Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1046 Someone has an accident, don't have an accident at our door

Chapter 1046 Someone has an accident, don't have an accident at our door

He smiled lowly, but didn't speak.

The once-in-a-lifetime night is long and lingering.


While enjoying the wedding night here tenderly, there was a drunkard floating outside Siyuan, it was none other than Lu Heng.

His car was parked on the side of the road in front of Siyuan Gate, he took a pitcher of beer from the car, sat in the front of the car and drank quietly, this movement immediately alarmed Bo Nianyao and Lin Yun.

After hearing what the concierge said, Lin Yun glanced at Bo Nianyao, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look, your first love's son still misses our family now."

While talking, he pinched Bo Nianyao, and Bo Nianyao smiled wryly, "Ma'am, why are you blaming me for this again? I see that kid Lu Heng is usually quite cold, besides, isn't he broken, why is he still driving?" Also drank."

Mrs. Bo said in a cold voice, "It's fine for him to drink and drive, but our family has a happy event today, and it can't happen outside our door."

As Bo Nianyao took off his joyful robe, he thought for a while before saying, "Well, let me go over and talk to him."

As he said that, he sighed again: "This child is also the same. He came back from abroad and got both Xi Chen and Zai Zai's certificates. What else do you want to think about?"

"Heh, father and son of the Lu family are all things together, don't think too much about him." Mrs. Bo pushed him: "You go and deal with him."

Bo Nianyao responded with a good temper, and then looked at his wife: "It's a beautiful day, we finally relaxed, Madam, you are too confused."

Even though he said so, he changed into a soap-colored robe and went out. The concierge led him out and pointed to a place: "Look, I drank several bottles there. I'm really afraid that something will happen to Mr. Lu."

Bo Nianyao patted him on the shoulder: "Well done. If something happens, my wife may expose you."

The concierge smiled and said embarrassedly: "Just now my wife rewarded me with 2 yuan."

"Put it away." Bo Nianyao was in a good mood, smiled heartily, and walked towards Lu Heng with big strides.

Walking all the way to Lu Heng, he pointed to the wine bottles, "Drink so much? I heard that your hand was injured, and you are a medical student. Why don't you know how to take care of yourself?"

Lu Heng was still sitting on the front of the car, probably because he drank too much, so he forgot about [-]% of the usual etiquette. He just held the beer can and said softly: "I know it in my heart."

Bo Nianyao saw that he was not easily persuaded, so he also sat on the front of the car, picked up a can of beer, opened it and took a sip.

Lu Heng looked sideways at him.

Bo Nianyao smiled: "Nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life, this is where it is."

He said and patted Lu Heng on the shoulder.

Lu Heng looked at him straight, and then asked while drinking: "If it wasn't because of my father back then, would uncle have been with my mother?"

Bo Nianyao shook his head and smiled, for a long time, when Lu Heng thought he would not answer, he said, "Probably yes, but it will be like an ordinary couple, she will deal with famous wives, and the relationship will gradually fade. At this age, we are like relatives.”

Lu Heng frowned, "Do you treat your aunt differently?"

As soon as Lin Yun was mentioned, Nian Yao's father's heart fluttered, and he smiled lightly: "Lu Heng, some feelings are like burning pen oil, while others are like tea, once you touch it, you can't get rid of it. Addicted."

Lu Heng stared at him, and said slowly: "I thought that in the eyes of men, my mother would be more protective. '

Bo Nianyao smiled: "Which of the noble ladies in their fifties is not impregnable and has a good kung fu practiced all over her body, so she doesn't need a man to protect her. If she really needs someone to protect her at this age, it's probably because she's out of her mind Great job."

Lu Heng choked up, wanting to refute but couldn't find a reason.

When he thought about it, it seemed to be true. For example, it was precisely because of Gu Anxi's independent personality that he couldn't let it go and was unwilling.If it was just a girl who needed a man's protection, would he chase her all the way to Qingcheng and Beicheng?

Lu Heng felt bad, so he poured himself another bottle of beer. Bo Nianyao looked at him and said, "Drink it if you're feeling bad. If you drink too much, I'll send you home."

In the end, Lu Heng really drank too much, and refused to leave desperately. In the end, Bo Nianyao had to let someone help him into Siyuan's guest room. The movement was a bit loud, and Lin Yun was also startled. He pinched his nose and scolded Bo Nianyao: "Didn't you persuade him to go back, why did you persuade him to come to your home now, and how much did you drink?"

