Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1043 Such a night, only once in a lifetime

Chapter 1043 Such a night is only once in a lifetime

The two talked for a while, behind a row of trees behind the bench, Lin Hua stood there with his mobile phone in his hand, his face pale.

Her fingers were trembling, and she tried to restrain herself.

Feng Sheng did not die.

Why, why didn't they tell her?

But she is also an extremely smart person, and she soon thought of it.

That person, the one who hit the car, was Feng Sheng.

Lin Hua stood there, her whole body was icy cold, she knew that she should calm down now, and act as if nothing had happened, but she couldn't do it, her body couldn't move while standing.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how much Wang Jingyao said again, before she slowly woke up.

Holding the phone tightly in his hand, he walked towards the villa step by step.

When she reached the entrance of the villa, Wang Jingyao's cell phone rang again. She was startled, and looked down to see that it was Wang Jingchuan's call, so she wanted to answer it. Wang Jingyao had already walked towards this side, and he came alone.

Reaching out to take the phone from her hand, he hung up the phone after talking to Wang Jingchuan over there, and then said gently, "It's cold outside, and I don't wear any clothes."

As he spoke, he sighed: "It's the same as that brat, it's worrying."

Lin Hua's complexion was not good, and her heart was beating even more, "Where is Anxi alone?"

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Yes, I want to be alone for a while."

Lin Hua paused, then said softly, "Were you talking to her just now?"

Brother Wang immediately laughed, and stretched out his hand to pinch her face: "Look at your sour look, and you are still jealous with a brat? She is the old lady's sweetheart, and I dare not touch it with a single finger." coming."

Lin Hua took his arm and reproached, "That's not what I meant."

The old brother patted her hand: "Isn't it because you are in a bad mood, to tease you, okay, it's a bit windy outside, I will help you upstairs, have a good rest tonight, and you will be busy tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow Just go and drink a glass of beer wine honestly, don't run around, I'll let Chen Ming follow you."

Lin Hua hummed and smiled, but Wang Jingyao always felt that her smile was a bit forced, "What's wrong?"

Lin Hua leaned her head against his shoulder: "I'm a little tired."

He helped her upstairs, Lin Hua lay down to rest, and he was by his side.

The light dimmed yellow, giving off a warm light, Wang Jingyao reached out and gently brushed her face, and said softly, "Can't sleep?"

Lin Hua nodded lightly.

Wang Jingyao went to pour her a glass of water and put it on the bedside: "Do you want a drink?"

She shook her head.

Wang Jingyao smiled: "I'll tell you a story and put you to sleep."

Lin Hua laughed, "I'm not a child."

"I'm coaxing my daughter to sleep." Old brother Wang got up again and went to the study room. He really brought a book of fairy tales and leaned against the bed so that she could nestle on his shoulder, and he slowly read to her.

Lin Hua thought it would be blunt, but he can read very well, and his voice is pleasant and lively, as if he graduated from the broadcasting department.

Wang Jingyao read several stories in a row, and found that Lin Hua seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed. He smiled, carefully moved her to the side and lay down, took off her shoes, put on her pajamas, and covered her with a thin quilt, which is the air conditioner. The temperature is also tried and tried, very precious.

After finishing all this, he brought some documents by himself, sat on the sofa by the window and lit a lamp to read. Because he was concerned about her, the light was dimmed...

Lin Hua lay quietly, but opened her eyes in the darkness.

Yes, she wasn't asleep.

How could she fall asleep, her blood was boiling, her heart was palpitating, and she even wanted to rush out to find Feng Sheng.

But when Wang Jingyao read fairy tales to her so tenderly and took care of her as if she was asleep, she felt like crying... Tears wet a piece of the pillow, and slowly she really fell asleep.

When Wang Jingyao was resting, he helped her straighten her face, but the palm of her hand felt wet and cold.

He froze for a moment, then looked at the wet corners of her eyes with the light on.

She has cried.

He is such a keen person, and after thinking back and forth, he thought that she probably heard what he said to Anxi, that's why his face was so ugly, and that's why he was in a bad mood.

But Lin Hua, why didn't you ask him?

Of course, she wouldn't tell him unless she asked him. Once something is said, there is no room for turning around. Wang Jingyao knows this very well...

