complicated. It's a pity that she knows about the two children, but Yan Yan is a sensible child who is painful. She is obviously innocent and pretends to be innocent. It is said that the wife and the young master are both hateful.

Mrs. Zhang made a dark face on purpose: "It's not healthy for a young girl to lose weight every now and then. Don't be like them. Your round face is only cute."

Chu Yan smiled lightly again, she wanted to say that she had passed the time of being cute, but she felt that saying that would make Aunt Zhang feel sad, so she didn't say it.

Mrs. Zhang turned around: "Okay, I'll cook a few special dishes that will make your mouth water. I'm reluctant to leave home and go abroad."

The eye circles are a little red.

Chu Changhe deliberately said: "Then you have to show your housekeeping skills, this child's mouth must be very greedy." '

Zhang Ma went to the kitchen to stir-fry side dishes in a gust of wind, and the scene returned to the subtle discomfort.

Chu Changhe really missed his little daughter, and he didn't think she would be willing to come back to see her, so he asked her carefully when she came back and when she was planning to go back to England.

If you ask him, it is best not to go back to England.

The servant brought over a cup of tea, not her favorite ice water, which was Madam Chu's intention.

Chu Yan knew in her heart that she was being treated as a guest outright, and the person next to Mrs. Chu might be her future daughter-in-law.She didn't care, took a sip of tea and said softly: "I came back yesterday afternoon, the flight will take a while, and I may not be able to eat."

Chu Changhe was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "How can I do that, I finally go home once, what will happen if I don't eat this meal?"

He was also really annoyed, and he didn't know whether it was himself, his wife, or his son.

(End of this chapter)

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