Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1040 Hope someone has an accident!Ami Tofu

Chapter 1040 Hope someone has an accident!Ami Tofu

Mrs. Chu also spoke at the right time, speaking politely: "I came back yesterday, Yan Yan, where do you live?"

Chu Yan turned around stiffly, and met Mrs. Chu with a smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes.

She knew in her heart that she was not welcome at all, but she answered the question anyway: "Hotel."

Madam Chu asked again with a smile, "Are you alone?"


The air stagnated for a moment, and Mrs. Chu's smile faded a little: "Then have you met your brother?" '

At this moment, Chu Changhe couldn't bear to call out: "Xiu Fen!"

Mrs. Chu looked at him sideways: "What's wrong with you, Changhe, I just care about the child, why are you angry at me?"

Chu Changhe suppressed his anger: "Is there anyone who cares about children like this? It's like interrogating a prisoner."

Mrs. Chu smiled: "That's my fault, I'm sorry Yan Yan, mom didn't mean it."

Chu Yan looked down at the tea in her hand and smiled lightly: "I know."

She raised her eyes, "I'm really catching a flight, so I'm leaving first, by the way, this is a small gift I brought from England, here it is."

Mrs. Chu didn't make a sound.

Chu Changhe stood up: "You child, why don't you have any good or bad, and you don't want to have a meal with your father?"

He grabbed Chu Yan's arm, and Chu Yan faced the door, and said softly, "Next time."

Chu Changhe wanted to pull her, but he inadvertently looked at the tears in the corners of the little girl's eyes, he almost suffocated, and realized how cruel he was at this time.Xiufen's attitude is so cruel, and he unintentionally became an accomplice in order to take care of her own feelings.

He let go of his hand, his voice hoarse: "Alright, then I'll let Ah Song see you off."

Chu Yan hummed, turned her head and was about to leave, but bumped into a thin and slender body after only taking two steps.

She froze, and slowly raised her eyes.

It's Chu Ci.

Chu Ci held a book in his hand, as if he had been summoned back, he helped Chu Yan with his hand.

Looking at each other, he quickly moved away, and his eyes fell on the half-drunk cup of tea.

What Yanyan dislikes the most is tea, which his mother treats her with.

When Chu Ci was watching, Mrs. Chu said: "Yan Yan, the child who finally came home once, wanted to leave, and she couldn't even keep her. Your father can only ask Ah Song to take her to the airport."

Chu Ci loosened his grip on Chu Yan's arm but quickly tightened it again. He said, "I'll give it off."

Mrs. Chu hesitated: "Chu Ci, it's rare for Xiao Zhao to go back to China."

Chu Ci smiled lightly: "It's rare for Yan Yan to come back."

After hearing his words, Mrs. Chu was a little angry: "Chu Ci, what did you promise mother?"

Chu Yan couldn't listen anymore, she broke away from Chu Ci and left.

Chu Changhe motioned for his son to go see him off, and Mrs. Chu stood up all of a sudden: "Chu Ci."

Chu Ci paused and turned around, with a bitter smile on his face: "I'll be back in a while, wait for me to eat, by the way, Xiao Zhao, I've booked two concert tickets."

That Xiao Zhao just smiled and didn't say anything.

Mrs. Chu couldn't stop her son, so she blamed her husband: "Changhe, you let them go too much. We have agreed. Why do you say that Yanyan came back? Is it just to make me uncomfortable?"

She scolded her for a long time, but Chu Changhe couldn't help saying: "You mean that Yanyan will never enter the house? The child is grateful to you for raising her, and wants to come back to see you, and you, like guarding against thieves Guard her."

Chu Changhe didn't say a few words, but now your son is thinking about it, not Yan Yan.

Mrs. Chu burst into tears, "Are you blaming me? Then I shouldn't have raised her in the first place. Also, do you dare to say that they didn't meet yesterday? If not, Chu Ci would have appeared by such a coincidence today?"

Chu Changhe had no choice but to talk to her, the girl she invited was still there, and she didn't care about the other party's face.

But Xiao Zhao kept smiling, as if she didn't mind at all that Chu Ci's heart belonged.

Yes, after hearing this, a fool will not know what's going on.

On the parking lot of the villa, Chu Yan refused Chu Ci, "You don't need to see me off, I'll just call a car."

Her luggage has been packed, and it is in the hotel lobby.

Without saying a word, Chu Ci opened the car door, and half-forcedly pushed her into the car.

When the car started, Chu Yan refused to make a sound and turned her head aside.

Chu Yan turned the steering wheel, her voice was very light: "Isn't it not coming back, why did you come back suddenly?"

She didn't make a sound.

He suddenly threw the book he brought back to her, "If you don't want to talk, just read the book."

Chu Yan refused, <Sea Island>, she is a science student, she doesn't read these literary works at all, okay, and she would roll her eyes when she saw the author's name.

Written by Gu Mingzhu.

Chu Ci seemed to be aware of her emotions, and didn't force it: "I bought the film and television copyright of this book, and it will be made into a movie later. Are you interested in acting?"

"No." Chu Yan took the book and casually flipped through it, a little disgusted.

Pain literature again.

Chu Ci explained quietly: "The ending is very good."

Chu Yan didn't want to talk anymore, she sat upright, maintaining a defensive posture.

