Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 1048 This anger, my wife is fed up

Chapter 1048 This anger, my wife is fed up

The words were not speculative, and they didn't say too much. About an hour later, Mrs. Bo came to invite people to eat in person, accompanied by Mother Jiang.

Because it was the second day of the wedding, Lan Shi was still beaming. Mother Jiang couldn't help admiring the sky-high style: "I knew that the scenery of Siyuan was unique in Beicheng, but I never thought it would be like this if I didn't come in."

Mrs. Bo smiled lightly, not proud of it, and took Mother Jiang to look around.

Jiang's mother is very good at being a person. When there is no one around, she talks about the situation of herself and her daughter in Jiang's house. When it comes to emotional parts, she will inevitably choke up a few words. Although Lin Yun is a strong person, she is also very empathetic, with a gentle voice. Consolation: "However, Chaoge can stand alone now, and the future will be a good day."

Mother Jiang sighed and forced a smile: "Although I said so, I am always worried. I always feel that Jiangcheng and his party are not safe."

Mrs. Bo asked, "Which is safe?"

Mother Jiang paused, looking at Mrs. Bo with burning eyes, "I am relieved to have Mr. Wang's approval."

Mrs. Bo just smiled and said nothing.

Mother Jiang couldn't wait for a response, so she was a little anxious, "I don't mean the personal affairs between Chaoge and Mr. Wang, I mean the experimental project."

Mrs. Bo still smiled slightly, but gave Mother Jiang the steps: "They don't have any personal affairs. As for the project, Mr. Wang shouldn't be involved in the first place. You should know that Mr. Wang's position should be less involved. Let's talk about it." , Mr. Wang is probably to avoid suspicion, after all, there is one at home."

Although Mother Jiang didn't understand those things, she understood what Mrs. Bo said, so she nodded in agreement and said, "That's true. Mr. Wang is married, so naturally he won't get too close to Chaoge."

Said, slightly lost.

Mrs. Bo led her forward slowly, while whispering softly: "Is it a pity for Chaoge? In fact, there is no pity for this kind of thing. Most of the marriages that are forced are not happy in the end, and the other party is Mr. Wang. Measuring thoughts."

Jiang's mother immediately said: "No, I'm scared when I look at Mr. Wang. I usually smile, but I just don't know when an idea will come out to make people jump."

She said with some embarrassment: "I still think Chaoge and Chen Ming are the best match."

Mrs. Bo smiled: "Chen Ming is a good kid, but he seems to have his own heart."

Mother Jiang froze for a moment, a little uncomfortable.

Later, Mrs. Bo changed the topic and went into Gu Anxi's private collection room. Jiang's mother was naturally amazed. She didn't know those were called figures, but she thought they were children's favorites. She exclaimed: "Anxi also likes to play with them." These."

This is a full house, how much does it cost?

Mrs. Bo pretended to be angry: "This child is just thinking about playing, and he throws away everything after half playing, the nature of a child."

Jiang's mother smiled: "It will be fine after giving birth."

Mrs. Bo took a look at Gu Anxi, and then said with a gentle expression, "How can I give up, my body is quite weak, and I need to mend it for two years."

Mother Jiang thought about it: "Yes, the injury last time was quite serious."

After saying a few words of concern, several people went to the front hall.

With the addition of a few outside guests from the Bo family, the atmosphere was naturally very delicate, and everyone was polite.With more people from the Jiang family, Mrs. Bo felt that Lu Heng was more pleasing to the eye. At least there were so many people, this kid was embarrassed to keep staring at her family.

After the meal, the mother and daughter of the Jiang family left naturally, and Lu Heng didn't have the shame to stay any longer, and went out together carrying his coat.

In the parking lot outside, Lu Heng leaned in front of the car and lit a cigarette, looked at Jiang Chaoge, "Why did you go back to Beicheng?"

"My mother is not feeling well. She has been back for two days and will return to Jiangcheng tomorrow. What about you?" Jiang Chaoge hadn't seen him in Jiangcheng for several days. Luckily, Lu Ze was here, but she didn't dare to ask.

She admitted that she was a little afraid of the Lu family father and son, Lu Heng was arrogant, and Lu Ze didn't look like a kind person.She also provoked as little as possible.

After she finished asking, Lu Heng said lightly, "I'll go back tomorrow too."

Then he got into the car, started the car, Jiang Chaoge reacted and patted the car door: "Senior Brother Lu, your hand is injured, you can't drive, I'll see you..."

However, she continued to shoot and chase the car, but Lu Heng still drove the car away.

Jiang Chaoge ran for more than ten meters without catching up, so he had to come back. When he got in the car, he saw his mother's indescribable expression. She put on her seat belt, and after a while, she said softly, "Mom, I can't afford to offend the Lu family."

Jiang's mother felt sorry for her daughter, and she looked worried: "Then you are not blocked by their father and son all day long?"

Jiang Chaoge vomited blood, can you stop it? Both of them had stinky faces, as if they belonged to the royal family, and it wasn't just the two of them, there was also that Lu Xueman who regarded her as Mrs. Lu because she was Mrs. Lu. Calling around like a servant, often calling——

"Xiaojiang, I'm out of lotion here. If you want this brand, you have to think of a way... Jiangcheng doesn't have it, so I have to get it from abroad."

"Xiao Jiang, book a beauty appointment for me."

"Xiao Jiang..."


Jiang Chaoge hated Lu Xueman very much, and thought that woman was contrived, but she had to bow her head for the sake of the project.This time she came back to see Uncle Jiang Bin, who told her again and again that he must make the project a success.

Thinking about this, she felt terribly blocked, but she didn't want her mother to worry, so she smiled: "It's okay."

Mother Jiang looked at her, but Jiang Chaoge smiled and took her over.

When they left, Mrs. Bo stood far away and breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, I sent people away."

She went to the study room. Bo Nianyao and Bo Xichen were talking, as if they were talking about Jiang Cheng's affairs. Seeing her come in, Bo Nianyao smiled: "Are they gone?"

Mrs. Bo nodded, sat down and took a sip of tea: "Yes, I finally sent Lu Heng away through these two."

She looked at Bo Xichen: "I heard that his palm fracture was also caused by secretly following Zai Zai in Qingcheng?"

Bo Xichen smiled lightly and remained silent.

Mrs. Bo scolded: "It's really old and unscrupulous, and the young ones are not good things. The old ones want to fight landlords in the night, and the young ones are stalkers."

After scolding, Bo Nianyao touched his nose and sat down.

Only then did Mrs. Bo relieve her anger, "Why, Xichen and Zaizai are going to Jiangcheng just after their wedding? That's not how labor is used!"

Bo Nianyao sat over and patted his wife's hand, and said softly, "It's really too busy there, besides, we have to speed up the progress of the project, Mr. Wang is counting on it."

As soon as this was mentioned, Mrs. Bo became angry, "Look at your achievements. It's good that Mr. Wang has a high status, but you are too worthless. You are rushing to recognize your master."

With her sharp teeth and sharp mouth, Bo Nianyao was very helpless, and said to his son: "Xi Chen, look at your mother, she is amazing."

Then he talked about his interests in a nice way, and Mrs. Bo let her go, but she felt a little bit reluctant, besides the little one, she also felt a little bit reluctant to let go of her husband, and Bo Nianyao naturally knew it in his heart.

That night, the husband and wife talked a lot more. The next day, Bo Nianyao took Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi to Jiangcheng. Wang Jingyao saw him off in person. When he finished, he didn't go to the office, but went back to the old lady.

Lin Hua was just about to get up, so he went in and closed the door behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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