Bo Nianyao was only slightly drunk, which was also the reason why he was in a good mood. While taking the towel sent by the servants to wipe him off, he ordered people to carry Lu Heng to the bed in the bedroom and let people guard him.

After finishing the arrangement and returning to his room, Lin Yun unbuttoned his robe for him, while still complaining: "It's not good for an old man to drink with young people."

Taking advantage of the alcohol, Bo Nianyao hugged his wife onto his lap, and smiled: "That Nianyao was a good one?"

Lin Yun pinched him hard: "Today is Xichen and Zaizai's wedding day, you don't want to touch me, you are old and unruly, an elder should behave like an elder."

Bo Nianyao stroked his wife's hair, and pulled away the shackles along the way. Lin Yun's long hair fell loose. He leaned over, leaned on her shoulder, sniffed her scent, and smiled softly: "Whether the husband and wife close the door or not?" What elders! Just now Lu Heng asked me if I regard you as a relative, guess how I answered?"

Lin Yun was extremely helpless, bent over and asked softly, "What did you say?" '

Bo Nianyao lowered his palms, grabbed his wife's waist and hugged her gently, his voice was hoarse: "If one day Nianyao loses his wife, he will never marry again."

Lin Yun gave him a piss, and poked his forehead with her finger, "After drinking a little wine, I started talking nonsense, I'm fine."

Bo Nianyao clung to her, talking nonsense after drunkenness: "Nianyao made Madam better that year. '

... Nian Yao's father's unscrupulous separator, I feel sorry for Dr. Lu...

Early in the morning, according to the etiquette, the newlyweds will have morning tea with their peers, and then give a few big red envelopes.

Gu Anxi was a little tired, but he was scooped up by Bo Xichen, and they walked to the front hall together.

He looked refreshed, Gu Anxi yawned as he walked, looked sleepy and tired, the servants who passed by held back their smiles and greeted, Bo Xichen took a large stack of red envelopes when he went out, and everyone he saw at this time would distribute them, Each has 5000 yuan in it, and everyone is very happy and took advantage of it.

After distributing the red envelopes, people also came to the front hall. Bo Xichen lowered his head and asked considerately, "Are you still tired?"

"Hmm." Gu Anxi leaned against him, complained a few words in a low voice, and just as he was talking, he looked up inadvertently and saw Lu Heng, who was sitting under the dining table talking to and from Bo Nianyao.

The old and the young are all smart, so naturally they won't have any sincere words.

Gu Anxi had a headache, so he glanced at Bo Xichen.

Uncle Bo was extremely calm, as if he was not surprised by the arrival of this unexpected guest, he sat down with his little wife, said hello to his parents, and personally poured them a cup of tea.

Mrs. Bo wrapped a big red envelope with a smile, and then said: "Your brother Lu drank too much last night, and he just collapsed in front of our house. Your dad picked it up, let's have breakfast together."

Lu Heng felt like a dog in his heart, but he couldn't refute what the elder said, so he forced a smile.

He looked at Gu Anxi, she was wearing a light pink jumpsuit today, very casual, not like a newlywed at all, but when she and Bo Xichen were together, she looked very newlywed.

Gu Anxi noticed his gaze and looked over, "Brother Lu, do you want to give a red envelope too?"

Lu Heng was slightly embarrassed.

There is no cash on him, only vinegar on him.

Still not reconciled.

Gu Anxi didn't say anything more. He ate his breakfast with his head down, obediently drank the tonic, and Mrs. Bo also rewarded him with a big red envelope. Lu Heng was a little dumbfounded. This was like raising a granddaughter.

Gu Anxi, on the other hand, unceremoniously accepted all the red envelopes and put them in his pocket.

Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen discussed going back, Gu Anxi leaned against Bo Xichen, took out his phone and played quietly, while Lu Heng watched her quietly.

Mrs. Bo hated Bo Nianyao to death at this time, well, after inviting such a great god back, she was still staring at Zai Zai, her eyes were not concealed.

As expected of an old man, Madam Bo smiled and said to Lu Heng: "Lu Heng, you are one year older than Xichen, and it's time to find a girlfriend. If there is no suitable one, auntie will find some for you. You will see each other in a few days, what if there is a suitable one?"

Before Lu Heng could speak, Mrs. Bo slapped the table again: "By the way, I forgot one thing. Chaoge, you, and Xichen are from the same medical school. When it comes to Chaoge, she is beautiful and elegant." Knowledge, you two are getting closer, I heard that she is also in Beicheng these days, what a wonderful girl you are, why don't you think about it?"