He lay down quietly, contemplating...

He is a man who is good at calculating, and this matter is no exception.

In the dead of night, everyone has their own thoughts.

Downstairs, it was still lively. The old lady kept the Gu family couple here, and insisted that the child will get married here tomorrow. After all, it was because the old lady recognized the daughter that she could do this. After thinking about it, Wang Keru agreed .

They were bustling and discussing things, and the courtyard became deeper and heavier.

Gu Anxi sat there alone, wearing a coat, shaking his little feet boredly.

Suddenly the phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was a WeChat message from Gu Mingzhu.

Text, pain literature as always.

——Anxi, you must remember happiness.

Gu Anxi smiled, and her two little feet dangled back to the past.

——I don't have amnesia, I will remember.

Gu Mingzhu's angry Yazi over there.

Gu Anxi was a little funny, he really thought she was cute, so after chatting for a few words, he didn't say anything more.

Throwing the phone back into her pocket, she sighed softly——

She's going to get married tomorrow, but she feels very lonely right now, what's going on?

Calculating the time, Yan Yan was still on the plane, Wang Qin was probably getting bored with Fang Ming, not to mention Gu Mingzhu, she was the only idler left in the world, she sighed softly...

Suddenly, there was a soft voice from Huamu in front of her, and she frowned: "Who is it?"

The man didn't speak, but quietly walked out from behind the tree, crushing the moonlight.

It was Bo Xichen.

Wearing a simple white shirt and black trousers, he walked slowly in front of her, stretched out his hand and pinched her little face: "Bored?"

Gu Anxi wanted to slap his hand away, but he couldn't bear it, so he pretended not to care and said, "No way."

He smiled and held her hand: "go out to play?"

She opened her eyes wide, "Really?"

It wasn't until he took her over the courtyard wall that she realized it later: "Uncle, did you come over the wall?"

He hummed softly, and her jaw dropped.

Really yes.

Outside the courtyard wall, a Hummer was parked, and he opened the door for her.

Gu Anxi sat down and asked curiously: "Shall we go back to Siyuan?"

"If you don't come back, there are quite a lot of family members." He smiled.

Gu Anxi blinked: "Then why do you have time to come?"

His smile deepened: "Father rushed back early in the morning to deal with the family affairs. He just said that he would let me come and find you."

Her face was a little hot, "Isn't it impossible to meet before marriage?"

Bo Xichen started the car, "That's all in the past, before we couldn't get married..."

He didn't say anything later, Gu Anxi glanced at him, and then whispered: "You are a uncle with a dark history."

"Dissatisfied?" He smiled, with a gentle voice: "Since we have decided to be together, there is nothing wrong with getting used to married life earlier."

She snorted softly: "Excuse."

"Is it an excuse, the reason?" He looked in a good mood, not at all like a man who was going to get married tomorrow.

Only a plain white gold ring between the slender finger bones showed his married status.

Gu Anxi is not an idiot, of course he understands what he means, why would he want to talk to him more?After moving his body and not making a sound, Uncle Bo smiled happily.

At this moment, the car suddenly shook a few times, she was a little strange, looked out of the car window, and said, "Let's go up the mountain."

He hummed: "Go up the mountain."

He also said: "There are tents and red wine in the trunk, we will spend the night outside."

Gu Anxi counted her thin white fingers: "It sounds good, are you sure you can make it tomorrow?"

Bo Xichen looked at the condition of the car in front of him intently, and said with a smile, "As long as you behave yourself, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Gu Anxi was dissatisfied again, why should she be better?

He is really shameless and shameless, he is obviously looking for benefits, and he speaks as if he is trying to make her happy.

With his hands crossed in front of him, he was very arrogant, and Bo Xichen just smiled.

The car drove for about an hour, and arrived at the top of a mountain on the outskirts of Beicheng. It must have been prepared a long time ago. The open space is quite large, and there are small night lights, which looks very warm.

Gu Anxi jumped out of the car, blowing the night breeze, "It's so cool."

"Put on a small blanket when it's cold." He put it on for her, and then greeted her: "Help me set up the tent."

Gu Anxi frowned slightly: "I still have to do hard work."

He looked at her.

