Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1044 Wedding 1

Chapter 1044 Wedding [-]

Bo Xichen hung up the phone and looked down at Gu Anxi.

She hadn't woken up yet, lying on his shoulder, breathing long and hard.

He smiled lightly, reached out to touch her little face, and let out a soft cry.

Gu Anxi turned over and hugged a small pillow, "I still want to sleep for a while."

He smiled, opened a corner of the tent sideways, and looked outside.

Then he pulled it down completely, wrapped Gu Anxi in a small blanket and carried her out. She woke up immediately and opened her eyes to look at him.

"Let's go to see the sunrise, and I'll take you to the old lady's place when we're done." He said in a hoarse voice, then lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

Gu Anxi put his arms around his neck and looked sideways.

There is even a little sea of ​​clouds, and a golden light in the sky, which is the sunrise.

She gave a low cry and said in a low voice, "There is actually a sunrise."

There may only be two or three days in Beicheng throughout the year, but I ran into it.

Bo Xichen hummed, picked a stone and sat down, and looked at the magnificence of the sky with his arms around her.

The red clouds floated, and the golden light was about to emerge.

Although it was only for a moment, it was dazzling enough.

Gu Anxi was a little distracted. She was playing every day, but she rarely had the opportunity to look at the mountains and rivers like this. After a long time, Bo Xichen whispered: "Little Mrs. Bo, can I go back and get married now?"

Gu Anxi snorted, and put her arms around his neck obediently, and he picked her up and walked straight to the car.She couldn't help asking: "What about these?"

"Someone will take care of it." He smiled slightly, hugged her in the car and covered her with a blanket, then got in the car and started the car.

Time was a little tight, he drove a little faster, and the house was a bit chaotic when he arrived at the old lady's place, because no one noticed that Anxi had run away all night, and now the two of them came back together, and the old lady was the first to grab her After a while of ear training: "You two even ran out to play after getting married today."

Gu Anxi grinned, not daring to say anything, but just secretly looked at the old lady.

The old lady was dressed happily today, as were Wang Jingyao, his wife, and her own parents. She was the only one who came back from the outside with messy hair and a small blanket on her body, which looked a little outrageous.

The old lady picked her up hard, her little ears turned red, and Bo Xichen felt a little distressed, "I took her out, so the old lady can blame me if she wants to."

The old lady let go of Anxi, and said to Bo Xichen, "I thought you were a prudent child, but I didn't expect you to be a fool. That's all right, all I can do is teach her a lesson. Let's go back after having some breakfast. It took hours of driving here and there, and I was busy all night. It is really hard work for you, and it is also true that young people have good physical strength."

No matter how steady and decent Bo Xichen was, his face turned red. He didn't say a word, but just went to have breakfast together.

Gu Anxi secretly looked at the old lady while eating, but it was a pity that none of the other elders dared to speak for her, and brother Wang, who was the best at coaxing the old lady, was obviously preoccupied and always distracted.

Gu Anxi sighed in his heart: I can only stand by myself.

After Bo Xichen finished his breakfast, he drove back to Siyuan first. As soon as he left, the old lady picked up her ears again: "Girls should be more cautious, can't wait for a day?"

Gu Anxi howled: "Isn't this going to see the sunrise?"

"The flowers are under the moon before the flowers, the sun is under the sun, who is not young yet." The old lady snorted, and then caught her and took her back to the room to change her clothes for styling. The stylist had been waiting early in the morning.

Gu Anxi went in and took a look. It turned out to be Longfeng Xifu, made by the most famous master in Beicheng.

Lin Hua said in a gentle voice, "Your Aunt Bo Jin made it up. She prepared it for half a year. She said it was her dowry for her daughter."

Gu Anxi held it, his eyes watery.

She thought it was a wedding dress, but she didn't expect it to be a Chinese-style wedding, and the old lady looked at her small appearance and said, "Okay, okay, the time has to be hurry up."

Wang Keru personally went to the coat to help her change. After changing, she was stunned. Gu Anxi grabbed her hand: "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Keru wiped the corners of his eyes: "It's nothing, I just remember how your father brought you back, a small pink one, and it's about to get married now."

"Are you unhappy that I'm married?" Gu Anxi hugged her and asked coquettishly.

Wang Keru laughed: "I'm happy, of course I'm happy."

She patted her daughter's hand: "You are very relieved to marry Xichen's mother. Also, how beautiful this suit is."

Gu Anxi looked at himself: "Is it good-looking?" '

Wang Keru nodded lightly: "Yes." The tears couldn't stop again.

Gu Anxi hugged her, and put her small face on her shoulder: "Mom, we will all be in Beicheng from now on, I can give you a few babies, all of them are white and tender."

Wang Keru was a little choked up: "Mom knows, it's just... probably this is how you feel when you marry a daughter."

Gu Anxi was still leaning on her shoulder, reaching out to wipe away Wang Keru's tears, without saying anything, just bored with her.

Later, Wang Keru calmed down and smiled: "Actually, it's the same. We will still be together in the future. Your Bo father and Bo mother love you very much, and Xi Chen is also used to it. There is no difference between being married and being in your mother's house."

After finishing speaking, he tidied things up for his daughter: "Go outside for styling, Xi Chen will come to pick you up in a while."

So the two went out together, and the old lady came over just after they left, holding her with both hands: "It's really Zhou Zheng, I thought you couldn't hold back this wedding dress when you were young, but now it seems that it is just right."

She patted Gu Anxi's hand: "The Bo family is a traditional family. It's been hundreds of years old, so this is what I like."

Gu Anxi smiled and said, "I like it too."

The stylist praised: "This is made by Zhihe's master. This style can only be made by the master there, and it only takes a few months for one piece. Ms. Gu's dress fits really well, and her temperament is very gentle. Quite a few."

The old lady smiled from ear to ear: "I just praised her, but she is actually a girl who can't sit still."

(End of this chapter)

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