Her appearance made Chu Ci think of the cup of tea on the coffee table at home just now. This cup of tea is like the relationship between his mother and Chu Yan, and there is an insurmountable gap between them.

Afterwards, they didn't talk any more. When they arrived at the hotel, Chu Ci took her luggage and put it in the car, and continued driving.

When he was about to arrive at the airport, he asked softly, "I have all the passports and air tickets, let's check again."

Before going abroad, he kept all the documents and so on. She is a child and doesn't care about anything. Now she lives alone in England and attends classes alone.

When he asked quietly, Chu Yan shook her head and smiled lightly: "It's not as miserable as you think, the house was given to me by Anxi's mother, and I'm not alone, I made many good friends in England, Sometimes I also play games with Anxi, which is very good."

After hearing this, Chu Ci was silent for a moment, then smiled: "It's pretty good."

Chu Yan didn't want to say anything more, she casually flipped through the book, while Chu Ci's fingers holding the steering wheel turned white.

After a long time, Chu Yan finally sensed something was wrong, and the book in her hand fell on her knee.

At this moment, she had the intention of killing Gu Mingzhu.

This book is actually written about her and Chu Ci, and it needs the main line to have the main line, and the details to have the details.

Also, damn it, there's this brat Anxi, if she hadn't said that Gu Mingzhu wouldn't have known about it.

But she couldn't find any trouble now, because Chu Ci was by her side, and she didn't want to show too much concern, after a while, she picked up the book and said in a hoarse voice: "That's why you bought it? "

She smiled coldly: "Even if the ending is good, it is still a fiction movie, not reality."

Chu Ci lit a cigarette without explaining or saying anything.

Chu Yan opened the window, put her elbows on the car window, and said in a low voice, "There are no fairy tales in reality. Maybe it's as simple as you sending me to the airport. When I go back, I will face a bottle of sleeping pills or other things." ."

She paused for a moment, and her voice became even hoarse: "Chu Ci, just give up completely, okay?"

After she finished speaking, the car stopped with a squeak.

She hesitated, and he said, "The airport is here."

Chu Yan was in a daze for a moment, then unfastened her seat belt and got out of the car, but her hand was caught by him.

Chu Ci said softly: "Yanyan, I won't force you, go back to China sometime to have a look, besides us you have friends, and Anxi and the others."

He didn't want her to wander outside.

Chu Yan looked at him, and smiled after a while: "If you think too much, I will go back after I finish my studies."

After finishing speaking, she gently placed the book in the locker in front of him, glanced at it lightly, and smiled: "It's still a fairy tale, life must go on."

She opened the car door, walked to the back of the car to get the luggage, Chu Ci took it out before her.

"Don't give it away." Chu Yan stood face to face with him: "There is no need for this."

Chu Ci didn't speak, and watched her turn around and leave, but Chu Yan stopped in a short while, and she turned around.

There was a slight smile on her face, as cute as before.

At this moment, Chu Ci even thought that she would fall into his arms, but no, she just smiled and said to him: "Chu Ci, it's all over, I will find a boyfriend. I forgot to tell You, I found a boyfriend in England, he is very nice."

"Really?" Chu Ci held her fingers and gritted her teeth: "It sounds like I want to congratulate you."

"Whatever you want." Chu Yan said indifferently, "I just want to tell you that I want to move forward."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked away without looking back.

Chu Ci stood by the car for a long time until her flight flew away.Tired of standing, he got in the car and saw the book lying quietly.

Yan Yan said that this is a fairy tale, but life is not a fairy tale, and she wants to continue living.

Was it only England that was her life now?

He smiled sadly, picked up the book and turned to the end_

_They lived happily together.

He read and read the line until the phone rang.

It was Chu Changhe who called, the content of the call was very simple, his mother swallowed another bottle of sleeping pills, and she is now in the hospital.

Chu Ci felt a little tired, leaned on the chair and asked softly, "Are you out of danger?"

Chu Changhe was silent for a while, "She's fine."

But Chu Ci understood, as long as he showed some thoughts about Chu Yan, his mother would keep doing it until she couldn't be rescued.

He hurried to the hospital, but he didn't expect that after this separation, he and Chu Yan hadn't seen each other for four years. Chu Yan seemed to disappear. He didn't have any news about her, even if he asked Anxi, she wouldn't If you reveal half a word, just say you are alive.

Chu Ci understood that she sincerely wanted to draw a clear line with him_

Pull back to reality_

The news that Mrs. Chu took medicine again reached Gu Anxi's ears. She was at the old lady's place at this time, and she rolled her eyes after answering the phone: "If she can't be rescued, isn't it just because of her wish to disappoint her son? "

Lin Hua covered her mouth and smiled.

At this moment, because Gu Mingzhu was very empty, she also came over to find out. She heard the explosive news just after she came, and she couldn't recover from it for a long time.

It was the old lady who said, "If you want me to say, Chu Changhe's wife is a fool. But Anxi, if she really left, would Chu Ci really have the guts to be with Yanyan?"

Gu Anxi was lying on the sofa, gnawing on the fruit: "Of course, there are no people left, so of course we will be together with shamelessness, Chu Changhe is not a problem at all."

The old lady looked terrified, and then said a Buddhist scriptures, and then said: "It's still an accident, it's better to lose the land." '

At the scene, the little girls dropped their jaws to the ground_

(End of this chapter)

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