Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1041 It was Chu Ci who bought the copyright

Chapter 1041 It was Chu Ci who bought the copyright

The old lady looked at the little girls, including Jingyao's wife, Lin Hua, with a look of surprise on her face, waved her round fan calmly, and said coolly: "She herself has suffered too, since she is very despised That girl, Chu Yan, why did she keep her by her side? Besides, the two children really love each other. Although the younger one didn't kiss each other, she watched her grow up. How fragile and uncomfortable is the girl at this point? She should be able to understand it too, but such a hard heart is rare."

Gu Anxi leaned against the old lady and exchanged glances with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua said with a smile, "It seems that nothing happened now."

The old lady said again: "She is not willing to die, but she just wants to let her son die."

She sighed: "That child is really pitiful."

She looked at Gu Anxi: "Didn't you live with your parents before? I heard they got along well. Why did you go to England?"

Gu Anxi took the old lady's hand and said helplessly: "Maybe my mood is still affected, or maybe I don't want to embarrass others."

The old lady immediately said: "Look, I'll tell you that I saw it right, how good this child is."

She paused, and then said: "This is a good kid. When she comes back from England, I will introduce her to a good marriage. Bao must be no worse than Chu Ci. Let that kid regret it."

Gu Mingzhu said slowly at this time: "But maybe in Chu Yan's heart, Chu Ci is the best."

The old lady didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter, those who can't protect their own women are all trash. If this matter is placed on Jingyao, look at how he fooled my old mother. He probably swore to God, coaxed and lied, Or just get married outside and talk about it later.”

After she finished speaking, she patted Lin Hua's hand again: "The matter between him and you, even if I don't agree with him, he will definitely get you."

After the old lady finished speaking, she laughed, and the little girls also laughed along with her.

Gu Mingzhu had something on her mind. She was originally afraid of selling the copyright. Now that such a big incident happened to the Chu family, her heart was pounding.

Gu Anxi found out, and leaned against the old lady's side and asked with some malicious intentions: "Why are you blushing, don't you think about Qin Siyuan again in broad daylight?"

Gu Mingzhu's face turned red and hot all of a sudden, "How can I have that?"

"Then why are you blushing?"

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip, and coughed lightly after a while: "I sold the copyright of a book this morning, which is <Sea Island>."

Gu Anxi nodded: "It's good, this should be something to be happy about, and you should be a treat."

She took out her mobile phone: "Let's order something to eat, and Mingzhu will pay for it."

The old lady was also happy, originally she looked down on Mingzhu, this girl was too impetuous, unexpectedly Tang Yuan left and she became more at ease, it can be seen that it is better for some women not to be around, like Madam Chu.

The old lady said, "That's fine, I'll order one too."

Gu Mingzhu was a little anxious, "No, that's not what I meant."

"Stingy, you can't be stingy." Gu Anxi smiled, "Anyway, it's indispensable. Today, everyone in this house has a share, and he will always order dozens of copies, which will cost him one hundred and eighty thousand."

Gu Mingzhu put her hands on Gu Anxi's cell phone and swallowed: "I'll talk about the treat later, I have something to say."

Gu Anxi let go of his hand, and looked at Gu Mingzhu seriously: "What's the matter?"Is this book unreadable? '

Gu Mingzhu swallowed again, and then said cautiously: "It's not shameful, yes, everyone knows the prototype of this book."


Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Gu Anxi came back to his senses first: "A threesome with elder brother, sister Lin Hua, and Jiang Chaoge?"

The old lady hit her first: "Go to you."

Gu Anxi scratched her hair: "I can't be the protagonist, right? And your husband, and Shen Wanqing?"

Gu Mingzhu lowered her head: "I didn't know Qin Siyuan at that time."

Gu Anxi stared at her, and said after a while, "Could it be Chu Ci Chu Yan?"

Gu Mingzhu didn't say anything this time.

Yes, you guessed it.

Air condensation.

It took Gu Anxi a long time to speak softly: "You don't know Chu Ci's identity? He is a celebrity, and filming his real story will probably cause a lot of trouble."

Gu Mingzhu peeked at her, then said cautiously: "Anxi, didn't you buy it?"

Gu Anxi jumped up all of a sudden: "Why do you think I bought it, do you think I am a person who likes to make movies?"

Gu Mingzhu stared at her for a while, then took out a contract from her bag and handed it to her.

Gu Anxi flipped through the pages, and finally saw the words Ciwen Culture on the official seal, she smiled: "The person who bought it is Chu Ci."


Gu Mingzhu was dumbfounded, and after a while she murmured, "How could it be Chu Ci, what did she buy it for?"

Gu Anxi smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Lin Hua also smiled, and said nothing. Finally, the old lady sighed softly: "This wife of Chu Changhe, after taking the medicine ten times, it probably won't help. Let's see in the future, these two little ones will get entangled."