Lu Heng's face turned black, and he said with a half-hearted smile: "I am just a cooperative relationship with Chaoge."

"Emotions need to be cultivated." Mrs. Bo said like a spring breeze, "Well, if I call and invite her over for lunch, you can't refuse."

Lu Heng would have absolutely refused such a request in the past, but after a brief struggle, he agreed. Mrs. Bo didn't understand what he was thinking, she just explained it to Jiang Chaoge afterwards, so she went to fight. When calling, not only Jiang Chaoge but also Jiang Chaoge's mother were invited.

Jiang's mother came from a humble background, and suddenly there was a noble lady like Mrs. Bo who invited her and her daughter to dinner, and it was in the Siyuan, which was a ostentation that ordinary people could not get. Jun, that must not be missed, Mrs. Bo's side must be available.

The most important point is that Jiang's mother is still very trustworthy in this lady's character, so even though Jiang Chaoge was not willing, she still convinced her daughter.

"Master Bo's incident happened a long time ago. Besides, the Bo family never had that intention. This time Mrs. Bo was able to cover up the past and introduce you to someone. That's a blessing that many people can't ask for. You still Is there any reason to be petty?"

Jiang Chaoge looked at his mother, "That's a good word, but don't you think it's too sudden?"

She said softly again: "Mrs. Bo has never liked me very much."

"But now that people have opened their mouths, it's hard to refuse." Jiang's mother warned her daughter: "After Mr. Wang's incident, you'd better put away those unrealistic thoughts and find a down-to-earth person to marry. I'll see It’s good to see Chen Ming, but he’s actually single now, so you still have a chance.”

Jiang's mother knew that Chen Ming had been on a few blind dates and got along with a girl or two, but it didn't work out.

In her heart, she hopes that her daughter will be with such a reliable man. At least there is no messy relationship in Chen Ming's family. There is only one mother. In the future, Chaoge will have the final say on big and small matters. Find a powerful man with complicated relationships at home. Chaoge is afraid I can't handle it.

When she said this, Jiang Chaoge became a little unhappy: "Mom, it's not that I can't get married, why do you always make me turn back?"

"What a turnaround here! Chen Ming is such a nice young man." Mother Jiang sighed, "No matter what, this meal must give face to the Bo family, because you are a bit stiff with the Bo family about the experiment." Well, take advantage of this time to ease the relationship, Chao Ge, although your uncle supports you, but people can't go to the end all at once, and it will be difficult to turn back if they go to the end. '

Jiang Chaoge remained silent.

Jiang's mother gently stroked her daughter's hair, and said softly, "Chaoge, mother always feels that there is something wrong with this experiment. Your uncle bet so much of his wealth, and you bet all of it. What if something happens in the middle?" Trouble, mom is a little scared..."

Jiang Chaoge comforted: "Mom, Senior Brother Lu is absolutely sure of this experiment. You probably don't know his talent in research. If Senior Brother Bo is second to none in clinical practice, then Senior Brother Lu is unrivaled in research and development."

After saying this, Mother Jiang patted Xiongkou: "It turned out to be so powerful. Then I can rest assured."

Jiang Chaoge nodded: "Don't worry, Mom, there is nothing wrong with this matter."

Jiang's mother was relieved, and then she pushed her daughter to prepare and went to Bo's house for dinner.

When it's done, the car arrives at Bo's house, around eleven o'clock, just in time for a chat before eating.

When the car arrived, when Jiang Chaoge got out of the car with Jiang Mu, Lu Heng stood there, his face darker than before.

Mrs. Bo smiled, "Xiao Jiang and your mother are here."

Mother Jiang got out of the car, looked around, and then praised: "It's really a style I have never seen before."

Jiang Chaoge wanted to save face, so he took a look at his mother, who was honest and sincere, and said a lot of kind words, and even gave him a gift.Although the gift was light, it was carefully selected by her, and Mrs. Bo also solemnly accepted it.

At this moment, Mother Jiang suddenly saw Lu Heng at the side.

Be good, that handsome appearance, that arrogant little expression, and that all-over demeanor fascinated Mother Jiang all of a sudden, she coughed lightly and asked Mrs. Bo: "This is..."

Jiang Chaoge first introduced: "This is Brother Lu."

Her heart is also crazy, how could it be Senior Brother Lu, everyone knows that Senior Brother Lu likes Gu Anxi, but now Mrs. Bo is asking the two of them to meet, what kind of medicine is this selling?

(End of this chapter)

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