Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1047 This is a blessing you can't get

Chapter 1047 This is a blessing you can't get

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Chaoge is getting more and more beautiful."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Heng.

Lu Heng's heart is worse than Jiang Chaoge's. He naturally knows Mrs. Bo's defense against him. He slept in Siyuan that night, and the Bo family and his wife probably regarded him as a thief. Not to mention, he even invited the other party's mother over.

Lu Heng has always been a bit arrogant and doesn't think highly of people. Even Jiang Chaoge is indifferent to him, let alone Jiang Mu. Although he nodded, he was lukewarm. Don't approach strangers, Jiang Mu It's not that a fool knows that this has nothing to do with his daughter, and doesn't force it. Although she came from a side branch, she has some knowledge to know that Mrs. Bo's status is aloof, and there is no harm in fawning over her, so she kissed her affectionately. Gu Anxi gave the gift lovingly, and this kindness made Jiang Chaoge a little unhappy.

Mother Jiang looked back at her——

Jiang Chaoge put away his expression.

Mrs. Bo saw it, but she didn't care. She held Jiang's mother's hand and chatted about the housework, and let a few young people play together. Since she was the host, Gu Anxi reluctantly entertained Jiang Chaoge. As for Lu Heng, he would rather not see Gu Anxi. He also didn't want to send Jiang Chaoge to Zuozuo, so he went to the gym with Bo Xichen.

After entering, Lu Heng curled his lower lip: "Junior Brother Bo, do you still have the strength to keep fit?"

Uncle Bo smiled lightly, "Anxi is not in good health recently."

A simple sentence gave Lu Heng a sense of the picture, and then Bo Xichen's stormy devil training made him clenched his fists.

Physical strength is really good!

He thought of Gu Anxi again, tall, thin, and very slender.

At this time, the tall and thin man was sitting on the sofa in Lanshi's dollhouse. Jiang Chaoge was looking around the room, a little amazed from time to time. When she was young, the conditions at home were not good, but she liked these things very much. , and many of them are out-of-the-ordinary products, just look at one word, expensive.

Gu Anxi leaned on the sofa, lazily hugging a piggy pillow, "If you like which one, I will give it to you."

Although Jiang Chaoge liked it very much, she didn't want to accept Gu Anxi's things. She just felt a little envious and jealous. This girl lived a very delicate and arbitrary life, as if the wedding that day was just a formality and would not affect her. Afterwards, she can still be like a child, doing whatever she wants, and being held in everyone's hands.

Just when Jiang Chaoge was about to say something, a little girl walked in outside the door, bringing scented tea. She bent down to put it away and frowned at Gu Anxi: "There is a plum in the cup on the left."

Gu Anxi nodded, and the little girl went out happily.

Jiang Chaoge sat down and took a cup of scented tea to drink. Gu Anxi wanted to remind her that there were plums in that cup, but she could forget it because Jiang Chaoge had already drunk it.

Jiang Chaoge frowned after taking a sip: "What kind of taste, it's weird."

"It's Qingmei." Gu Anxi said softly, "I don't have another cup, I didn't have time to say."

Jiang Chaoge suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't like to drink this cup, but she was not used to the taste, but when she thought that she was not blessed to drink it, it might be that Mrs. Bo specially prepared it for Gu Anxi. Uncomfortable, even rising to the class level.

So, she smiled: "I thought the two cups were the same, but they are not. Do you like the taste?"

Gu Anxi took another cup, took a sip, and smiled: "No, it's just that I'm used to adding a plum when I drink medicine, and gradually I like adding a plum to everything."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned for a moment, then murmured, "So it's just a habit."

Gu Anxi looked at her and said amusedly, "Don't you think it's such a great blessing?" '

Jiang Chaoge's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but take another look at Gu Anxi, this girl is really amazing, she can always see through others easily.

Gu Anxi didn't care about her, and drank tea slowly.

Jiang Chaoge's determination was not as good as hers, so he always opened his mouth first: "Gu Anxi, I don't need the same gift as you give me. What you have, I will have it one day."

Gu Anxi opened his eyes, stared at her innocently for a while, and then slowly said: "You may have misunderstood, I never felt that I had much, nor did I feel that you had little."

Jiang Chaoge said shyly, "Don't you have much?" '

"A lot." Gu Anxi smiled: "But for me, the only necessities are my uncle, and Bo's father and Bo's mother. The others are not important, in this Siyuan."

Jiang Chaoge was about to refute, when there was a light cough from the door, "Is there nothing else?"

Gu Anxi looked around and rolled his eyes: "No more."

Immediately, old man Bo came over on crutches, ignored Jiang Chaoge when he came in, threw a big red envelope on the coffee table, and left humming softly angrily.

Gu Anxi made a face behind his back: "Stingy."

Old Man Bo snorted angrily, "I'm superfluous."

After all, it disappeared.

After he appeared for about a minute, Jiang Chaoge was completely stunned, and after a while he said, "Are you talking to the old man like this?"

"What's wrong?" Gu Anxi picked up the red envelope, opened it, and found that it was a stack of gold bills issued a few years ago, and it was out of print. It's not easy to get these out of breath, I'm afraid it's been a long time.

Gu Anxi held it to appreciate it, and liked it quite a bit. Jiang Chaoge looked at her for a long time before he couldn't help saying: "You and the old man get along very well?"

"It's about the same. The relationship of mutual respect." Gu Anxi flicked the gift and liked it very much.

At this moment, the old man suddenly grabbed the door frame, with an old face: "This is a gift for you, what kind of filial piety is not filial piety."

Gu Anxi found an exquisite box and packed it up. Looking again, the old man left again.

Jiang Chaoge asked her: "The old man lives with you?"

Gu Anxi thought for a while: "Yes, I live in the Lanshi room. What's wrong?"

Jiang Chaoge hesitated: "Isn't it inconvenient?"

She thought that Gu Anxi would be more or less embarrassed, and she said this to embarrass Gu Anxi, but while lighting her gold bills, Gu Anxi said casually: "The sound insulation is very good."

Now, Jiang Chaoge had nothing to say.

Gu Anxi put the things away, and then came back to drink another sip of tea, and continued to talk about the previous topic: "And what you have should be enough to make you happy."

After Gu Anxi finished speaking, Jiang Chaoge retorted subconsciously, but Gu Anxi didn't care, what was there to argue about, some people couldn't figure it out and there was nothing to argue about, Jiang Chaoge fought back and forth, but in the end there was nothing.

On the contrary, she felt a little sympathetic to her at this time, and the future might be miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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