She lowered her face and said as she walked, "Okay, okay, I'll just help." '

After all, she has a little temper, and she also knows how he likes it in front of him. When she came over, she put her hand on the trunk and complained: "Uncle, if you are too tired, you don't have to come out."

He smiled, then opened the trunk with one hand.

She was surprised when the trunk was slowly opened, and then her mouth could not be closed at all.

In the trunk was a group of pink roses, a large heart, and of a variety not normally seen.She stared eagerly and raised her eyes, "Uncle, you are so vulgar."

He smiled, took a box from Huaxin, and opened it.

Inside, lay a diamond ring with pink diamonds quietly, and a thin bracelet with pink diamonds on it.

He put the bracelet on for her, smiling: "You may not be used to the ring, so you should wear this usually, and the pink diamond on the ring is taken from the same rough stone."

Gu Anxi looked down at the thin chain, with a pink diamond in the middle, very simple but surprisingly beautiful.

She is also used to seeing good things, and she can tell that they are designed by famous designers.

So he raised his eyes: "It's expensive, isn't it?"

"It's very expensive." He pinched her little face, "You can only afford to get married once in a lifetime."

Gu Anxi didn't believe it, but she wouldn't spoil the atmosphere either.

She put the ring back on herself, and liked it very much. Bo Xichen clasped her fingers tightly, bowed his head and murmured: "Anxi, help me set up the tent now, huh?"

She put her arms around his neck and said softly, "Professor Bo, you are poisonous."

He smiled lowly, lowering his head lower and lower...

Later, of course, he didn't ask her to set up the tent together. He built it himself. The tent was quite big. He also laid out a white woolen blanket, roses, night lights, and even brought her favorite little pillow.

After finishing it, he walked to the side of the mountain, where Gu Anxi was standing there looking down at the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there seemed to be a town. It was late at night, and many lights were turned off, only a few lonely ones.

He hugged her from behind and held her in his arms, "Standing here all the time, is it cold?"

Gu Anxi was originally a little cold, but now she was warm behind her, she shook her head: "It's okay, but it's too late..."

She was about to ask if it was time to sleep, but he hugged her tightly in his arms: "Stay with me for a while."

She froze for a moment, and suddenly felt a bright light in front of her, and then raised her eyes, she was stunned.

At the foot of the mountain, a castle rises slowly, like fireworks but not like it. The huge light is like a picture on a huge movie screen, which is very shocking.

Gu Anxi was also stunned, she took two steps forward, seeing the real castle in front of her, the pumpkin carriage, and the palace people coming and going, she choked up a bit: "Uncle?"

He still hugged her and whispered in her ear: "Doesn't every girl have a princess dream? Do you still like this scene?"

She moved slightly, half leaned in his arms, and put her arms around his waist, but her eyes were fixed on the scene in front of her, "How did this happen?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "Mirror images are similar to movies, but it's a bit difficult to use the night sky as a screen, and I have studied it for a long time."

She whimpered all of a sudden, and threw herself into his arms with a groan.

"Uncle, you are so kind."

He smiled and patted the little guy in his arms: "Then will you be very good?"

Gu Anxi's emotion just now disappeared completely... I'm going to explode.

He still smiled and lowered his head: "Actually, I do too much, just for the momentary pleasure. If you are always moved and happy, aren't you a fool?"

She hugged him and said dissatisfiedly: "Uncle, it's up to you whether you can be romantic or not."

He brought her into the tent, and poured a glass of red wine for her and himself at a small dining table. She leaned against him and looked outside together. At this moment, fireworks started to go off in front of the castle. child's dream.

Suddenly, she wanted to cry, uncle, even a very pragmatic person, but he worked hard to do all this, just for her happiness at that moment, she suddenly understood that such a night in their lives was only once……

She sipped the wine, and later, she said a lot of words close to him, some things she didn't want to say before, and this night ended her girlhood.

At dawn, she became Mrs. Xiaobo.

Early in the morning, Bo Xichen woke up and gave a wry smile, his arm was almost numb...

The phone rang, and it was Bo Nianyao calling. Nianyao's father coughed lightly: "It's getting late, you should be back too. Send the cub to the old lady first."

(End of this chapter)

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