Gu Mingzhu continued to be dumbfounded.

This feeling is so strange, she wrote the story of Chu Ci and Chu Yan, and then Chu Ci bought it back to enjoy, and she also wrote some indescribable plots, so it is too shameful now.

Gu Mingzhu covered her face, feeling that she had no face to face others.

The old lady didn't care, she looked at her: "Promising Yazi, Chu Ci can eat you, even if she eats, she will find that girl Chu Yan, anyway, 2000 million is in your pocket, so please don't be stingy." '

Only then did Gu Anxi remember, and took the phone again: "Yes, yes, there must be more guests."

Gu Mingzhu didn't object any more, except for the treat, she took out another 20 yuan to send red envelopes to the old lady's house, and the old lady was full of praise for her actions.

Gu Mingzhu was picked up by Qin Siyuan after afternoon tea. The old lady heard the sound of the car going away, and said, "Anxi, you see, after Mingzhu and Qin Siyuan got married, she has learned a lot about human relationships, don't you think so?"

Gu Anxi rubbed his stomach and leaned on the sofa: "Well, I'm really sensible."

The old lady's expression was very gentle: "I looked at that Qin Siyuan just now, and I had a very good impression. No wonder you liked him when you were young."

This time, Gu Anxi was furious all of a sudden: "I don't like him anymore."

The old lady waved the round fan, "If you like it, you will like it, you are generous, if there is anything you dare not admit, Xichen will not eat you."

Gu Anxi didn't dare to talk back to the old lady, she was dejected, Lin Hua covered her lips and smiled.

The old lady looked at them in good condition, and stood up with her waist: "Okay, I'm getting old, I'm going to take a rest, you two also go upstairs to lie down for a while, Anxi, you little bastard, don't tire your sister-in-law, She's pregnant."

"Got it." The little creamer said weakly.

The old lady scolded again with a smile: "Didn't it mean that you liked Qin Siyuan, he was also a good boy, and there is no shame in liking him."

After finishing speaking, I went back to my room to coax me.

When the old lady returned, Gu Anxi tilted her head: "Sister Lin Hua, why don't I help you go upstairs to rest?"

Lin Hua nodded: "Alright, I'm a little full."

Gu Anxi carefully helped her upstairs. The easternmost part of the upstairs was the room where Wang Jingyao occasionally lived. Lin Hua went to lie down beside the bed, and pulled Gu Anxi to lie beside her. She was not sleepy but just wanted to talk to Gu Anxi. .

She asked softly: "Anxi, do you still remember the feeling of liking Qin Siyuan?"

Gu Anxi laughed: "It's a lie to say that you don't remember, and you don't have amnesia, but it doesn't matter anymore, it's all in the past."

She put her hands behind her head, turned sideways, and suddenly asked, "What about you?"

She put her hand on Lin Hua's lower abdomen and asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember Brother Feng?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes and smiled bitterly: "Why don't you remember! But so what. Anxi, will I be realistic?"

"No." Gu Anxi leaned in her arms, absorbing the smell of Lin Hua like a child. Lin Hua couldn't help reaching out and touching her little head, feeling very smooth. This child is so good, no wonder the elders loved her. like.

Gu Anxi paused for a while and then said: "Actually, I know that you still like the elder brother the most in your heart, at least Brother Feng has not reached that level."

Lin Hua remained silent for a long time before she smiled lightly: "You've become an expert in emotions, little brat."

Gu Anxi said rather stinkingly: "It's not that I'm worth half of it. Sister Lin Hua, all your sad guilt comes from the fact that Brother Feng is gone, so you won't admit that you like Brother Feng more, but It's not fair to him."

Leaning on Lin Hua's neck, she sighed secretly while enjoying herself, "The most important thing for a person is yourself, and only by living the rest of your life well can you be worthy of yourself, right, you were not born to live for others."

Lin Hua wanted to say something again, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Looking down, Gu Anxi's expression of enjoyment made her dumbfounded.

But the little girl is ten years younger than herself, although she is tolerant of some nonsense, and is willing to pamper her a little, she reached out and hugged her, and said in a slightly tired voice, "Then let's sleep for a while."

Gu Anxi immediately pulled up the quilt and fell asleep.

When Wang Jingyao came back from the office, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and he got out of the car as soon as it stopped.

The servant pulled the briefcase in his hand, and then said, "Madam is resting upstairs."

Wang Jingyao walked through the living room and took a look: "Where is the old lady?"

"The old lady is resting too."

Wang Jingyao smiled: "It's already time, everyone is resting."

He went upstairs excitedly, wanting to spend some time with his wife, but as soon as he entered the room, he saw a very warm scene.

Lin Hua was lying on her side, and the little brat was sticking to her, occupying her firmly.

Wang Jingyao was annoyed and funny when he saw it, and felt that he had made a mistake and shouldn't let this little bastard stay.

(End of this chapter)

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